PrConvert: Skyrocket your Conversions - Cybermonday Offer - 50% OFF : 50OFFBF <- coupon
Brent Jacobs 4 years ago

PrConvert: Skyrocket your Conversions - Cybermonday Offer - 50% OFF : 50OFFBF <- coupon

Social proof has never been more important than it is right now, but building it might be hard. Well, No more...

Why People are visiting you, but not buying FROM you!
Oh man, I know the good old days where I ranked my first website... I was getting traffic, but funny enough only doing $10 a month.

I was doing quite well trafic wise, I mean, I saw approximately 30-50 people a day? My products weren't really high ticket and I always took the Intent into account...

...So, what I did is spend a lot of money on consultants, and so called mentors, to help me out and figure out what I was doing wrong? I mean, I was ranking... I was getting people on my site, and I knew my website had a lot of potential income wise.
It had too.

If It'd only make me $10 a month, It'd be a waste to pump more resources into that thing, and at that time... Resources were scarce!

Anyway, eventually I learned that people were visiting me, but they didn't buy because they didn't Trust the website.

Sure, I had good informational content, and I had some nice 5 star reviews (Which are easily manipulatable and often not enough of a factor for people to go off, they rather see 4.8[/size] for example than 5)...
But, nobody was talking about my business. They didn't really KNEW that anybody was buying from me, and most of them, just didn't want to risk it.

So, eventually I stumbled across a tool Called Poverly, which did the job quite well... But, didn't do exactly what I needed it to do.

That is when I came with PRconvert. A tool crafted so that you could SKYROCKET your CONVERSIONS, and bank to the MAX of your POTENTIAL.
PrConvert is Easy to use, Quite straightforward.
Prconvert has a GUI that is pretty straight forward and self explanatory, and has an extremely help desk. If you have an issue? I am there to help you out!

Don't know what campaign would benefit you the most? I am there to help you out?
Want to integrate it with ZAPIER, but don't know how? I am there... To help you out!

You probably guessed it... But you can use it with Webhooks and ZAPIER!

You can intergrate Zapier to the tool if you'd like, or extract all your data to an external resource, which is rather easy using PRconvert.

If you are strugggling to do this though, all you have to do is sent a message through our contact form or here on Legiit, and I'll gladly help you out!
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