Starting a Social Media Management Company

15 replies
Good afternoon,

I searched for an existing thread on this subject and couldn't find one so I started a new one. I am seriously considering starting a social media management company to supplement my income and already have some potential clients lined up....and now I have a dilemma:

How do I choose what content to post? The main reason these clients want to outsource their social media is the fact that they don't want to be bothered with figuring out what to post and when to post it.. Do I take it upon myself to link articles, like other posts, comment on blogs, posts articles etc..

How much input do you seek from your clients? Do you have them email you phrases, pictures etc to post? Do you request weekly meetings to discuss the upcoming weeks social media activity to make sure what you are posting is in line with the companies current philosophy?

One client is an OBGYN with a growing practice. What the heck would I post for him?

Thanks in advance guys,

#company #management #media #social #starting
  • Profile picture of the author Charli
    Health articles. Funny fitness photos. Information about sex without being inappropriate. Nutrition. Funny YouTube videos. Topical news and information. You always go back to the OBGYN, but then you allow yourself to color a little outside of the box.

    In time you'll see what works and what doesn't work. Check out your competitor's social media platforms and see what they are posting - that will give you a jumping off place.

    Hope that helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author Shelton Narwallah
    Thanks Charli. So the client would/should basically leave the content up to me?
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  • Profile picture of the author Trucker
    For a few days get the content approved, then once they feel you are good at finding content yourself, you can continue...
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  • Profile picture of the author ellenJ
    It's a lot of work to do it yourself, maybe you need to employ someone with low salary..
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    • Profile picture of the author Sara Evans
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      • Profile picture of the author kilgore
        I've never run social media for another party, but I did spend years as an IT consultant before starting my own venture, so hopefully my comments are germane.

        I'm guessing that most of your clients don't really know much about social media -- which is why they're hiring you. It's true that you're a "social media manager" -- and maybe that's the term that makes most sense to your clients -- but if I were in your shoes, I'd be thinking of myself more as an "online communications consultant". The difference to me, is with a "social media manager", your responsibility is to be a robot that makes sure that your clients have content on their Facebook pages. As an "online communications consultant" your job is to help them (1) develop an organizational Facebook strategy, (2) post content that is inline with that strategy and the organizational goals, and (3) evaluate the strategy and its implementation in order to improve the performance not only of the social media efforts, but more importantly the organization writ large.

        Using your OB/GYN as an example, I'd have an initial meeting (or meetings) in which I'd ask probing questions about their business, its goals, and their other communications efforts. I'd also try to understand (and temper, if necessary), their goals and expectations regarding their social media presence. Is the OB/GYN looking to attract more patients? Do they envision Facebook as a way to communicate with current patients? Or do they have some other reason for wanting a Facebook page?

        I'd explain very clearly about what I thought a successful social media presence might do -- and what it probably wouldn't do. An OB/GYN page is never going to have millions of followers, for instance. I'd also explain concepts like EdgeRank and the importance of engagement versus just trying to get likes, so that your clients not only have reasonable expectations about what you can do for them, but understand the important metrics to judge your work.

        In terms of content, that again falls largely on their goals for their social media presence and for the organization as a whole and for who they see their target audience as. You might explain that you could probably post a bunch of cute cat pictures and get them lots of likes, but that's probably not going to do much for their business. On the other hand, posting articles on the latest OB/GYN research probably isn't going to get them many likes or much engagement, so they have to figure out what they see as the types of information they want their audience to see. Hopefully, after learning about your clients, as a consultant you'll be able to suggest the types of content that you think will work for them.

