How many categories are you targeting with FB Ads?

9 replies
Just out of curiosity I was wondering what your thoughts were on category choice when setting up your own FB ads?
Ive had the best luck with laser targeting only 2-3 per ad & I always utilize the sub category of "birthday within a week"
Right now we are mostly running TeeSpring campaigns via fb pages we build along side the ad platforms, each campaign is meeting reserves set - but I want to see if I can get my ROI up a bit more, since I have the cost of the targeted FB Page Likes via fb ad campaign on top of the ad for the shirt

Let me know your thoughts~
#ads #categories #targeting
  • Profile picture of the author JCorp
    So you're running LIKE ads as well as tee ads at the same time?
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    • Profile picture of the author tacitinc
      Originally Posted by JCorp View Post

      So you're running LIKE ads as well as tee ads at the same time?
      If it is a new demographic I am targeting w/ a brand new fb page, then yes I run them side by side at first - until reaching my target for fans (usually 10-20k depending on niche)

      It really is not a big overhead to take on when getting laser targeted Likes for $0.02 on avg per Like - i also utilize Boosted post ads during the time my Tee Ads are running at the peak times.

      One of the most simple things people forget about running your ads via your Fanpage is your ability to analyze data within insights, as to what times your fans are most engaged, I think build my ads to only appear during those peak traffic hours

      not a ninja.

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      • Profile picture of the author gijoe985
        Originally Posted by tacitinc View Post

        If it is a new demographic I am targeting w/ a brand new fb page, then yes I run them side by side at first - until reaching my target for fans (usually 10-20k depending on niche)

        It really is not a big overhead to take on when getting laser targeted Likes for $0.02 on avg per Like - i also utilize Boosted post ads during the time my Tee Ads are running at the peak times.
        How much do you allocate to your daily budget when trying to get that 10k-20k? Do you ever find that paying more or less makes a difference in cost per like? I'm fairly new to this and I am only spending $1-3 per day, on each ad I run. Right now I've cut back to only a few ads. I've been pretty good at getting $.03 likes. I've been told that my niche is very competitive, but I am promoting my company, not just picking a profitable niche, so I can't just find an "easier" one.

        I appreciate you sharing your experiences.
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  • Profile picture of the author drewfioravanti
    I try to get my audience to 1 - 3 million so I keep adding until I get there.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rhiannon Beckham
    I second this question!

    I've been wondering the same myself, and was googling around for it earlier today, actually..

    Trying to figure out what the optimal interest/behaviour/etc combination would be.

    I didn't find a solid answer :/

    I mean, of course, through trials and tribulations I'll (we'll) figure it out, but hoping someone could share a little wisdom


    **I don't always make it back to check on threads, so if you'd like me to elaborate feel free to PM me, I try to make sure to check my inbox regularly and am happy to help..

    I wouldn't have pulled a $9k week w/Teespring etc without the help of others, so it's time to pay it forward.
    I can make a little room in my life for that. ;)

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    • Profile picture of the author tacitinc
      Originally Posted by Maryjane Burnz View Post

      I second this question!

      I've been wondering the same myself, and was googling around for it earlier today, actually..

      Trying to figure out what the optimal interest/behaviour/etc combination would be.

      I didn't find a solid answer :/

      I mean, of course, through trials and tribulations I'll (we'll) figure it out, but hoping someone could share a little wisdom


      i know right maryjane? obviously the laser targeting will be different on other niche's but for example I noticed one of the extra categories you can target is "Has a Birthday within 1 week" - this 1 addition to your categories when running any kind of tee spring campaign is huge

      i was just asking more about is choosing fewer categories with a high reach better than blanketing over 20 or 30 , or does it matter at all??

      not a ninja.

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  • Profile picture of the author pr0digy
    Best advice I can give to you:

    Make 3 different ads, track each of the ads with pixels and clean out the worst category.

    If you choose the right ones, two categories should be more than enoug
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  • Profile picture of the author biggenius
    It depends on what kind of campaign you running.

    I am doing adult dating & Diet/Skin rebills on FB huge volumes. So, i am targeting broad most of time.

    But some people aim for likes/comments/shares etc... and they must be targeting tightly.
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  • Profile picture of the author banwork
    I usually do 20 to 30 starting a campaign and refine down to the top 2 to 5 that perform the best.

    Thank you to the 400+ warriors that chose to buy my Facebook WSO granting lifetime access to my Udemy course!

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