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Unread 2nd Nov 2015, 01:40 PM   #1
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SHOPLICATE Review & 'Fast Traffic' Premium Shoplicate Bonus [UNCUT Review & 'Done for You' Bonuses]
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UNCUT Shoplicate Review & Premium 'Fast Traffic' Shoplicate Bonus


Hey guys, the 'Shoplicate' ecommerce spy app will be launching soon, and I'll be doing a complete review of and posting it on my official website. I've also prepared a Premium Shoplicate bonus package thats made up of real, premium products, software and done for you services (not PLR junk).

In the meanwhile, I wanted to post some helpful articles that you can use to enhance your results with Shoplicate. Stay tuned for more updates and please take advantage of the content in the meanwhile!

The Best Way To Engage Mobile Holiday Shoppers This Season (Shoplicate Tips)

Many more people than ever before are taking advantage of smart phones, mobile phones that allow you to surf the web. Flip phones used to be very popular, with limited capabilities in terms of going online, but today it is becoming the standard. There are so many retailers that have not taken advantage of how profitable it can be to target mobile users to generate in-store sales. Let's take a look at how a company can use this to their advantage, allowing them to generate substantial traffic, and more profit, by going after holiday shoppers through mobile advertising, which can be a great way to get better results with your Shopify stores.

Avoid Missed Opportunities

It is very true that many people that own businesses are not really thinking about advertising to mobile users. This is strange because it is clear that most people are seemingly interconnected with their mobile devices all of the time. It would seem the most apropos form of advertising, targeting people that will almost always be looking where your advertisement is going to be. With nearly $18 billion in in-store shopping visits, specifically between the months of November and December 2013, it is clear that making an effort before the holiday season to target mobile buyers would be a great way to improve in-store sales.

Inextricably Linked Topics Regarding Mobile Engagement

There are a couple of things to consider before targeting mobile users, specific strategies that will help anyone start to make more sales. This is especially true for brick and mortar stores, as well as transactions from mobile sales, especially during the holidays. Research has shown that 84% of consumers are going to be on their smart phones when they are in stores shopping. However, very few of them will complete the transaction from an actual mobile device, which is why it is beneficial to provide them with some incentive to bring them in. The goal is to facilitate the ability to attract new customers which will either purchase online or go to your physical store to make the purchase. The key to making this work is to target individuals at the most appropriate times so that you will be able to generate the most sales, which is a key strategy I discuss in my Shoplicate review.

How People Behave With Mobile Devices

People that are using mobile devices have a few behaviors that are quite common across the board. First of all, they are not willing, in most cases, to share information with retailers, especially their current location. They also don't like push notifications which are sometimes regarded as spam on a mobile phone, and more than ever before, people are becoming less fond of applications. These are impediments toward selling products and services through mobile devices, however there are still ways to generate money from these mobile users.

Using These Behaviors To Your Advantage

You can actually use these common habits to your advantage when you are selling to people through their phones. One of the best ways is to offer Wi-Fi networks that are in stores nationwide. When a person arrives at a mall, and they are able to get free Wi-Fi, this is actually incentive enough to get people to come in. You can use their appearance time, how long they stayed, and when they departed, to determine when the best time is to do your advertising campaign. You can also use what are called pull and push promotions, a strategy that will attract people that are searching for certain items on their phone, and this can help you get better results with your Shoplicate campaigns. If you have an application that can detect what they are searching for, you can present a coupon or promo code that they can use while they are at the mall in order to get a discount.

The Future Of Mobile Marketing

According to statistics, it is clear that mobile marketing is going to continue to get much more effective. This has to do with the sheer volume of users, advancements in downloadable apps, and the ability to make the payment process much easier. As millions of additional users, on board with smart phones, this represents more people that will be able to take advantage of your deals and offers. You can present your merchandise, as well as coupons that they can use, providing you with a way to generate more foot traffic. For those that either have a e-commerce store, or if they have both a website and a physical store, if you are able to make it easier for them to complete a transaction, this is going to increase your sales. These transactions can actually occur at their home, while they are visiting friends, or even when they are at the mall, helping you to make more sales through the use of applications or platforms that make it very simple to fill in their personal information, their credit card information, and complete the transaction. Shoplicate will help you identify existing stores with streamlined checkout processes, so you can duplicate them for yourself.

Once you start to think about the best ways to engage mobile users, you will likely have hundreds of ideas come to mind. This could be a multitude of promo codes that you could send out to push notifications, or ideas for applications that you could create that they will want to use that can display advertisements for your products and services. Best of all, companies like Facebook and Shopify, and even Twitter, are focused on technology that allows you to submit your order by tapping your phone just two or three times. This will take impulse buying to the next level, helping every business that is able to target mobile users make more money than ever before.