        I'd also suggest that you be honest with potential clients when you don't think a social media presence might not be a high impact investment for them. For instance, I have a hard time seeing how an OB/GYN would really benefit from an active social media presence. If you don't think you can deliver or think they might be disappointed with the results, even if you do, better to tell them that upfront -- even if it means them not hiring you -- than having them badmouth you to potential clients in the future when you don't meet their expectations.
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  • Profile picture of the author DavidTile
    Content to post can easily be found through Twitter, Reddit and a Google search. You want to try and post original material as well so consider adding original blog posts to your package or services.
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  • The best place to start would be whatever content your client already has. Has your client's practice been mentioned in the local news? Are they the 1st to adopt groundbreaking medical techniques? What questions do they often answer from their patients? What are the things they wish they patients' knew before they step into their OBGYN's office? What stories or news do they want to share with their audience like clinic hours or their partnerships?

    It would be very difficult (and counterproductive) if your client depends on you mainly for content. I bet, with the right questions, you can get a ton of information from your clients that you can use as content. And with proper content development, you can present that content is so many different ways.
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  • Profile picture of the author Wolvesguy
    I would suggest gaining access to the Professional groups of your clientele; such as the OBGYN Professionals of your state or country. These organisations always post top notch professional materials that you can reference.

    Living in real life....on social media
    Marketing for the Real Estate industry

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  • Profile picture of the author gettingitdone
    Well, I think you have to do some research for your clients. Who are their customers? what are the customers' demographics and psychographics?
    Once you have this information, creating content should be easy. Knowledge is power!

    Hope this helps, feel free to send me questions if you have any.
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  • Profile picture of the author banwork
    This thread might be helpful for getting your social media management company started

    Thank you to the 400+ warriors that chose to buy my Facebook WSO granting lifetime access to my Udemy course!

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  • Profile picture of the author Shelton Narwallah
    Thanks all for the advice
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  • Profile picture of the author Sunganani
    Originally Posted by Shelton Narwallah View Post

    Good afternoon,

    I searched for an existing thread on this subject and couldn't find one so I started a new one. I am seriously considering starting a social media management company to supplement my income and already have some potential clients lined up....and now I have a dilemma:

    How do I choose what content to post? The main reason these clients want to outsource their social media is the fact that they don't want to be bothered with figuring out what to post and when to post it.. Do I take it upon myself to link articles, like other posts, comment on blogs, posts articles etc..

    How much input do you seek from your clients? Do you have them email you phrases, pictures etc to post? Do you request weekly meetings to discuss the upcoming weeks social media activity to make sure what you are posting is in line with the companies current philosophy?

    One client is an OBGYN with a growing practice. What the heck would I post for him?

    Thanks in advance guys,

    When it comes to social media, not all companies should have a presence as some are in industries with very little activity or interest on the social media sites. So perhaps you should also consider the type of clients that would need social media fashion companies.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mitchell Assin
    very good advice Kilgore I agree 100%

    To your success,

    Mitchell Assin

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  • Profile picture of the author jgant
    I can't imagine people are going to share their OB/GYN news feeds. Just a hunch... but maybe you can come up with a clever way to engage without people worrying sharing such private and sensitive.

    I think I'd focus on SEO and PPC.

    However one approach might be on cancer awareness issues and preventative health... I think people share this type of info.
    How I hit $10,000+ per month very fast w/ 1 niche blog - Click Here to learn more (no opt-in).
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    • Profile picture of the author Rashell
      Just a thought... but with social media it doesn't really matter what your client wants. What matters is what your client's clients want.

      As a social media manager it's your job to get inside your client's clients head. Inspire them to want to read more about the business/service, get more involved in matters surrounding the business/service & want to be more "social" about it all.

      Take the OB/GYN example for instance.

      What do women with an OB/GYN want to get social about? If you don't know... you probably shouldn't try to be a SMM for that niche. If you can think of a few then you have a USP to offer.

      Just off the top of my head I would say people with an OB/GYN would get really social about

      Losing the Baby Weight
      Breast Feeding Issues
      Schools & Education (children are starting school as early as 3-4 years old so...)
      Cancer Walks
      Support Groups (new moms, preemies, can't get pregnant, child born with disability, etc.)

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