Youtube Account Deleted - I'm Distressed. Any Hope of re-instatement?

17 replies

I had a video of a well known marketer on my account I put up years ago! I had forgotten about it it was so old. Someone flagged it as spam, and my Youtube account has been terminated.

My account has family videos, that cannot be retrieved if Google don't reinstate the product as they call it.

Is there any hope for me getting it re-instated. I've contacted them and it's all I can do. Seriously, I'm going to pray that a human will read what I've written and reverse the decision. I'm really upset by this.

Living in hope that it will get sorted out.

#youtube account deleted #youtube account suspended
  • Profile picture of the author Social Media Ava
    The best way to get your account restored is to find someone who works for Google. A friend of a friend...something like that. This will not be easy. You will more than likely have to do some extensive online searching as Google doesn't just list their employees all over the Internet. In fact, they make them quite difficult to find.

    If you can find someone...chances are they might not help you...however, this is the best way I know to get accounts restored. For the record, I don't know anyone who works at Google, but I wish I did. :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author seobuddy
    I found some got their accounts reinstated by contacting google support. But, these days you won't get a reply soon. Have to wait for some days and keep send emails to support. You might get a reply from them and explain what really happened.

    You may also try in google forums and post a message over there
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    • Profile picture of the author Hackbridge
      Originally Posted by seobuddy View Post

      I found some got their accounts reinstated by contacting google support. But, these days you won't get a reply soon. Have to wait for some days and keep send emails to support. You might get a reply from them and explain what really happened.

      You may also try in google forums and post a message over there
      Oh well, we'll have to see what happens here as I've posted a message to the board. Hopefully, God willing someone might might be able to help???

      Thanks for the link.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jeffery Moss
    Go onto the Google forum, Youtube section, and make your appeal there. They have real people who moderate those groups. That might be one of your last resorts or they could put you in contact with someone. Just let them know the situation with wanting to recover your family videos. Hopefully someone there can help.
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  • Profile picture of the author fatchap
    why put your only copies of family videos on someone elses sites? It really stumps me.
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    • Profile picture of the author Samuel Adams
      Originally Posted by fatchap View Post

      why put your only copies of family videos on someone elses sites? It really stumps me.
      Seems like the video was uploaded many years back and the user had simply forgotten about it. What bothers me about this situation is how it could happen to anyone. A better idea is to keep your business and personal videos on separate accounts so that there is no risk of this happening.

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  • Profile picture of the author ppscslv
    YouTube accounts are disabled/suspended after at least 3 ToS violations and nobody can help you to reinstate your account . After you'll send a request to Google Support, you'll get in a few days the message with your 3 videos that did ToS violations. Start the documentation from here: How to Restore a Suspended YouTube Account: 6 Steps
    Do you want to Resell Social Media Services (Twitter followers, Facebook Likes, etc)?
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  • Profile picture of the author neodarth
    last week I uploaded a video review of a clickbank product (following the steps of one WSO I got) into to a brand new Youtube Account, and the next day my Youtube account was suspended and I received this email:

    "We'd like to inform you that due to repeated or severe violations of our Community Guidelines (YouTube) your YouTube account has been suspended. After review we determined that activity in your account violated our Community Guidelines, which prohibit spam, scams or commercially deceptive content ( Please be aware that you are prohibited from accessing, possessing or creating any other YouTube accounts. For more information about account terminations and how our Community Guidelines are enforced, please visit our Help Center at"

    And it was like "What???" The video wasn't spammy o a blatant comercial intention, just me talking about several weight loss programs on clickbank... bad luck I guess.
    ==> Negocios Estables en la Web Internet marketing en español.

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    • Profile picture of the author Jeffery Moss
      Originally Posted by neodarth View Post

      And it was like "What???" The video wasn't spammy o a blatant comercial intention, just me talking about several weight loss programs on clickbank... bad luck I guess.
      Did you include any affiliate links or links to reviews in the video or description? And, by the way, the video was likely flagged by your Clickbank competition as there are many marketers competing for those niches you are targeting on Youtube.
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    • Profile picture of the author Graham Maddison
      Originally Posted by neodarth View Post

      last week I uploaded a video review of a clickbank product (following the steps of one WSO I got) into to a brand new Youtube Account, and the next day my Youtube account was suspended and I received this email:

      "We'd like to inform you that due to repeated or severe violations of our Community Guidelines (YouTube) your YouTube account has been suspended. After review we determined that activity in your account violated our Community Guidelines, which prohibit spam, scams or commercially deceptive content ( Please be aware that you are prohibited from accessing, possessing or creating any other YouTube accounts. For more information about account terminations and how our Community Guidelines are enforced, please visit our Help Center at"

      And it was like "What???" The video wasn't spammy o a blatant comercial intention, just me talking about several weight loss programs on clickbank... bad luck I guess.
      Exactly the same thing happened to me last year after following someone elses advice... it really sucks and there IS NO HOPE of getting your account back, believe me ... you can send as many appeals as you like, but they just don't listen. Same goes for Adsense ...I have started to live life without google now ..
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      • Profile picture of the author Doughnuts
        Originally Posted by Graham Maddison View Post

        Exactly the same thing happened to me last year after following someone elses advice... it really sucks and there IS NO HOPE of getting your account back, believe me ... you can send as many appeals as you like, but they just don't listen. Same goes for Adsense ...I have started to live life without google now ..
        Smart decision! The less I rely on Google the less stress I have!
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  • Profile picture of the author Duffy0
    Most cases like this do not get reinstated I would contact them but start working on something else whilst not holding your breath!
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  • Profile picture of the author ovs
    Support team of google will help out. Try to read some blogs in search engines.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnnyPlan
    If you are able to file an appeal, include as much convincing evidence that would show how you were not actively promoting that specific video. For instance, you could even say how the video was uploaded years ago and you had forgotten about it. This might be enough to convince someone on the Google team to give you another chance with your account.
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  • Profile picture of the author Hackbridge
    Dear Google user,

    Thank you for reaching out about your difficulties accessing your Google account.

    We’ve looked into your request and we’ve found that there is already a pending appeal for your account. Please wait for the result of your current appeal. Thanks for your patience!


    The Google Accounts Team
    Is someone yanking my chain?

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    • Profile picture of the author JohnnyPlan
      Originally Posted by Hackbridge View Post

      Is someone yanking my chain?

      Seems like your Youtube account is already under appeal, which is suspicious.

      Maybe this is standard procedure for all banned accounts, such as ones which are flagged by automated means. Perhaps there is a manual review going on.

      Whatever the situation happens to be, you can only wait now and hope for the best. Maybe things will work in your favor.
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      • Profile picture of the author Hackbridge
        Originally Posted by JohnnyPlan View Post

        Seems like your Youtube account is already under appeal, which is suspicious.

        Maybe this is standard procedure for all banned accounts, such as ones which are flagged by automated means. Perhaps there is a manual review going on.

        Whatever the situation happens to be, you can only wait now and hope for the best. Maybe things will work in your favor.
        I certainly hope so.


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