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Unread 23rd May 2021, 12:10 AM   #1
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Wanted - Marketing Lead/Community Manager
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Jigsaw is hiring again. This time. it's to help us with marketing and customer outreach. The ideal target will be English speaking and in Asia or Europe. Europe would be most convenient from a time zone perspective. We are looking for someone that has done a similar role, so this is not for someone that "wants to give it a try", it's for someone that brings skills we don't currently have.*

This may seem quite a loosely defined description as a much of the role managing our side of a relationship with a marketing company. We have a dedicated marketing firm that we work with (SB), they are great but we still have tasks to do on our side. We want someone to take on the management of the relationship and to ensure that:
  • Jigsaw doesn't become a bottleneck on marketing projects.
  • We have good tracking on our side of what seems to be working well and what doesn't. We use Alexa, Heatmaps, Google Analytics, Adroll, Banner ads and a host of other tools/velues/*
  • We are inputting the best of our group creative skills and ideas to maximize the effectiveness of our campaigns.
The breakdown of tasks is:
  • Keep track of the tasks required on the Jigsaw side and ensure we deliver back to SB on a timely basis.
  • Join and contribute to the weekly meetings with SB
  • Monitor tools such as Heatmaps, Alexa, GA and feedback to management
  • Generate ideas for campaigns and work with our marketing company to ensure they end up being in our 'voice'.
  • Generate posts for Twitter, Facebook, and other social media outlets on a weekly basis. This is flexible and sometimes you'll be prompting other team members to provide content. We don't expect you to be a copywriter in addition to the above.*
  • Run a monthly contest for the Jigsaw Leaderboard and generate social media interest.
  • Become an active member of the Jigsaw chat so that we are more in touch with our users. That means both in the chat room, Facebook, Twitter etc.
  • Find the product champions, help them excel, and be a part of their journey.
  • Keep a better eye on market trends/competitors.

We are looking for people that can demonstrate previous success in a similar role. With knowledge of trading and the Jigsaw tools. We prefer those with experience working from home and can manage their time effectively.*

We like people that aren't scared of selling as long as they understand that it's a process of matching a customer with a product that provides them with true value. We are not looking for anyone that has worked in marketing scam products on the FX side. So if your current role is telling people they can make a zillion dollars in a millisecond if they buy your course - it's not a fit.
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lead or community, manager, marketing, wanted

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