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Unread 14th Apr 2015, 11:31 AM   #1
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UNCUT Trust Mogul Review & Bonus [Fast Profit] Strategies
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Can Trust Mogul REALLY Give Your Low Conversions & Revenue an Immediate Boost...By Inserting Powerful 'Trust Building Elements' on Your Site in Minutes?

Is TrustMogul Truly a Fast 'Conversion Boosting' Tool?

(read on for my exclusive Trust Mogul review & bonus tactics)

(scroll up to see my full Trust Mogul review & bonus offer posted on this page)

Trust Mogul is a brand new WordPress plugin that injects trust-building elements to your page to help increase your on-page conversions. Also, in addition to my trust mogul review, I am including some helpful news articles:

Is Facebook A Threat To YouTube: 25% Of Online Ad Views For The Super Bowl Are On Facebook

It has been stated that this year the commercial shares for YouTube declined 20% down to 74%, compared to what the company itself is saying, which is that there has been a significant 75% increase in their views compared to their statistics from last year. The battle between YouTube and Facebook is ongoing. When you consider the fact that Facebook is a social networking site where what can be shared is quite diverse, ranging from posts, photos, notes as well as videos, while the sole function of YouTube is to upload and share videos, why are these two industry giants even competing with one another in the first place? It is all about online advertising. Although videos uploaded on YouTube were the number one place for a majority of online users in the past, is appears that Facebook is attempting to outrank the Google-owned hosting and video sharing site, especially in the advertising arena.

It was noted that 25% of online ads for the Super Bowl were viewed and shown on Facebook. So should YouTube be worried about this? Looking at the figures, Youtube’s share of online commercials saw a dramatic decrease, dropping to 74% from 94% during Super Bowl season. So within only a year, there is a sudden 20% decrease in YouTube’s online viewers. And all YouTube’s losses have been gains for Facebook. However, YouTube reports that this year’s views increased up to 350 million compared to 250 million views received last year. Although the statistics are a bit blurry and the reports are not entirely clear, one thing that appears to be correct- right now the Google-owned video hosting website doesn’t seem to be bothered, and it appears that over the next couple of years there will be increased growth.

Another thing that is certain is that Facebook is still attempting to compete with their rival YouTube. The recent success they have had with video is something Mark Zuckerbeg brags about. Facebook’s CEO announced that the videos that have been uploaded and shared on the popular social network averaged 3 billion views per day, compared to September 2014 when it was 1 billion views per day. Another thing that has been mentioned is that there has been a 360% increase in how many videos have appeared on Facebook users’ timelines compared with last year’s numbers. Another big factor that has increased video views on Facebook dramatically is due to the videos playing automatically on user’s timelines. It still counts as a view if somebody puts the video on pause for at least 3 seconds- whether they resume playing the video or not.

What is different this year is that videos were directly uploaded to Facebook, without the links being shared from YouTube or any other sites. That is probably one of the major reasons why there has been an increase in the numbers- it has been discover that user engagement is higher when it is done this way. There’s no denying the fact the YouTube is the number one video source still, considering the massive amount of traffic that the website gets. However, other brands shouldn’t take Facebook’s sudden 25% increase in views lightly either.

Tumblr’s New Updated Look

There have been numerous changes to the Tumblr platform after Yahoo acquired the company. However, some of Tumblr’s recent changes are among the largest the social media platform has made over the last couple of years. Long form content is very hot on the different social media platforms these days. Many people now use different social media products like Medium and LinkedIn Pulse to create a blog of their own rather than setting up a website completely from scratch. The tools offered by the platforms has been one of the main reasons for their high growth.

In addition, social media websites like Medium and LinkedIn Pulse have given users the necessary tools for leveraging the traffic on these sites. Users have really been taking advantage of this. A big advantage that these sites have is they have built-in audiences already that are searching for new content. Tumblr in some ways is going down this path and providing its users with tools to have blogs of their own. The development team during the most recent update added many new posting and editing features, transforming Tumblr into one of the leading and legitimate blogging platforms around. Brands will love this since they can capitalize on Tumblr’s massive traffic.

Tumblr posts used to resemble Pinterest Pins in the past. However, now that the changes have been made, posts will be shown as real blog posts. It is also now possible on Tumbler to mix text and various forms of media together. Users will now have a much nicer experience when creating their posts, since they can now use a WYSIWIG format when creating their posts. All content that the users create will be shown the way it is viewed inside the editor. Also, users will now be able to format their text quickly by using the highlighting feature. Highlighting a certain string of text will enable them to manipulate text, lists or link URLs.

This update, in other words, is setting Tumblr up to be a serious competitor to Medium and other blogging platforms that have seen high growth recently. The changes will also help more individuals to take Tmblr seriously when they are choosing a blogging platform to use like WordPress. A majority of Tumblr users complained about all of the limitations that the platform had placed on them in the past. These new changes may help with brands taking a new look at Tumblr’s built in audience and make might it the preferred blogging software of many. There is more information available about these recent changes on the official post at Tumblr.

