2 replies
I just reported a new Korean (I think) spam-bot that has been hitting the WF quite often.

Years ago - when people were trying to post black hat stuff - Allen programmed the WF so that if you typed "blackhat or black hat" into a post or a title....the words were automatically changed to "blue fart".

Just wondering if that is a possibility to counter some of the Korean and other spambots posting now.

Could you fix it so a title with characters like this

야구승무패 토토검증사이트 「∠」 B O X X 8 8 닷 컴 (코드: Bbc 88) 카톡: UK 888

is replaced in the title box with "report this spambot" or "ignore this spam bot"???

No rush - just a thought.

  • Profile picture of the author dansilvestre
    I remember that script, it was hilarious! I think around 2010, was it?

    Anyways we are working on something that will kill 99% of the spam altogether and not just Korean spammers.

    Hopefully we can roll it out this week

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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    THAT sounds like a major improvement. Look forward to it!

    Yes, I think it was about 2010 - even after a couple months I couldn't look at it without chuckling....it was funny!
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    My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are...
    ...and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.
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