High Rank Any Youtube Video In Just 6 Baby Steps !
making a nice chunk of money from youtube ranking many many
peoples videos for peanuts lol But for me it was never the amount
of money I made from doing this for people, it was always the
free testing that I got to do plus getting paid to do it.
anyhow this guide will be extremely basic but thorough.
1. Titles
- its important to have your main keyword and alternate
frases of your keyword in the title. For instance if I wanted to rank
"make money online" I would also have a couple variations plus
a human phrase to keep it from been spammy. Heres a revised
version after choosing my keyword. "how to make money online for dumb people"
I threw dumb people in there because youtube tends to kill MMM
videos extremely fast due to spam and deception. Alternate variations
are "how to" I could also add free, computer, home etc as well.
Use google keyword tool for other variations of your keyword.
2. Description
- It is great to have at least a piece of your keyword
in your domain as it adds extra relevancy to your video and helps with rankings
especially with youtube videos. make sure its clickable at the begining.
- all keywords should be spread out human readable through out the description
and once again in a decent clump at the end. Spread it apart from your
product and service info at the bottom.
3. Tags
- make sure your main keyword and all different variations are in the tags. We are
trying to rank for relevancy so its important to keep all variations simple.
If your ranking for Local Business keywords, this is very easy to do. The more
your keyword shows up, the better, which is why you want as much variations both
in your tags and description.
4. Custom Youtube Comments
- This is EASY relevancy JUICE. Probably one of the most under-rated secrets that
many local business marketers never share. Shop on fiverr for this type of job
you want done. Simply stuff all your comments with your main keyword and also
the variations. OBVIOUSLY KEEP IT HUMAN believable and readable or your
potential customers will figure out what your up to0..lol
5. SEO Youtube Views
- your probably wondering what the hell these are. well let me explain the difference
between ranking videos easily using proper view methods. Just spamming your video
using mass views can help but honestly you dont need that many views to rank.
We want google, and youtube to think our video is relevant to the user search. So
when people watch our video we definitly dont want a HIGH BOUNCE RATE. This means
we want our video watched for atleast 60% of the video length. Youtube has a search
algorithm that bases rankings on view length. If the keyword relevancy is high, and
also your video is been viewed for a long period of time, then naturally the search
algorithm bot pushes your video up because people are interested in your content.
6. Subs
- Another secret I want to share is subscribers. When people sub your channel,
relenvancy means nothing. But when people are subbing your channel via your
video, this builds huge ranking based on user audience. People subbing your video
means your content is exactley what they wanted. Thus the relevancy of your
comments, description and title plus subs means your video is important and people
like your content. So in mind set terms, youtube then thinks this is what people want!
- For SEO type youtube views use Vagex and u2bviews
- For SEO type subs, again use vagex or u2bviews BOTH have worked wonders
for me and my clients and I have not one person complain about my work.
Actually I even locked up big time marketers wanting to send me more sales
because of the SEO work I did for them.
- Custom comments use fiverr. Lots of sellers on there take your pick.
In conclusion, this is simple formula. theres no crazy rocket science to this and you
can mix and match, but this basically has worked for me for the past year and
has never failed. Its virtually undetectable using vagex and u2bviews because
both the length and quality of view ranks your video better based on real computer
Please share your thoughts and comments if you have anything to add, and if you
think this was a great first share people send a thanks. Anyhow thanks for
checking this out. NOW IMPLEMENT!
Syed !
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