10 replies
I'm about to start a YouTube page and while I don't want to give away too much information now, my videos will be focusing on IM basics (IM FAQs, creating an online business etc.). How do I get my videos seen? How do I optimize my videos so that I can actually get subscribers to my page? I'll appreciate all comments. Thanks a lot
#subscribers #youtube
  • Profile picture of the author webmarke
    You need to make quality videos and get authority by joining conversations on other people's channels.

    You will get automatic authority backlinks to your channel with this method and may get some traffic from the channels.

    If people like your videos then they will subscribe and further build authority to your channel.
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  • Profile picture of the author JensSteyaert
    Yeah it depends on the quality of the videos. IM videos aren't bound to go viral very easy, so you'll need to create special videos to get a ton of views and subscribers.

    I think it's easier to redirect traffic from other places such as a site or an email list to your videos so they get some views. Then they will start showing up in the sidebar on related videos if you have optimized the tags and description for popular keywords.
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  • Profile picture of the author Malteaser
    Hi there

    You can rank and get subscribers if you create awesome videos and do good SEO and quality backlinks - I am going to PM you as I just finished creating a free module for my followers on video marketing - i also cover a tip on how to increase subscribers You need to start somewhere and yes it will take time to rank but patience is part of the game

    Will PM you soon

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    • Profile picture of the author Elena21
      1-Make a good quality video through a high definition camera, if you do it for professional use.
      2-Choose topics to create videos on which are bound to be popular or maybe you could be the first one to start on a new topic.
      3-Create a email list and tell all of your contacts to check out your video ( Whether they are your friends and family, or business clients if you do it for business purposes)
      4-Try to use content targeted keywords and put as many appropriate tags as you can.
      5-Email your friends and family about your videos.
      6-Share it with your friends on social networking sites like facebook, twitter etc.
      7-Post it on Digg, StumbleUpon.
      8-You could put it on your blog, or tell your friends to put it on theirs.
      9- You can also buy some subscribers in start from sites like SEoClerks, as in this way, more people will tend to watch your videos.
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  • Profile picture of the author Marco Moeschter
    1. Decide your topic
    2. Create your YouTube Account YouTube
    3. Set up your Channel (Icon, Art, Description, Links and URL)
    4. Search for a hot keyword using the Google Keyword Planner
    5. Identify buying activity using Amazon.com, EBay, ClickBank
    6. Identify YouTube video presence on Google.com
    7. Identify Competitor’s Strength (On Page, Authority, Date, Views, Likes, Comments, Backlinks)
    8. Create your Video (PowerPoint, Impress, Camtasia, Camstudio, Fiverr.com, BringitVideo.com)
    9. Optimize your Video (Keyword in Title, Description and Tags, Annotation, Captions)
    10. Rank your Video (TubeToolBox, Vagex.com, Increaseyoutubeviews.com, Social Adr, Bookmarking Demon, ScrapeBox, SEnuke, and Fiverr.com)
    11. Share it on social channels
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    • Profile picture of the author twranks
      Originally Posted by Marco Moeschter View Post

      5. Identify buying activity using Amazon.com, EBay, ClickBank
      6. Identify YouTube video presence on Google.com
      All the rest I'm pretty sure I understood except these two. What do you mean by buying activity and how would Google help with identifying a YouTube prescience for me? Thanks
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      • Profile picture of the author stevenpearson08
        I have found that building authority with your channel and putting out great quality videos and actually providing value to your subscribers works great. Don't forget to share your videos on all your social media platforms for the viral effect. Never underestimate the power of a Facebook share and Twitter Retweet.
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  • Profile picture of the author rap3003
    Good informational video works all the time. Just look at Buzzfeed channel..
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  • Profile picture of the author halk
    Well... have two ways for you get authority in your youtube channel...

    1) Buy high quality services: like youtube subs, likes and social signals
    2) Create your own videos and after sometime you will get a good authority.
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  • Profile picture of the author marianneswa
    Getting yourself noticed helps a lot. You can subscribe to big channels in your niche and leave comments there. Also, you can look for smaller channels in your niche suggesting them to exchange subscriptions. Be sure to notify your subscribers about every update (you can do this when uploading a video); every bit of attention to your channel helps.
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