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Unread 5th May 2014, 04:07 AM   #1
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[Reviewers Wanted] IMfinite Wealth System (only 5 spots)
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Hi Warriors,

I've just finished writing about my IMfinite money making system which works quite well for me. It's not a magic button system, its step-by-step introduction to the new IM approach: learn - apply - make money - share knowledge to make even more money - learn - and so on... The idea is to teach marketers about the importance of creating a sustainable business environment to ensure lifestyle everyone is talking about.

Whole system includes:
- IMfinite Wealth bible
- multiple funnels with ready to sell product
- business management spreadsheet
- 30 days step-by-step guide
- and much more...

I can share main Ebook first + other materials once you finish reading and send me initial feedback.

- Write at least 4-5 sentences about the ebook
- Deliver the review in less than 48h after sending
- I'm accepting two newbie reviews (posts number doesn't matter) and three experienced warriors reviews (atleast 150 posts)

Thanks guys,


P.S. Official launch is on 13th May / 10 AM Eastern Time

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Unread 5th May 2014, 06:28 PM   #2
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Re: [Reviewers Wanted] IMfinite Wealth System (only 5 spots)
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I am interested in reviewing your product
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Unread 5th May 2014, 11:21 PM   #3
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Re: [Reviewers Wanted] IMfinite Wealth System (only 5 spots)
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Interested in reviewing your product, once I am done reviewing I will give a testimonial thanks.
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Unread 6th May 2014, 01:30 AM   #4
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Re: [Reviewers Wanted] IMfinite Wealth System (only 5 spots)
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Thanks for your interests Warriors,

there are two more spots left.


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Unread 6th May 2014, 09:01 AM   #5
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Re: [Reviewers Wanted] IMfinite Wealth System (only 5 spots)
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i am interested to your product and making the reviews
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Unread 6th May 2014, 05:33 PM   #6
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Re: [Reviewers Wanted] IMfinite Wealth System (only 5 spots)
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I am interested in reviewing your product
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Unread 6th May 2014, 05:36 PM   #7
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Re: [Reviewers Wanted] IMfinite Wealth System (only 5 spots)
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I am intrested too

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Unread 14th May 2014, 03:04 AM   #8
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Re: [Reviewers Wanted] IMfinite Wealth System (only 5 spots)
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Thanks guys for additional interest to review the product but I've filled up all available slots.

If you are into Affiliate marketing you can always apply here for JV promotion and 100% commissions. (Please note we'll approve only certified affiliate during launch period)

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Unread 18th May 2014, 06:22 AM   #9
Ian Michaels
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Re: [Reviewers Wanted] IMfinite Wealth System (only 5 spots)
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Phil was kind enough to provide me with a review copy of this product.

"IMfinite Wealth System" is a one-of-a-kind step-by-step system designed to take anyone from struggling newbie jumping from product to product to a true internet marketer with a sustainable, consistent, and (most of all) profitable business. One of the things that I really like right off the bat is that this is a true "system" rather than just a stand alone product. You are literally getting everything you could possibly need to go from zero to profitability. After going through everything that Phil is providing to you (and it is A LOT!) there really isn't anything else that you would need (other than focus and action) to build a true online business.

I have both reviewed and purchased more than my fair share of products over the years and I have to say that I was simply blown away by the level of value that was provided here. Everything that you could possibly need is provided for you so there is no more jumping from product to product, it is all here just waiting for you to take action. This is truly the cure for "shiny object syndrome" because you no longer have to go searching for the missing piece of the puzzle, Phil is literally handing you everything you could ever need to create a sustainable income online.

This is an entire package of products really all centered around building and creating a real business from Day 1. This is something that is somewhat unique in that most of the products I see these days are just stand alone guides or instruction series on a specific money-making technique. This is a suite of products that all support each other. You are getting a main core guide which is over 40 pages long which goes into great detail on exactly how to get this set up and making a profit it no time. Phil is also giving you not one but two complete product funnels which are completely ready-to-go - just set them up with the instructions Phil gives and you could literally be making sales in hours instead of days or weeks.

Two of the items in this package of products really hit this out of the ballpark for me. The first was the detailed IMfinite 30 Days Action Plan. This is a step-by-step day-by-day calendar which is going to guide you and tell you exactly what you need to be doing for each and every day to build your business. No more guesswork or getting lost in the details, Phil literally takes you by the hand and leads you down the yellow brick road to profits. This daily action plan is awesome because it can really help you to stay focused with this which definitely increases your chances for success. The other item I just loved was the IMfinite Business Management package which consists of an Excel spreadsheet where you will actually keep track of your costs and your profits. This makes you treat this like a real business from day 1 - no more guessing if you are making a profit, you will know exactly where you stand and what you need to do to manage, control, and grow your profits. Like I said, this is so much more than just a product, it really is a fully complete business.