Many brands have leveraged Wordpress, LinkedIn and Medium platforms in the past for all of their blogging needs since Tumblr wasn’t providing the necessary tools to them that are needed for using Tumblr as a blogging platform. Now that these changes have been made, it is expected that more brands will be making use of Tumblr in the future. Tumblr has a huge audience, and each month millions of people visit the site. All the new changes, combined with the site’s captive audience, will most likely help the platform to increase its revenues and profits.

Promoted Tweet Content Will Be Extended By Twitter To Third-Part Sites And Apps

Twitter is always searching for ways to make its already powerful platform even more worthwhile and rewarding for its users. The company’s most recent push is very beneficial for advertisers. Now Twitter is syndicating promoted tweets. What this means is that content appearing on Twitter will now be promoted on other websites as well. They have partnered with Flipboard in order to do this. They are syndicated ads that can be seen by users in areas on other websites that have been reserved for showing content from Twitter. For example, there is a promoted Tweet campaign that an advertiser has that he wants to have extended into an ad message that will reach a larger audience that uses mobile devices.

The Flipboard app can be used for running Promoted Tweet campaigns. They can also run their campaign at the same time through the Flipboard app and use the same targets. One big benefit to using Flipboard is that it incorporates Tweets into the app fully already. This means that the experience will be familiar for mobile users who are already used to Flipboard. It can significantly increase a marketer’s brand exposure. These days, marketing all revolves around going to wherever consumers congregate. In order for a marketer to increase recognition for his brand and create an impression that will endure with his audience, various methods and forms of advertising must be used.

The syndicated ads naturally extend how businesses are already using Twitter. Before, even when tweets were seen by users on websites they visited, there wasn’t any way of monetizing the impressions, which is significant since there are many billions of impressions generated. The added function allows marketers to achieve higher returns on their marketing dollars. User experience will also be improved. When users are happy and enjoy their experience and like what they see, they are more likely to spread the word to those those who are part of their social circle. This extends the marketing message’s reach even further. It is more likely that happy users can be converted into happy customers. Twitter is attempting to experiment with other third-party apps beyond Flipboard. The initial results have been positive, which shows that Twitter has discovered something quite significant. The experiment was attempted on Yahoo Japan also. Twitter will undoubtedly be expanding to other popular apps as well. Ultimately this will provide users with an even more enjoyable and richer experience.

The world of marketing continues to progress faster than it ever has. Advertisers and marketers need to keep up to date with all the most recent advancements in order to not fall behind. More companies will be jumping into partnerships with Twitter before too long. More ads will be seen by users. However, these ads can be a kind of entertainment for users when done properly. Just think of all the people who can’t wait to see the new Super Bowl ads. Viewers expect freshness, innovation, and an approach to marketing that respects their intelligence instead of insulting them. People know what intelligent advertising is. Marketers need to embrace innovation if they want their audiences to respect them.

(scroll up to read my Trust Mogul Review)


After my first 2 years of losing over 10K in internet marketing SCAMS, I am now a 6+ year IM veteran with lots of experience building Niche Sites, Ecomm Stores & running PPC campaigns. I've made most of my money through Affiliate Marketing, Adsense & Infoproducts. I promise to provide lots of FREE VALUE from all my experience over the past decade!

Last edited on 16th Apr 2015 at 03:12 PM. Reason: Trust Mogul Review & Bonus Updated
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Unread 14th Apr 2015, 12:57 PM   #2
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Re: UNCUT Trust Mogul Review & Bonus [Fast Profit] Strategies
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After my first 2 years of losing over 10K in internet marketing SCAMS, I am now a 6+ year IM veteran with lots of experience building Niche Sites, Ecomm Stores & running PPC campaigns. I've made most of my money through Affiliate Marketing, Adsense & Infoproducts. I promise to provide lots of FREE VALUE from all my experience over the past decade!
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Unread 16th Apr 2015, 03:16 PM   #3
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While using the Trust Mogul Plugin, also use these 8 proven 'trust-building' techniques:

Building Trust With Your Website: 8 Proven Techniques - PART 1

Having a website is nothing and it is not enough to make a difference in a world where everyone has a website. Your goal should be to become the most trusted website in your industry. Your industry could be global or have a local influence but no matter where your battleground is located, you have to own it via the internet. In this article we will cover all the roles that a website plays in improving your business and how trust is the most important element. We will discuss how trust comes along with authority and why you should pursue becoming an internet authority for your industry. We will then give you a clear blueprint on how to build trust with your website and everything that you must do. Next up is a rule that will help you dominate all of your internet and even local marketing pursuits. It is the key to having your name ring out and be chanted when anyone thinks about your industry. After that we will summarize everything that was covered in this article.