Hanif Quentino


After my first 2 years of losing over 10K in internet marketing SCAMS, I am now a 6+ year IM veteran with lots of experience building Niche Sites, Ecomm Stores & running PPC campaigns. I've made most of my money through Affiliate Marketing, Adsense & Infoproducts. I promise to provide lots of FREE VALUE from all my experience over the past decade!

Last edited on 3rd Nov 2015 at 01:54 PM. Reason: Shoplicate Review Updated
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Unread 2nd Nov 2015, 04:42 PM   #2
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Re: SHOPLICATE Review & 'Fast Traffic' Premium Shoplicate Bonus [UNCUT Review & 'Done for You' Bonus
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(I'll be posting some helpful articles related to Shoplicate and Shopify selling, so you can stay up-to-date with what's working in Ecommerce)

The Advantages Of Facebook's New Dynamic Product Ads

Facebook just released a new feature that allows advertisers to automatically target users whether they are accessing Facebook on desktop or via the mobile platform. This features allows advertisers to use product feed data as well as a larger catalog. This new feature is called Dynamic Product Ad or DPA and could change things for a lot of advertisers.

Some advertisers are already using this new feature and more advertisers are giving it a chance since the Holiday shopping season will begin very shortly. Most advertisers have already seen amazing results thanks to DPA.

Dynamic Product Ads are currently the most efficient re-targeting feature offered by Facebook for the mobile platform. This is a versatile option that helps advertisers save time thanks to automatic re-targeting. In a way, this feature is a more modern take on the traditional printed shopping catalog.

Advertisers can approach DPA as a modern version of the traditional printed catalog. In many ways, the shopping behaviors that can be observed with printed shopping catalogs are present online. This makes DPA an interesting option for advertisers who want to use several channels to sell products, including printed catalogs since they can use similar strategies on these different channels.

Stay tuned for Part 2 of this article posted on this thread at a later time.


After my first 2 years of losing over 10K in internet marketing SCAMS, I am now a 6+ year IM veteran with lots of experience building Niche Sites, Ecomm Stores & running PPC campaigns. I've made most of my money through Affiliate Marketing, Adsense & Infoproducts. I promise to provide lots of FREE VALUE from all my experience over the past decade!

Last edited on 3rd Nov 2015 at 01:55 PM.
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Unread 2nd Nov 2015, 06:45 PM   #3
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Re: SHOPLICATE Review & 'Fast Traffic' Premium Shoplicate Bonus [UNCUT Review & 'Done for You' Bonus
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Good post on this product I just wanted to share some FREE tips to get your Facebook ads for .0003 cent per view and less so that you can reach a larger targeted audience for way cheaper than you would normally pay.

Facebook ads is a very good way to get to get good traffic and very cheap if you know what you’re doing. Here is how I have been able to get .0003 cent and less per ad view.
First at the top of your Facebook page where you log out at click on that drop down menu next to the lock on the top of the page and go to create an ad. Do not create an ad from the post on your page go to your ad manager.
From there choose boost your post with Page Post Engagement. When you go to do your ad choose these 5 locations, United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. What ever your niche is pick out the interests and make sure you keep it at 5 million reach as that’s the sweet spot as I like to call it to get the .0003 cent per view it might start off in double digits like 25 cent or 15 cent but it will wind down the longer the ad stays up, don’t set the ad payment higher than $5, that’s all you need is $5 you can drop it to a dollar if you want and it will still work. You can go as high as 10 million in audience reach but try to stick to 5 million.
Test it and at different numbers if you like but 5 million seems to work best for me. I also have a way to pause the ad and insert a link in the ad so you can monetize it once it gets to a certain amount of views, I usually monetize the ad at a million views but you can do it when ever you want to.
The reason I suggest waiting for at least a million views is because people tend to click a link in a Facebook ad when it has a lot of views. It mostly makes people think the link is important or has very good content worth clicking once it has a lot of views before you decide to put your link in it.
I do hope this information helps with Facebook traffic.

If you're interested in getting .0003 cent and less per Facebook ad view click here
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Unread 3rd Nov 2015, 09:10 AM   #4
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Part 2 of Facebook's New Dynamic Product Ads

This feature is similar to printed catalogs because it displays products to users in a carousel ad format. This is a great way to showcase products and allow users to easily browse through an online store in a way that is similar to browsing through a catalog. This is also an ideal way to display products that rotate from one season to another.

Displaying ads in a carousel format means advertisers have to manually select the products that will be displayed. This can be time-consuming and the products might not be relevant to all potential shoppers. The advantage of using DPA is that the products are automatically selected in function of what the user has looked at or purchased in the past. This leads to ads that showcase more relevant products, which will be a key strategy in in your Shoplicate promotions.

