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Unread 13th Oct 2015, 11:58 AM   #1
Traffic Titan
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[FREE WSO] Why Tracking Traffic Puts Money In Your Pocket!
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Do you ever wonder if its your headline, or your sales copy or maybe its your squeeze page that isn't converting?

What if its none of the above?

What if its the quality of the traffic your sending to your funnel?

Without tracking your website traffic you are spending money and you don’t know if the money you are investing is making you a return. The famous saying from John Wanamaker is "Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted. The trouble is I don’t know which half."

You have probably heard the well-used saying that the money is in the list. That’s because the saying is true. The bigger your list the more money you will make.

Lets do some math: Subscribers who have not yet bought anything from me are worth on average $1 per month, $12 per year. Some will obviously never buy from me. But buyers, who have already purchased from me, are worth $9-$10 per month each on average.

So why is this so important?

That’s the revenue side of my Internet marketing business. Now we need to look at the costs. I spend $1 (which is about average) to acquire a new customer. I know I will get a return on my investment by month 2. The point I am making is I know my numbers. To run a profitable business, any business, you need to know your numbers.

Which start with your traffic sources?

You need to be able to say with certainty what your best traffic sources are. Which give you the best value for money and which return the best on your investment?
To be able to do that then you must track.

Using a solo ad providers tracking, or Facebooks analytics are not accurate enough. You need to keep control of your own numbers.

By doing your own tracking you can see the type of traffic you are receiving. Is it from T1 countries. Are you being sent duplicate clicks, traffic from web bots or proxies’ clicks? You could be paying for traffic which is absolutely no good. You may be thinking it’s the sales page or squeeze page that’s isn't converting when it’s actually your traffic source.

Check out my WSO special offer FREE video which show you an over the shoulder view of how easy it is to use tracking software and what the benefits are to your business.

Watch here

See you on the inside!


Watch now before you spend another dime on traffic.

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advertising, free, increase conversions, money, pocket, puts, tracking, traffic, word press, wso

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