Warrior Forum Search Functionality Is Hosed Badly - Please Fix It [Seems Resolved]

by ForumGuru Banned
3 replies
Search has become worse and worse over the years and today it seems almost worthless.


Example #1:

Maybe I am a newb and I want to set up a WSO with recurring payments so I search recurring payments site wide for information and it turns up only one result. Geesh.

See the video I just did (the only result turning up is one I posted a few minutes ago):

2016-08-14_1643 - ForumGuru's library

Now I search somewhere that I know should turn up something for that term...the News Section...and I get nothing. See the video I just did (search turns up nothing):

2016-08-14_1632 - ForumGuru's library

My quick manual search by hand and eye found this:

Originally Posted by Alaister View Post

Hi James,

Thanks for checking it out. We are working on recurring payments and subscriptions. We're waiting to hear back from PayPal right now.

We also have plans for implementing JV feature.

I'll keep you in the loop.

Not cool when manual searches are faster and more accurate than the WF site wide and individual section searches.

Please fix asap.

#badly #fix #forum #function #hosed #search #warrior
  • Profile picture of the author ForumGuru
    So far...today, search seems to be working a bit better for me.

    3337 results turn up on the site wide search instead of just 1. I have not done any substantial testing...will report back if things change.
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  • Profile picture of the author ForumGuru
    It's still hosed....the problem(s) appear to be intermittent.

    Please resolve.
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  • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
    It's funny. I need to actually search for something every few months, so today, when I need it most, I can't get any meaningful results. WF should not feel that badly as Google isn't treating me with any more love than this place. Perhaps my search term is lacking.

    I'm trying to find information for a friend on what are generally regarded as the tools necessary to establish oneself as an 'authority' in any given niche. Looking for a list of things like blogs, a podcast, a book, seminars, etc., with a bit of descriptive info on each topic.

    Finding it in one or a couple of places would be ideal.

    Can anyone lend a hand. Perhaps you have already made a post on this topic?

    TIA. - Frank
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