Facebook Ads Approval - Garcinia Cambogia
I own a line of weight loss/nutritional supplements that I've done really well with in the affiliate realm. I'm finally getting dirty with FB after hearing how well some of my friends have done.
I just submitted my first round of ads for approval on a Buy One Get One Garcinia Cambogia offer, and I'm getting no love whatsoever. I've read Facebook ad guidelines at least 10 times and cross-checked my ads for violations. Here's an example of one of my ads:
Headline: Garcinia BOGO Sale!
{Pic of my bottle}
Control hunger & Lose Weight. Buy 1 Get 1 FREE today! Ships Free. No Auto Charges...Ever!
FB replied to my message asking them why in the crap my ads aren't getting approved, and they gave me 4 different possible reasons. From what I see, none of those reasons are relevant to my ads. They said I could modify and resubmit, so I know Garcinia isn't banned or I wouldn't be allowed to create any other ads for it.
Can anyone shed some light as to why I can't get these ads pushed through? Maybe I'm going about it the wrong way or need some "extra help".

P.S. - This is not a trial offer, which is why this is throwing for an even bigger loop.
"A bargain is something you donât need at a price you canât resist."
-Franklin Jones
A-1 Survival
A-1 Survival