Paypal will not stand over your guarantee

1 replies
The nature of the products being bought on this site are intangible. All warriors selling give guarantees generally through Paypal but when one sells and gives a guarantee this way, Paypal will not stand over it. I have been scammed this way because what I purchased was 'intangible' when I believed that I was covered by a 45 day guarantee through Paypal.

I believe the Warrior forum should point this out on all offers that go out because people buy in good faith but don't realise that they are NOT covered by garantee save the word or online reputation of the person giving the guarantee. By implication because they are offers made by warriors on your forum, to an extent that good faith extends to you.

You should have a seller rating service because of this so people buying can see that the person selling an intangible service is giving a real guarantee based on his/her previous good track record
#guarantee #intangible #paypal #scams #stand
  • Profile picture of the author waterotter
    Have you tried doing a charge-back through your credit card company (if you used a credit card to make the purchase via Paypal)?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8516068].message }}

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