Proposal: Prohibit INCOME CLAIMS in signatures

4 replies
Hi Gabriel and the rest of our WF family

I noticed that some signatures have the type of income claims that are generally discouraged by WSOs. While WSOs have all sorts of safeguards like PROOF (!). No such safeguards apply with sigs. I suggest members who fly such sigs get a WARNING (which automatically erases their sigs but don't deactivate their ability to show sigs) Future violations should result in permanent disabling of their sigs.

I understand that this can cut down on some posting activity here but is this really the price we want to pay for thread activity? After all, Freelancer does want WF to shed its reputation as a GET RICH QUICK forum to an actual DIGITAL MARKETING FORUM.

Just sharing my thoughts. What do you guys think?

PS my apologies if this idea has been floated before. I didn't do intensive searching before hand. Please delete if this is a duplicate but please let us know what the policy is.
#claims #income #prohibit #proposal #signatures
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    It's probably not a priority considering the paid banner ads running right now.

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    • Profile picture of the author writeaway
      Originally Posted by yukon View Post

      It's probably not a priority considering the paid banner ads running right now.

      The obvious difference of course is that SIGs are FREE and paid ads are well, paid.

      I believe cutting down on spammy "This small ad makes me $1B monthly and I am barely literate" ads can cut down on creative self-serving threads and other garbage
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Signatures are NOT free - surprised you don't know that.

    The 'no income claims' applies to WSO'S.

    I can't imagine an internet marketing forum that focuses on 'make money online' that has NO income claims at all....
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    It's funny how members with those type of sigs so often blow any credibilty for their claims by the content they actually post - and seem unaware of how that looks to everyone else.

    A case of "give 'em enough rope..."

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