Titles Tags Keywords Still No Movement Youtube

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Hi My name is Carolyn I'm trying to revive what was one a dead channel a couple of my old videos has over a thousand views over the years but my new videos are low to gain traction.

I'm not using but old fashion SEO Tag titles description keywords and sharing. There are other channels like mine that have at least 2 to 300 more subscribers than I.
I was wondering what more can I do to get more people to watch my videos and subscribers.

Sometimes youtbe doesn't post my views until days later and they hold at one view sometimes for a couple of weeks even after I get comments. The numbers still don't budge. I don't know if that's a huge issue.
I feel like if I had more videos I'd get more views. So Ive been trying to do two every week.

What are some of the non buying people to watch like or comment things I can do to grow my channel organically. But, will give me a bump in the search engines.

When I was way less active like posting a video every 6 months; I was on googles' first page but since Ive been more active on my channel I don't show up at all.
I used to get a bump from youtube too. When I posted my videos. I would be on their front page too, but now I'm on the second page? What am I doing wrong?

At this rate I'm only getting 1 Subscriber per video upload. Are there any special websites that I can share my video. Where would people find this content more useful. Also If I flood the internt on different networks will this help. I have tumblr FBpage FBgroup that I manually post to. And a twitter and google plus that are posted to automatically evrytime i upload a video to youtube through youtube.
Here's a the link to my youtube channel.
#keywords #movement #revive old channel #subscribers #tags #titles #youtube

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