"Buy me a beer" function/tip jar function

7 replies
Is there a way to add a way to give someone a donation if they contribute a post I really like or it helps me?

Sort of like a tip jar?
#buy me a beer #function #function or tip #jar
  • Profile picture of the author ForumGuru
    Originally Posted by Robscom View Post

    Is there a way to add a way to give someone a donation if they contribute a post I really like or it helps me?

    Sort of like a tip jar?

    Nope. PM them and get their Paypal address if you want to give them cash or prizes for their contributions.

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    • Profile picture of the author Robscom
      Originally Posted by ForumGuru View Post

      Nope. PM them and get their Paypal address if you want to give them cash or prizes for their contributions.

      I read in another post that the function to "buy me a beer" was available at some point in the forum.

      I was asking about whether we could have the function back.
      "Do. Or do not. There is no 'try.'" -- Yoda
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  • Profile picture of the author ForumGuru
    We already have upvote and a thanks button....seems like a lot of buttons to me. I'd be in favor of scrapping the thanks button for a buy me a coffee button though
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    • Profile picture of the author Robscom
      Originally Posted by ForumGuru View Post

      We already have upvoting and a thanks button....seems like a lot of buttons to me. I'd be in favor of scrapping the thanks button for a buy me a coffee button though
      Point noted.

      I'd like an additional button for a tip jar/buy me a beverage while keeping our current options, as well.
      "Do. Or do not. There is no 'try.'" -- Yoda
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  • Profile picture of the author ForumGuru
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    read in another post that the function to "buy me a beer" was available at some point in the forum.
    I mentioned it - mostly as a joke.

    That function was on the older (pre-2008) forum platform that was replaced by this platform. The "thanks" function replaced the "beer mug" in Fall 2008 when this forum version was adopted.

    There's a limit to how many "forum functions" you need. As you can see in this suggestion area, things get broken and the more functions you have that can break - the more complaints you have about getting things fixed. It's like real life - the more stuff you own the more stuff you gotta take care of.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are...
    ...and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.
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  • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
    Technically, if you wanted to, you could set something up and add it to your own signature.

    Obviously, it would have to be setup on a site you own, but I don't think it violates any of the signature rules.

    Of course, that does not help when you want to buy someone else a beer.
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  • Profile picture of the author dansilvestre
    This is currently not in our pipeline as we have tons of others features/fixes we are focusing on.

    Thanks for the suggestion though.
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