DPA is a particularly interesting proposition to advertisers because it focuses on the mobile platform. Showing products on a user's mobile phone after they have looked at the product on a desktop computer is a great way to re-engage the potential shopper.

After my first 2 years of losing over 10K in internet marketing SCAMS, I am now a 6+ year IM veteran with lots of experience building Niche Sites, Ecomm Stores & running PPC campaigns. I've made most of my money through Affiliate Marketing, Adsense & Infoproducts. I promise to provide lots of FREE VALUE from all my experience over the past decade!
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Unread 3rd Nov 2015, 10:31 AM   #5
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Part 3 of Facebook's New Dynamic Product Ads (Shoplicate and Shopify Tips)

Some advertisers who have already used DPA across desktop and mobile platforms to re-target shoppers have seen amazing results. The sales numbers from DPA were as much as 44% higher than the sales numbers for other traditional Facebook ads on the mobile platform. Click through rates also significantly increased for these advertisers and some saw an increase of 240% on the click through rate for desktop and mobile.

This dynamic and responsive approach to showcasing products automatically adapts to an advertiser's inventory. This means an out of stock product will not be displayed. However, a DPA can be displayed for a similar product that might interest a potential shopper who previously looked at the product that is out of stock.

There are a lot more advantages to relying on DPA to re-target shoppers. Here are a few examples that show the benefits of DPA beyond higher click through and purchase rates:

Part 4 will be posted soon, along with an update on my full Shoplicate review.

After my first 2 years of losing over 10K in internet marketing SCAMS, I am now a 6+ year IM veteran with lots of experience building Niche Sites, Ecomm Stores & running PPC campaigns. I've made most of my money through Affiliate Marketing, Adsense & Infoproducts. I promise to provide lots of FREE VALUE from all my experience over the past decade!
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Unread 3rd Nov 2015, 01:44 PM   #6
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Part 4 of the 'Shopliate Tips' Series: Facebook's New Dynamic Product Ads

- A shopper who added a product to their cart but did not complete the purchase can be shown a relevant DPA. This personalized ad will remind the shopper of the product they placed in the cart by either showing this same product or providing the shopper with similar products they might be interested in.

- A shopper who looked at a specific type of product can be shown a much wider selection of products from this same category. There are so many options for online shoppers that comparing all makes and models takes time. Displaying DPA for products that belong to a category the shopper recently researched should be very useful, and can definitely help you get additional insights when using Shoplicate to do research.

- A shopper who looked at a specific product or service might be interested in other related products or services. For instance a shopper who recently looked at airfare for a specific destination is likely to be interested in hotels near the airport where they will land. DPA allows advertisers to display ads that are tailored to a search or an action the shopper took earlier to boost cross-selling rates.

After my first 2 years of losing over 10K in internet marketing SCAMS, I am now a 6+ year IM veteran with lots of experience building Niche Sites, Ecomm Stores & running PPC campaigns. I've made most of my money through Affiliate Marketing, Adsense & Infoproducts. I promise to provide lots of FREE VALUE from all my experience over the past decade!
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Unread 3rd Nov 2015, 04:01 PM   #7
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Part 5 of Facebook Dynamic Product Ads - Shoplicate Special Strategies & Tips

- A regular shopper will probably make more purchases if they are shown more products or shown products more often. If a shopper had a great experience while ordering a coffee maker, the advertiser could benefit from showing DPAs for other kitchen appliances. This strategy works with similar products as well as upgrades and refills. For instance, a shopper who purchased an e-cigarette will probably find ads for accessories and e-juice interesting.

- A shopper will be more likely to purchase a product with a higher margin if they are shown ads for this type of product. An advertiser could for instance re-target shoppers who browsed for clothes and show them ads for similar clothes from brand names. This allows advertisers to increase their profit margin by focusing on their most profitable products.

This feature is still fairly new but there are plenty of advantages for advertisers. This is the perfect way to boost sales for the Holiday shopping season since Internet shoppers tend to do a lot of research before making an online purchase. It is also expected that more shoppers will make purchases on their mobile phones since people are becoming more confident in this platform and new safe payment methods are available on Smartphones, which means re-targeting mobile users and showing them ads based on their desktop activity should lead to more purchases.



After my first 2 years of losing over 10K in internet marketing SCAMS, I am now a 6+ year IM veteran with lots of experience building Niche Sites, Ecomm Stores & running PPC campaigns. I've made most of my money through Affiliate Marketing, Adsense & Infoproducts. I promise to provide lots of FREE VALUE from all my experience over the past decade!
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