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Unread 2nd Jul 2015, 01:02 AM   #1
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FREE GUIDE - How I made $500 in a day thinking outside the box! (Short Guide No Opt In)
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This will be my first "Guide" where I promote a specific product and idea on how I was able to make $500 in just 1 day be capitalizing off current events!

My history: I owned and operated several ecommerce websites, I've sold millions of dollars of merchandise. After 4 years, I decided to sell my portfolio. I love that I sold it, but I miss making money quickly and easily online! I've been unemployed for a year and I was looking for a way to make more money, fast NOT ANYMORE!

Here's my guide on how I made $500 in a day with Robora

I stumbled upon this "suite of tools" I guess you could call it, when I saw it on a blog. The blogger was using to to collect donations. I was like, ok cool, let me check this out. I clicked the url linking back to Robora and learned more about the product. After seeing what it was capable of, I decided to think outside of the box.

When a certain political event occurred within the last week I realized there was a need for a certain type of product. My first thoughts were, what can I sell, and how can I sell it? Then it hit me, Robora... See this thing is crazy, it's a tool for current bloggers and sellers to further monetize their audience, but what I used it for was an entirely different purpose. I used it to instantly spin up a payment page and sell a product - with tremendous results!

Last week my buddy sent me a text, he was like, "are you watching the news? what are you going to do about it?" Before I could text him back, I started to google sources for a product to offer. To no avail, I began to call local screen printing companies to inquire about making a shirt in reference to this "political event". After a long conversation, and making a new friend, my supply was in check... but what can I do now? Shopify? eBay? Amazon? Well, Shopify is out of the picture, it would take too long, eBay was already overloaded with merchandise, so I hit up Amazon and Robora.

My process:

1) Login to Amazon and list my product and set price, done. The sales came in, but not too heavily, so I started promoting... More sales, awesome! I made $160 off Amazon in less than 24 hours!

But wait! I thought you said $500?


Here's what I did after Amazon. I logged into Robora and created a product page, it was super simple, created a free account, added my "company name", uploaded a photo and set a price, done. Now what? How do I get people to my page? Adwords?

At first I thought, there is no way adwords will perform well for a current event.. Boy was I wrong. With less than a $70 ad spend, I was able to sell $340 worth of shirts at $20 a piece instantly. I made my first $500 of the year online!

Take away from this really short, dumb simple article is: Focus on current events, create products and find suppliers, leverage tools to sell instantly (robora, amazon, etc), and run an adwords campaign.

If you have any questions, feel free to post them, I'll gladly answer them in detail if the guide was too vague.

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Unread 4th Jul 2015, 01:07 PM   #2
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Re: FREE GUIDE - How I made $500 in a day thinking outside the box! (Short Guide No Opt In)
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Please not that I doubt your experience but do you have screenshots?


This will be my first "Guide" where I promote a specific product and idea on how I was able to make $500 in just 1 day be capitalizing off current events!

My history: I owned and operated several ecommerce websites, I've sold millions of dollars of merchandise. After 4 years, I decided to sell my portfolio. I love that I sold it, but I miss making money quickly and easily online! I've been unemployed for a year and I was looking for a way to make more money, fast NOT ANYMORE!

Here's my guide on how I made $500 in a day with Robora

I stumbled upon this "suite of tools" I guess you could call it, when I saw it on a blog. The blogger was using to to collect donations. I was like, ok cool, let me check this out. I clicked the url linking back to Robora and learned more about the product. After seeing what it was capable of, I decided to think outside of the box.

When a certain political event occurred within the last week I realized there was a need for a certain type of product. My first thoughts were, what can I sell, and how can I sell it? Then it hit me, Robora... See this thing is crazy, it's a tool for current bloggers and sellers to further monetize their audience, but what I used it for was an entirely different purpose. I used it to instantly spin up a payment page and sell a product - with tremendous results!

Last week my buddy sent me a text, he was like, "are you watching the news? what are you going to do about it?" Before I could text him back, I started to google sources for a product to offer. To no avail, I began to call local screen printing companies to inquire about making a shirt in reference to this "political event". After a long conversation, and making a new friend, my supply was in check... but what can I do now? Shopify? eBay? Amazon? Well, Shopify is out of the picture, it would take too long, eBay was already overloaded with merchandise, so I hit up Amazon and Robora.

My process:

1) Login to Amazon and list my product and set price, done. The sales came in, but not too heavily, so I started promoting... More sales, awesome! I made $160 off Amazon in less than 24 hours!

But wait! I thought you said $500?


Here's what I did after Amazon. I logged into Robora and created a product page, it was super simple, created a free account, added my "company name", uploaded a photo and set a price, done. Now what? How do I get people to my page? Adwords?

At first I thought, there is no way adwords will perform well for a current event.. Boy was I wrong. With less than a $70 ad spend, I was able to sell $340 worth of shirts at $20 a piece instantly. I made my first $500 of the year online!

Take away from this really short, dumb simple article is: Focus on current events, create products and find suppliers, leverage tools to sell instantly (robora, amazon, etc), and run an adwords campaign.

If you have any questions, feel free to post them, I'll gladly answer them in detail if the guide was too vague.


Guaranteed $100 a day
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Unread 10th Jul 2015, 10:58 AM   #3
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Re: FREE GUIDE - How I made $500 in a day thinking outside the box! (Short Guide No Opt In)
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no screenshots?
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$500, box, day, free, guide, made, opt, short, thinking

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