Who is a facebook lead gen expert?

14 replies
I need some groupthink help here.

I'm looking to hire someone to help me get a Facebook campaign going for lead gen.

I went to the Warriors for Hire section and over the past several days I've been emailing, Skype Requesting, calling, and private messaging anyone who claims to have any remote expertise in Facebook marketing.

Not. one. reply.

What's going on with all these warriors?

Who are your go-to warriors for getting leads with Facebook? Who on here actually wants to respond when someone reaches out with a checkbook?
#expert #facebook #gen #lead
  • Profile picture of the author drewfioravanti
    Maybe your offer isn't any good?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9268308].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author TyBrown
      Originally Posted by drewfioravanti View Post

      Maybe your offer isn't any good?

      I didn't offer anything, guy.

      I'm looking for someone to OFFER ME facebook lead gen. I contacted them so they could tell me about their services.

      Read the OP next time.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9268312].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author anguschkong
        Originally Posted by TyBrown View Post

        I didn't offer anything, guy.

        I'm looking for someone to OFFER ME facebook lead gen. I contacted them so they could tell me about their services.

        Read the OP next time.
        these people are making Megabucks...no one will entertain you at all if you don't list out a very attractive offer
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9268360].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author drewfioravanti
        Originally Posted by TyBrown View Post

        I didn't offer anything, guy.

        I'm looking for someone to OFFER ME facebook lead gen. I contacted them so they could tell me about their services.

        Read the OP next time.
        I read the OP. And I was right. Your offer sucks. I still have no idea what it is. And this is at least the 3rd thread and 7th post on the topic.

        If you made your offer clear, you might get a response.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9268364].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author TyBrown
          Originally Posted by drewfioravanti View Post

          I read the OP. And I was right. Your offer sucks. I still have no idea what it is. And this is at least the 3rd thread and 7th post on the topic.

          If you made your offer clear, you might get a response.

          So let me get this straight.

          I go to the Warriors For Hire section...

          Someone is offering to set up a Facebook campaign for $X, or offering to do monthly FB management for $X, etc....

          And I email them saying, "Hey this looks cool, what's your process?"....

          ....you're saying I still need to make them an offer on top of that?

          So their offer says "I'll do something for money"

          And I say "Great, do this for me for money"

          They don't respond to my petition of THEIR OFFER and it's MY OFFER that sucks?

          This is brilliant feedback.
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  • Profile picture of the author daddykool
    Originally Posted by TyBrown View Post

    I need some groupthink help here.

    I'm looking to hire someone to help me get a Facebook campaign going for lead gen.

    I went to the Warriors for Hire section and over the past several days I've been emailing, Skype Requesting, calling, and private messaging anyone who claims to have any remote expertise in Facebook marketing.

    Not. one. reply.

    What's going on with all these warriors?

    Who are your go-to warriors for getting leads with Facebook? Who on here actually wants to respond when someone reaches out with a checkbook?

    Hey Ty

    Some *input* regarding your topical request / enquiry for some help...

    Most *FB* experts are the same *experts* that are email / lander / cpa / ppv / video experts you will find all over the web and WFH section here on WF.

    The issue you may have, is that a lot of the people doing it, are doing it for themselves, or are sole traders with no-one to *replicate* or *scale* the services you seek from them for anyone else.


    Are you looking to generate leads for your current projects?
    Do you want a *part time* push up the FB lead gen ladder?
    Is there a FB lead gen budget you have in mind? ][can be PM'd if you wish $ to remain private]
    Can you handle an influx / increase of *potential local signups / subscribers* quickly?

    What can we do?

    Be glad to help / JV / assist if you are looking soon[ish] to do something, SMLG is hard work, not automated and boring as hell, however, if you get it right, it will tide you over with some extra bigbank that is both recurring and lucrative [in the right niche] for the future of your investment / time / IM budgets.

    Feel free to come back and further your needs here

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9268409].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author TyBrown
      Thanks for the constructive reply. Sent you a PM

      Originally Posted by daddykool View Post


      Hey Ty

      Some *input* regarding your topical request / enquiry for some help...

      Most *FB* experts are the same *experts* that are email / lander / cpa / ppv / video experts you will find all over the web and WFH section here on WF.

      The issue you may have, is that a lot of the people doing it, are doing it for themselves, or are sole traders with no-one to *replicate* or *scale* the services you seek from them for anyone else.


      Are you looking to generate leads for your current projects?
      Do you want a *part time* push up the FB lead gen ladder?
      Is there a FB lead gen budget you have in mind? ][can be PM'd if you wish $ to remain private]
      Can you handle an influx / increase of *potential local signups / subscribers* quickly?

      What can we do?

      Be glad to help / JV / assist if you are looking soon[ish] to do something, SMLG is hard work, not automated and boring as hell, however, if you get it right, it will tide you over with some extra bigbank that is both recurring and lucrative [in the right niche] for the future of your investment / time / IM budgets.

