Dose for Excel Add-In
Zbrainsoft 2 years ago

Dose for Excel Add-In

Excel Adds More than +100 New Features and Functions Into Your Excel to Increase Productivity and Impress Your BOSS!

If you're tired of eliminating duplicate rows, comparing sheets, or executing hard activities in Excel, Dose for Excel is the powerful convenient solution you need to simplify all of these complicated chores into a few clicks.
It has over 100 powerful new functions and features that have been added to the Excel ribbon for your convenience.

You may, for example, instantly export sheets, merge cells, rows, or columns without losing data, use the comments helper, count cells by color, use powerful built-in calculations, and easily backup your workbooks. Dose for Excel is a simple application that will save you time and effort.

Large collection of Excel editing functions
The advantages brought by Dose for Excel to the spreadsheet editor are simple and very handy especially for users who often work with Excel. Some features are new to Excel while others are greatly simplified.
You can delete custom rows with one mouse click, for instance entire empty lines, rows that contain at least one empty cell or duplicates. Moreover, the tool allows you to remove lines that contain a specific value. The functions are available for current sheet, for the selected sheets or the entire workbook.
The Clear Spaces option allows you to remove leading, trailing, extra spaces or all fields in the sheet.

Cell management made easy
Dose for Excel allows you to merge or split the selected cells, as well as add a background color to each field. The tool also includes data filters, a date picker, trim leading and trailing spaces, compare lists, export individual worksheets into multi-extensions, extract certain text from cells, remove from cells by positions, as well as a row-to-column converter.
You can easily customize the size of the work area, as well as add or edit comments with the help of the dedicated assistant. For instance, you can display only the comments for the selected cells, display only symbols of the comments or convert them into cells. An additional function is the case changer that allows you to switch words to upper/lower or proper case.

Create backups with one mouse click
Dose for Excel allows you to generate backups with the help of the dedicated function. You can set the tool to automatically backup the data each time you close Excel, or only on demand. The add-in integrates with Excel and creates an individual section in the command ribbon. Moreover, its ease of use makes it convenient for any user.
And much more...

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