The best traffic source for local business

5 replies
Facebook groups are the best traffic source for local small business. You could easily found 50-100 local groups for your industry. For example, there're over 200 groups for travel in Colorado, and 100 groups for health & beauty in Denver metro.

Here're a few tips to drastically increase the traffic from those groups.

1. Join at least 20-50 active groups which have 100 or more members.
2. Share your knowledge at the same when you promote your business.
2. Use prominent, but not intruding color for text image in your posts. The color of the images is what gets a post noticed and clicked. Blue and a few other colors usually work well. This will make 400% difference.
3. Choose the right time to post: The CTR difference between the best time and worst time is usually 300-500%.
#business #local #source #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author AnthonyCapetola
    We have found that most Facebook groups are either moderated too harshly making promotional material useless. Best to share relevant blog content even though many groups reject blog links.

    Agree with just about everything tho!
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  • Profile picture of the author dejaone
    There're moderated groups for discussion and hundreds and thousands of un-moderated groups for promotion (marketplace groups). Local business groups are for both discussion and self-promotion. You probably haven't fond the right groups.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steeleton
    Facebook paid ads can also be great for local business. You're able to target by specific zip codes and you can even get more targeted with income, home ownership, family status etc. If you know the demographic of your ideal customer, you can get super targeted traffic with Facebook paid ads.
    FREE Report: How to stuff over $10,000 a month directly into your bank account...and discover the HUGE secret the internet "Gurus" don't want you to know. ===>>> FREE Internet Secret Report
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  • Profile picture of the author anu999
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  • Profile picture of the author xflavor
    I totally agree with you. I also think that for local business Facebook groups and pages are really effective. I want to add Facebook ads. In my point of view Facebook ads are also effective to get traffic.

    If you're buying traffic from Fiverr, HitLeap or Jingling, you're wasting time and money. Check out Serpify!

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  • Profile picture of the author dejaone
    Paid ads is effective, but I found it's much faster to test ad copies using posts in Facebook local groups. Another advantage is interaction you could have in the posts.
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