      Feel free to come back and further your needs here

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9268450].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author drewfioravanti
    Whats the niche? Whats your product? Whats the goal? Whats your monthly advertising budget?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9268519].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author daddykool
      Originally Posted by drewfioravanti View Post

      Whats the niche? Whats your product? Whats the goal? Whats your monthly advertising budget?

      That is up to the *expert* to find out! Guessing as the actual OP wants to be slightly *vague* that he / she / they, want to keep the actual services needed pretty low key, which is why asking in the WFH section would be the correct place to get answers / responses to the *post* detailed above...

      Took us 10 mins to research *why* the OP is asking, took us 10 mins more to offer a service / JV / help process, to give him what he *may* need...

      Your replied questions can all come after... the answers are not that important to start with, just think the OP is *confused* as to why someone on WF would pay to advertise a service in WFH and then not actually want to answer a genuine enquiry?

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9268556].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author TyBrown
        You hit the nail on the head. I'm reaching out to people who have made an offer and they won't respond. I could, of course, hit the buy button on a few of them (some of them don't have a buy button) but I'm scared to hit a buy button on something where they aren't being responsive.

        Originally Posted by daddykool View Post


        That is up to the *expert* to find out! Guessing as the actual OP wants to be slightly *vague* that he / she / they, want to keep the actual services needed pretty low key, which is why asking in the WFH section would be the correct place to get answers / responses to the *post* detailed above...

        Took us 10 mins to research *why* the OP is asking, took us 10 mins more to offer a service / JV / help process, to give him what he *may* need...

        Your replied questions can all come after... the answers are not that important to start with, just think the OP is *confused* as to why someone on WF would pay to advertise a service in WFH and then not actually want to answer a genuine enquiry?

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9268581].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author TyBrown
      Originally Posted by drewfioravanti View Post

      Whats the niche? Whats your product? Whats the goal? Whats your monthly advertising budget?
      I'm looking to find parents of children with disabilities. We have a funding source to help them get funded for service dogs for kids with autism, diabetes, etc. We can provide dogs to families all over the country so it doesn't need to be geographically specific.

      I'm looking for a campaign that can provide leads at a decent cost. I have no idea what 'decent' is with a tight niche like this but I'm guessing that anything over $30-$50 a lead is probably too pricey.

      I'd be willing to do some testing at $1-2k a month to see how it works out. If it bombs then I'd obviously discontinue. If it's working out then, with our current staff and decent conversion rates, we could scale it up to $5k a month in spend if the return is there.

      If that worked then we'd invest in more trainers and then could scale much higher.

      These dogs go for $15,000-$25,000. They are very labor intensive to train but the margins are still decent. I could afford to spend $2k in FB marketing to get one dog sold. We can currently manage 2-3 new dogs per month with our training staff.

      Like I say, if I can convert at those rates of $2k per dog and less then I'd be happy to keep scaling to where I was spending $10k plus per month to bring in 5 sales or more per month.
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  • Profile picture of the author drewfioravanti
    That’s interesting. Have you tried partnering with groups in that field? Like groups that specialize in children with those particular disabilities?

    As for FB…I don’t think that it would be too expensive with your targeting, in terms of advertising. But, getting leads might be more difficult. What would run the cost up, I would think, is the volume it would take to get a genuine lead.

    Do you have a Facebook page?

    One thing you could try…to determine the responsiveness of people in your niche on Facebook…is to contact the page owner of a group in your target niche and ask them if they will write a post for your for $20. You would write the post, and send it to your lead capture page or phone number or whatever…but you could test the responsiveness.

    Just make sure they are a big page with a lot of engagement.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9268618].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author TyBrown
      Originally Posted by drewfioravanti View Post

      That's interesting. Have you tried partnering with groups in that field? Like groups that specialize in children with those particular disabilities?

      As for FB...I don't think that it would be too expensive with your targeting, in terms of advertising. But, getting leads might be more difficult. What would run the cost up, I would think, is the volume it would take to get a genuine lead.

      Do you have a Facebook page?

      One thing you could try...to determine the responsiveness of people in your niche on Facebook...is to contact the page owner of a group in your target niche and ask them if they will write a post for your for $20. You would write the post, and send it to your lead capture page or phone number or whatever...but you could test the responsiveness.

      Just make sure they are a big page with a lot of engagement.
      I've got a client that wants to work for us. She's got some contacts in the autism industry so she's checking into those and we'll be doing more.

      I'd love to see if there is a way to get a fairly predictable stream of leads. This isn't ideal for everyone.

      Since making this partnership we've sold 2 dogs based off our own list. But I had to go through about 15 or so leads to make that happen. Not a bad conversion rate, for sure, but that exhausted the amount of leads I was able to create with my own list.

      If I could create 20-30 leads from cold traffic per month I'm hoping I could duplicate those 2 sales on a monthly basis.
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  • Profile picture of the author drewfioravanti
    You might find it is a better investment to network with people in the autism, etc industry and position yourself as the go-to guy for service dogs.

    Have you tried search CPC?

    Do you have a Facebook page?
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