Mods on the main board

1 replies

Tonight there have been a lot of old threads come back to life that would be over 8 yrs in some cases , Is there not a mod on the main board moderating all the time who can see that if this has over 2k in views maybe have a quick look ??

Because once the thread has been live for 2 mins the serial posters start dropping sigs in there keeping the old thread alive

Needs to be looked at
#board #main #mods
  • Profile picture of the author David Beroff
    Or even better would be to require moderation for any post made to threads which have otherwise been quiet for X months.

    (Note that I'm in the camp that we should not simply auto-lock old threads, as there can occasionally be actual value to resurrecting these for a variety of good reasons. So let a human make the decision; "real" posts shouldn't happen very often.)
    Put MY voice on YOUR video:
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11096773].message }}

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