my post at facebook reached only 1% of my fans, any tip to improve it?

9 replies
I have 1844 fans, 1500 are real fans I got it by advertisement at facebook.

My page name is 'CHIC PIECES' at

But many of my posts show ' 10 people reached' '14 people reached'

Would you please tell me why so few people see my post?

Any tactic to improve it?
#fans #improve #post #reached #tip
  • Profile picture of the author LABEShops
    The more interactions your posts get, the bigger reach they have. It looks like the majority of your posts have 0 interactions, a few have 1 or 2.

    Work on posting more interesting content that will get people to like and share your posts. Once this starts happening, facebook allows more of your posts to be seen. Don't just focus on your products, but find some interesting things to share from around facebook and the web as well. You really need to post at least once a day - I try to do 2-3 posts a day.

    One of my pages has about the same number of fans as yours (non are paid likes), but my posts regularly get a reach of 200-500.

    Owner of & 20+ Niche Online Stores as well as and other sites. Recommended Host: Evolve

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    • Profile picture of the author thawilsonblock
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      • Profile picture of the author Egyfitness
        Choose the time u post wisely. Imagine posting at 4 AM vs posting at 11 PM or whatever time people use facebook the most in your country.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jimmy James
      Originally Posted by LABEShops View Post

      The more interactions your posts get, the bigger reach they have. It looks like the majority of your posts have 0 interactions, a few have 1 or 2.

      Work on posting more interesting content that will get people to like and share your posts. Once this starts happening, facebook allows more of your posts to be seen. Don't just focus on your products, but find some interesting things to share from around facebook and the web as well. You really need to post at least once a day - I try to do 2-3 posts a day.

      One of my pages has about the same number of fans as yours (non are paid likes), but my posts regularly get a reach of 200-500.

      Agreed, this would be your best bet!
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  • Profile picture of the author michaelmark
    Facebook now limited page reachability to earn more via facebook ads. Before this change i had 60% page reachabilty. now it's below 5% and always showing "boost post".. anyway i won't pay for it.
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  • Profile picture of the author bug119
    if they like your posts fb will show them your next posts in newsfeed when u post it
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  • Profile picture of the author nickherc
    Hm, I found it that posting more than 2x a day isn't that good, in fact I post only once a day. I have 4700 fans for GoT fanpage. I try to find very good, funny content and my reach is pretty high, at least 1500. Record I think is 10k. I tried to post 3-4 times a day, but then reach was low, only 500 or so.
    I don't know, maybe my content wasn't all that something that days.

    This new algorithm sucks. I'm not that kind of a guy, who likes everything he sees on facebook, even If I find content interesting. Now, I'm missing on some stuff, cuz facebook decided it's not something I would wanna see based on my likes. Very ignorant and rude.
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  • Profile picture of the author mieto1969
    Originally Posted by mengwarri View Post

    I have 1844 fans, 1500 are real fans I got it by advertisement at facebook.

    My page name is 'CHIC PIECES' at

    But many of my posts show ' 10 people reached' '14 people reached'

    Would you please tell me why so few people see my post?

    Any tactic to improve it?
    Your audience is too small, I recommended You to get more audience via facebook ads


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  • Profile picture of the author Metis
    Originally Posted by mengwarri View Post

    I have 1844 fans, 1500 are real fans I got it by advertisement at facebook.

    My page name is 'CHIC PIECES' at

    But many of my posts show ' 10 people reached' '14 people reached'

    Would you please tell me why so few people see my post?

    Any tactic to improve it?
    It's your EdgeRank that determines how far your posts reach and, as other people have already mentioned, you need to focus on getting as many likes, comments, shares, click, and tags as you can in order to improve your EdgeRank and consequently the reach of your posts.

    At the moment nearly every post on your Facebook page is about a product that you're selling. While you'll get the odd like here and there, you need to add more variety in terms of what you're posting and actually get your audience involved. Ask them questions. Ask their opinion on something. Share something funny related to your niche. Don't be afraid to share materials produced by others either. Your audience will still appreciate it as long as it's good quality stuff.
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  • Profile picture of the author nickherc
    I correct myself. The best way is to post 3 times a day, 3 to 5 hours from post to post. Find interesting content, use, reddit, google, 9gag and follow your gut. My reach for one page was low, but it's building up by using these tactics. Good luck.
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