Starting a Social Media Management Company
I searched for an existing thread on this subject and couldn't find one so I started a new one. I am seriously considering starting a social media management company to supplement my income and already have some potential clients lined up....and now I have a dilemma:
How do I choose what content to post? The main reason these clients want to outsource their social media is the fact that they don't want to be bothered with figuring out what to post and when to post it.. Do I take it upon myself to link articles, like other posts, comment on blogs, posts articles etc..
How much input do you seek from your clients? Do you have them email you phrases, pictures etc to post? Do you request weekly meetings to discuss the upcoming weeks social media activity to make sure what you are posting is in line with the companies current philosophy?
One client is an OBGYN with a growing practice. What the heck would I post for him?
Thanks in advance guys,
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To your success,
Mitchell Assin