30th Oct 2013, 09:40 PM | #1 |
HyperActive Warrior War Room Member Join Date: 2007 Location: Guangzhou, Guangdong, China.
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Blog Entries: 10 | Increase Your Facebook Likes By 218% With Just One Small “Tweak” In 3 Minutes! Double Your Fans Now! Real Facebook Page Split Test Shows… How to Increase Your Facebook Likes By 218% With Just One Small “Tweak” In 3 Minutes! No, it’s NOT buying Likes or Any Other So-Called Shortcuts. Click Here to Watch the Split Test Video Dear Warrior, Almost every marketer understands Facebook Likes (Fans) are important and valuable. However, have you ever tried to find out the actual value of a Facebook “Like”? I bet you’re quite interested in this. According to SocialCode.com, people who likes your page (Fans) are 547% more likely to take actions in Facebook, such as making a purchase from you, installing your App, entering your sweepstakes or voting online in a contest. 547% higher than nonfans! What an eye opening fact! Well, that’s not all. Let’s take a look on more astonishing comparisons between Fans and Nonfans. * Brand Engagement Rate: Fans are 291% Higher than Nonfans * Conversion Rate of Installing Apps: Fans are 38%. 239% Higher * Contests Entry Rate: Fans are 6%. 545% Higher * Buying Conversion Rates: Fans are 7%. 250% Higher Are you astonished? Then, you may think, “How much does it mean in dollar?” Here is a contrast chart to make things more clear about how much you need to spend to gain an desired action from Fans and Nonfans. Cost Per Action: Fans vs. Nonfans “In Facebook fan studies from last year, the value of a fan ranged from $3.60 in a Vitrue survey to $136.38 in a Syncapse assessment.” $3.60 to $136.38 per Facebook Like! Can you believe it? But it’s absolutely true! So, how many Likes do you want to get? As many as possible! Then, how to get that – FAST? How about buying Likes? On Fiverr, the price of Facebook Likes ranges from $5 to $50 per 1000 Likes, usually fulfilled within 48 hours. Quick, easy and cheap. It seems to be the best choice. When it sounds too good to be true, it is! Let’s take a look at… How Does the “Fake Like” Industry Work? According to Bryan C. Del Monte, president of social media marketing agency The Del Monte Agency, most ‘Fake Like’ companies use the following 3 basic techniques to generate fake likes: 1. Set up a large number of phony profiles and then use them to Like client’s pages. 2. Install malicious code on third-party sites that use Facebook’s like button or spread malware among Facebook participants. 3. Code a Like button to get people to like a product or brand other than the one they see. Obviously, these fake Likes companies and suppliers are just spammers. They will never buy from you. Thus, how can you expect such fake “Likes” bring you any good results? “Worse, Buying Bad Likes Can Get You in Trouble!” Worse than no results, the fake Likes you bought will eventually fade away and unlike your page. This will make your Facebook page actually looks bad, since people can see a dedicated decline in Likes and they will thing you have nothing to keep people interested or even annoying your fans. What’s even worse, in some cases, fake Likes can cost you extra money. Facebook charges a fee to promote posts to all of your fans. The more fans you have, the higher the fee is. That means you’ll have to pay advertising fees for your fake Likes that will never generate revenue for you! Facebook announced in August 2012 that they would crack down on “fake” likes. Since then, Facebook are consistently axing fake Likes. No business wants to pay for advertising to fake accounts. Now, do you still want to buy Facebook Likes? Then… How to Safely and Quickly Get Real Facebook Likes? Simple: Use Facebook Ads to generate traffic to your Facebook Page. This is by far the fastest, proven and safe method to get real and responsive Likes! Same as other CPC ads, the conversion rate is the most important assessment factor of your Facebook Ads investment. For getting Like, the conversion rate is how many visitors from the ads click the “Like” button to like your Facebook page. Apparently, the higher this conversion rate is, the better your ad results are. Generally, the “Likes” conversion rate is determined by 3 key elements: 1. The visitors who click your ads. The more targeted visitors are, the hight conversion rate you will get. You can improve this by optimizing Audience targets in Facebook Ads system. 2. Your ad copy. The better your ad copy is, the more visitors will likely to take action as you wish. 3. Your Facebook page. This is the place to convert your traffic into Likes! No matter how good you’ve targeted the Audience, how appealing your ad copy is, if your Facebook Page is not converting, all efforts are WASTED! That’s why you shall pay much attention to optimize your Facebook Page. As promised, now we are time to talk about… Split test is an effective method popularly used by marketers to find out which landing page works the best. It’s also known as “A/B Testing”. To start a split test, you will create 2 landing pages, then send approximately equal number of traffic to both pages and use tracking tools to track the results. That was exactly what James did when he tried to find out which Facebook page could bring him the most Likes. Here’s the video… |
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31st Oct 2013, 06:11 AM | #2 |
HyperActive Warrior War Room Member Join Date: 2007 Location: Guangzhou, Guangdong, China.
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Blog Entries: 10 | Re: Increase Your Facebook Likes By 218% With Just One Small “Tweak” In 3 Minutes! Double Your Fans
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31st Oct 2013, 07:22 AM | #3 |
Adsense Addicted War Room Member Join Date: 2006 Location: In the middle of Asia
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| Re: Increase Your Facebook Likes By 218% With Just One Small “Tweak” In 3 Minutes! Double Your Fans
i cant see the price at the site. can you put it here?
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