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Unread 20th Feb 2013, 04:22 PM   #1
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Kajabi friendly exit pop up javascript code
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I use Kajabi and I love it...

BUT...I can't seem to get an exit pop to work with it. You can't use any php script with Kajabi unfortunately, and the one javascript code I tried still popped up even when people click the buy button and are trying to check out.

So here is what I need:

A javascript code for exit pop up that works with kajabi (no php). The pop up should NOT function when people click on the buy button or to visit other pages on my site.

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Unread 22nd Feb 2013, 02:40 PM   #2
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Re: Kajabi friendly exit pop up javascript code
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Hey there,

send me a (PM) I could have this done via JAVA.
or email me


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Unread 23rd Sep 2013, 01:54 PM   #3
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Re: Kajabi friendly exit pop up javascript code
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matchoo77 wrote on 02-20-2013, 03:22 PM

I use Kajabi and I love it...

BUT...I can't seem to get an exit pop to work with it. You can't use any php script with Kajabi unfortunately, and the one javascript code I tried still popped up even when people click the buy button and are trying to check out.

So here is what I need:

A javascript code for exit pop up that works with kajabi (no php). The pop up should NOT function when people click on the buy button or to visit other pages on my site.

You wrote:

Hey there,

send me a (PM) I could have this done via JAVA.
or email me


Did you ever find a solution? I used this code and it works great at

<script type="text/javascript">var exit=true; function confirmExit() { if(exit) location.assign(''); if(exit) return " PLEASE WAIT! WATCH THIS 30 SECOND VIDEO SO YOUR RELATIONSHIPS THRIVE! "; }</script>
EXCEPT when people click the subscribe button. This is because Kajabi locks the HREF in their CSS called (squeeze-submit-form-field) and will not give me access. I need an exception such as:

<a href=""><img src="IMG_LOC" onclick="exit=false"></a>

that doesn't have to go into the CSS. All I have access to via their limited GUI set up is head and body, but not the actual code. I can only drop snippets in to append, I cannot change existing.

Here is the "read only" source code of

If you have any questions, please call me at 949-310-9383.

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