The Other Role of Your Website

Is a website just this obligatory thing that every business is supposed to have? Even for web based businesses who sell from their site, what does their website really represent. The most important role that your website can play is a central hub of information for the industry that you are in. Your goal should be to become your industries ‘Answerman’ and in this role you will attract thousands on people to you to the point that you become trusted because of all of the value that you have created. This doesn’t matter if you are pitching socks, plumbing, business opportunities or the next big thing--- You have to become a voice that people trust.

After my first 2 years of losing over 10K in internet marketing SCAMS, I am now a 6+ year IM veteran with lots of experience building Niche Sites, Ecomm Stores & running PPC campaigns. I've made most of my money through Affiliate Marketing, Adsense & Infoproducts. I promise to provide lots of FREE VALUE from all my experience over the past decade!
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Building Trust With Your Website: 8 Proven Techniques - PART 2

The Gift of Authority Status

The benefits of building a site that is well trusted is that you become an authority. Your site becomes what people discuss your type of business and products. You become what the iPad is to tablets. The more people associate your site with an industry or a product, the more they will trust and do business with you. At this point, others will recommend you as well. Ultimately, all of this leads up to you making a lot of money from the hard work and the effort that you put in to create a great site that is full of excellent content and the omnipresence that you have created throughout the web.

How To Build Trust

Up to this point we have spent a lot of time telling you why trust is so important and what a website should and could represent. We didn’t do this just to waste time but to show you what is possible and what you should aim for. In this section we will focus more on the elements that actually build trust between your site, your audience and even Google

Step 1: Excellent Content

What is excellent content? Excellent content is the type of content that makes a person bookmark your page, save it for later, that makes them return to it and share it with others. What goes into good content? It isn’t enough to know what good content creates for you but you actually need to know how to create it. Good content starts by adding value, going deep into a subject matter, presenting information that your viewership needs and doing so in an easy, direct and entertaining way.

[Be sure to scroll up to see my full Trust Mogul Review & Bonus]

After my first 2 years of losing over 10K in internet marketing SCAMS, I am now a 6+ year IM veteran with lots of experience building Niche Sites, Ecomm Stores & running PPC campaigns. I've made most of my money through Affiliate Marketing, Adsense & Infoproducts. I promise to provide lots of FREE VALUE from all my experience over the past decade!
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Below is PART 3 of the article... Also remember to use this tips in conjunction with the Trust Mogul plugin.....

Step 2: Be Everywhere

There’s a book called, “The 10X Rule” and this book is about going the extra mile, doing more than anyone else is willing to do. In one part of the book the author explains how he “blew up on social media” and he explains that he posted all day long and on multiple sites so that whenever anyone search for the type of business that he’s in they found his name. You should take a similar approach and attack the web with content and your name (website or personal name) because doing this turns you into an authority figure, someone who people think of and go to whenever they think of your type of business.

Step 3: Media Driven Content

It isn’t enough to have the written word on your site but you need to also have different forms of media. Create a podcast, a Youtube talk show, make Youtube videos about your business and about each article that gets presented. Attack the web and chase it down like a hungry lioness bring home the antelope to her cubs and her man.

The Rule That Makes It All Work: Omnipresence

You will be trusted simply because you are everywhere and every place. You might think that this extends away from the subject of making a trusted website but you are wrong. The more social proof you create across the web builds trust and exposure for your website. Exposure builds trust; familiarity builds trust.

After my first 2 years of losing over 10K in internet marketing SCAMS, I am now a 6+ year IM veteran with lots of experience building Niche Sites, Ecomm Stores & running PPC campaigns. I've made most of my money through Affiliate Marketing, Adsense & Infoproducts. I promise to provide lots of FREE VALUE from all my experience over the past decade!
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Unread 16th Apr 2015, 03:22 PM   #6
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Below is PART 4 and the final part of the article....

Hopefully, you will put the contents of this article into good use. If anything, please don’t just read this article, get an intellectual understanding but choose to use it. This information can really transform what your website turns into over time. As we discussed, a website is an asset that builds your reputation and trust with information seekers, potential customers and with Google. Never compromise or skimp on user experience or with your content. When it comes to building trust, content is king. Create articles and post that actually help and entertain, not just filler material.

Things like videos and infographics also help and they keep viewers on your site for a much longer amount of time, which is something that Google measures and uses to rank websites. If anything, focus on the details, on doing everything with quality and a strong sense of purpose. Spend time going the extra mile and beyond what everyone else does with their content. If you do all of these things, you will become a site that is trusted by the citizens of the web.

(Don't forget to scroll all the up to see my exclusive Trust Mogul Review & 'Fast-Traffic' Bonus Strategies above)

After my first 2 years of losing over 10K in internet marketing SCAMS, I am now a 6+ year IM veteran with lots of experience building Niche Sites, Ecomm Stores & running PPC campaigns. I've made most of my money through Affiliate Marketing, Adsense & Infoproducts. I promise to provide lots of FREE VALUE from all my experience over the past decade!
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