How to Start Getting Facebook Likes from Scratch

by Rmath
17 replies
Any good tips or easy ways to start getting Facebook likes on my page from scratch? I'd rather not invite a bunch of people from my personal Facebook account because I'd rather keep it clean and not "spammy." I already have a twitter account with a decent amount of followers, so I can assume I can start by tweeting my Facebook page link. Any other helpful ideas? Thanks guys.
#facebook #likes #scratch #start
  • Profile picture of the author MAE3589
    What kind of business is it for?
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    • Profile picture of the author Rmath
      Originally Posted by MAE3589 View Post

      What kind of business is it for?
      I am marketing health and fitness products as an affiliate.
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  • Profile picture of the author dejaone
    Post your page to related Facebook groups, and there're many groups for people to share/like their pages.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steeleton
    One simple and fast way is to like other pages that are in your same niche and hope for a return like. It's sort of a courtesy thing. Not everyone will send a like back, but many will. That should get the ball rolling for you.

    You'll probably have better luck if you like pages that don't have too many likes themselves. They'll be more appreciative of your likes.
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    • Profile picture of the author Ceeyee
      Originally Posted by Steeleton View Post

      One simple and fast way is to like other pages that are in your same niche and hope for a return like. It's sort of a courtesy thing. Not everyone will send a like back, but many will. That should get the ball rolling for you.

      You'll probably have better luck if you like pages that don't have too many likes themselves. They'll be more appreciative of your likes.
      I thought facebook turned off default notification of being liked. Does this strategy still work?
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnnyPlan
      Originally Posted by Steeleton View Post

      One simple and fast way is to like other pages that are in your same niche and hope for a return like. It's sort of a courtesy thing. Not everyone will send a like back, but many will. That should get the ball rolling for you.

      You'll probably have better luck if you like pages that don't have too many likes themselves. They'll be more appreciative of your likes.
      These type of impromptu joint venture (like for like) usually work best for starter pages, with few likes. You could also ask the other person to formally recommend your page in exchange for the same from your page.
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  • Profile picture of the author NeedBucksNow
    I would say find people that are actually interested in your offers instead of just trying to get friends and family to join something they might have a hard time selling as well.


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  • Profile picture of the author cannabis69
    Try looking for pages that are in the same are as your bussines.
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  • Profile picture of the author miklanderson2
    Promote your ads and the likes will come. Or set up a Facebook like campaign and buy a couple thousand likes to get you started.

    "A bargain is something you don’t need at a price you can’t resist."
    -Franklin Jones

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  • Profile picture of the author dhjtruh
    Originally Posted by Rmath View Post

    Any good tips or easy ways to start getting Facebook likes on my page from scratch?.....
    If you want to promote your page using free method, the easiest way is to promote it to facebook groups related to your niche. As far as i know, facebook don't allow page to post directly to group. But as the admin of the page, you can join groups and post to the groups with the link to your page. But don't go to the group and post something like "please like my page..blah..blah..(your link)", because it look like a spam and your link might get removed, or the worse case, you yourself will get removed or banned from the group. I normally will post something on my page first and use the "share" option to share the status to the other groups. Normally i will post something useful that provide values or interesting to attract likes from other group. There are thousands of groups out there. In my case, I only will choose groups with thousands of members to save my time. Anywhere, good luck mate....


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  • Profile picture of the author celente

    The more you target the better the results.
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  • Profile picture of the author imabigboy
    If you have the money to invest, the fastest way is to use a like campaign with Facebook ads.
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  • Profile picture of the author Vamputee
    In my experience running an ad campaign for likes resulted in fake likes. The suggestion to join groups and actually network with people is solid, but it will take time. Nothing aggravates me more than getting a message to my page or a post on my wall "I liked you, come like me back at...." Spamming me will not get me to like you and there are plenty of pages I won't like on principle. Just like I don't expect everyone to like what I offer...
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    • Profile picture of the author miklanderson2
      Originally Posted by Vamputee View Post

      In my experience running an ad campaign for likes resulted in fake likes. The suggestion to join groups and actually network with people is solid, but it will take time. Nothing aggravates me more than getting a message to my page or a post on my wall "I liked you, come like me back at...." Spamming me will not get me to like you and there are plenty of pages I won't like on principle. Just like I don't expect everyone to like what I offer...
      What led you to believe they were fake likes? Lack of engagement?

      In my experience, across all of the niches I'm in bar none, Like Campaigns produce real likes and my engagement is through the roof for the pages from which I've purchased likes from Facebook. After I reach 10K to 20K or so likes, I can usually stop buying iikes and rely on organic likes to continue growing the page.

      "A bargain is something you don’t need at a price you can’t resist."
      -Franklin Jones

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  • Profile picture of the author Tim Alwell
    I created a thankyou page using LeadPages which and an option to like my Facebook page as soon as they opt-in in to my email newsletter.

    I saw GREAT results with this method.

    If you don't have LeadPages then you can send them to a thank you page on your blog. Greet them with a video and some call-to-actions to like your Facebook page.
    Free Video Reveals My 7-Step Plan To Grow Your Audience
    & Create A Hyper-Engaged Email List For Your Affiliate Marketing Business!
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  • If you want to start from scratch just build a facebook page about something you are passionate about. Join groups that are in the same niche and post on their wall promoting your new page. Comment on peoples posts with a link back to your page. Post some images that could go viral
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  • Profile picture of the author citygirl777
    If you're passionate about what you're promoting, people with similar interests will gravitate towards you. If you're not passionate about it, find a way to make it funny and relevant to your target audience, and use humor to entice. Everybody likes a good laugh.
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