In addition to all of the items that I just mentioned, you will also get a full list of all of the resources that you could ever need for every aspect of your business. As part of this business, you will be building a hungry list of subscribers eager to buy from you. Phil is also providing a detailed guide on how to take that list and grow it even more to scale your profits. After going through everything that Phil is giving you here and there is a ton of material here, I honestly believe that this is the MUST HAVE product for anyone who is struggling to make decent money online. If you follow all of the steps that Phil has outlined for you in pain-staking detail and implement everything he has given you, there really is no way that you will not make money with this. Bottom line, if you want to make money online and build a profitable online business, then you need to buy IMfinite Wealth System right now!

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Unread 18th May 2014, 08:28 AM   #10
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Re: [Reviewers Wanted] IMfinite Wealth System (only 5 spots)
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this might be just what a "newbie" like me needs ....

Is it truly newbie friendly ?

What are the TOTAL costs involved after purchasing to get up and running ?

How soon can I start to see positive cash flow? ( i know i know .....but a rough time frame guide line please)

Im interested buying the product not a freebie ......i just need to know if its right for me


Last edited on 18th May 2014 at 08:28 AM. Reason: spelling
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Unread 19th May 2014, 05:44 AM   #11
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Re: [Reviewers Wanted] IMfinite Wealth System (only 5 spots)
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I was blown away yesterday while reading your honest review. You truly understood the core idea of my product/system. Thank you very much for your kind words, I'll definitely use them in my testimonial because they represent exactly what my business is about!

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Unread 19th May 2014, 06:02 AM   #12
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Re: [Reviewers Wanted] IMfinite Wealth System (only 5 spots)
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Originally Posted by joeysbusiness View Post


this might be just what a "newbie" like me needs ....

Is it truly newbie friendly ?

What are the TOTAL costs involved after purchasing to get up and running ?

How soon can I start to see positive cash flow? ( i know i know .....but a rough time frame guide line please)

Im interested buying the product not a freebie ......i just need to know if its right for me

Hi Joey,

thanks for your interest and valid questions.

Lets start:
- yes, this product is truly newbie friendly. I've tested it on total newbies who successfully finished the implementation by just following simple instructions.
The "beauty" of the product is in details - first you need to read the book to understand core IM business concept and principles that work, and after you follow up by reading step by step instructions on Core system setup.

- There's and OTO in the product but it's not necessary to make the system work. In case you are total newbie in IM business you'll need:
- Website and Hosting - $30 per year
- Tracking software - $87 full version ($30 LIGHT edition which has all the functions you need to start. But for advanced usage you'll have to upgrade at one point)
- E-mail auto responder app (free up to 150subs, $15 monthly up to $1000)
- IMfinite Wealth Product ($7.95 in launch period / $17 later)

Your minimal starting costs are: $83 (including tracking soft. light edition)

This is nothing if you really want to get into online business and consider long term business development.

Once you setup your system its up to you to use traffic generation methods you choose, but you have to be aware that getting a quality (read: buyers) traffic costs, so I always advise my students to have at least initial budget for investment. You can't start without it, but in that case you'll build up your business a slightly slower.

Most important thing about running your own business is to set exact goals and focus on them while following known principles and techniques - that's what my product is about.

We don't have to reinvent the wheel, but make it spin

- As for cash flow, honestly, it all depends on you. If you set your mind on making it really work, then you won't have a problem with it. Don't look at the product like:

"ok, what will this product do for me?" but "I know where I want to go, and what I want to become, can this product help?" --- the answer: Big fat YES!

One more thing, I know that the money is (almost) the biggest motivator, but if you think about getting into this business solely for making fast cash, I'd advise you against buying my products.
Someone would maybe think that I'm crazy for writing this but - I'm here to help other marketers build LONG TERM business.

Sorry for a longer answer, but some stuff had to be said. I hope I helped anyway.



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Last edited on 19th May 2014 at 06:11 AM. Reason: Content addition
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Unread 24th May 2014, 02:00 PM   #13
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Re: [Reviewers Wanted] IMfinite Wealth System (only 5 spots)
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You mention the cost of the autoresponder. Does it matter which service we use for your program? I am using PLS and wouldn't want to have to add a 2nd one.
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Unread 26th May 2014, 01:10 PM   #14
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Re: [Reviewers Wanted] IMfinite Wealth System (only 5 spots)
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Originally Posted by wpa777 View Post

You mention the cost of the autoresponder. Does it matter which service we use for your program? I am using PLS and wouldn't want to have to add a 2nd one.
Hey wpa,

you can use any autoresponder you'd like as long it's possible to create custom webforms with it. I've been implementing aweber, getresponse and even mailchimp into my funnels...

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Unread 5th Jun 2014, 04:12 PM   #15
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Just sent you a PM.
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Unread 3rd Dec 2014, 12:59 PM   #16
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Re: [Reviewers Wanted] IMfinite Wealth System (only 5 spots)
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Hello Phill

I am interested in promoting your product and would like to do it by programming an interview in Google Hangout if that is ok with you. I think your product is excellent and I would like to promote it on my site with a good positive review.

Let me know if you are interested and then I can contact you to set up a date and time


Skype ID jake5902
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