My Pinterest Traffic Method
Step 1 : Register in Amazon Affiliate Program
Step 2 : Created one blog ( Free in Blogger )
Step 3 : Post amazon product links in my blog. With ref id .
Step 4 : Design my blog very decent and attractive
Step 5 : Create Social Accounts for that blog ( Google Plus, Twitter, facebook , Pinterest )
Step 6 : Bring original liks and followers to all social accounts
Step 7 : Create one good pinterest account with neat profile photo and bio. Added some followers and i followed many
Step 8 : Pining Pins from my blog ( amazon affiliate product links)
Step 9 : Adding daily more products in my blogs adding more pins.
Step 10 : Create first 25 pinterest accounts as test. And pins and repins for each account. All accounts open in unique ips. To secured from ban.
Step 11 : More pins more likes more followers.
Step 12 : And increase accounts rate from 25 to 50. And do same as step 10.
Step 13 : At 30 th day i used 100 pinterest accounts fully of my amazon product links where arrounded in pinterest daily getting 500 UV to my blog.
Step 14 : I added extra as Google Adsense that bring daily $30 earning and Amazon sale depends upon my traffic and products.
I plan to move next as promote other affiliate program and making more blogs and do this activites daily.
As very most important thing you need to note i dont invest single $ for start this. I create blog free, pinterest accounts i create daily 20 by using HMA. So thats fine for my marketing.
My next plan to put 100 blogs and load tons of products and do marketing with 10k pinterest accounts. I will share what is the result comming.
Thank you for warrior forum and members.
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