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Unread 4th Dec 2013, 02:18 AM   #1
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UNCUT 'FB Master Class Review' and Bonus [Fast Fbook Cash] Strategies
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Can the FB MasterClass REALLY Show You How to Get Massive Buyer Traffic and Increased Profits With Cheap Facebook Advertising?

Is FB Master Class Truly a FAST Money-Making System?
(read on for my exclusive review & bonus strategies)

I'm gonna run thru a quick example to show you how this system works...

Lets assume that you've been been wasting time in the forums, signing up for all these free report, and buying various WSOs just to find a 'solid' way to bank some profit online...

You've had unsuccessful attempts at trying to make money from Blogger blogs, Squidoo lenses and Fanpages, trying to promote Clickbank products. Combine the low volume of traffic you're getting with even lower conversion rates, and the results have been quite dissapointing so far.

So after hearing about this big 'FB Master Class' product being promoted by the internet marketing underworld, you feel confident enough to give it a shot.

After getting inside your Member's Area of the system, you realize how in-depth the training really is, with many different modules broken down from beginner to advanced...

Everything seems to be structured in a step-by-step, which is giving you the confidence to start making money on Facebook.

Alright so you have some passion in the 'back pain' niche, and it seems pretty profitable with the different affiliate offers and physical products available to promote. Its also a 'desperate buyer' type of niche so you're really interested in hitting this niche hard (no pun intended

The Basics

After going through some of the 'basic' video modules in the FB MasterClass member's area, you learn how to create the right type of Fanpage with an optimized layout...

Based on the videos, you also go ahead and put on a couple of custom tabs, a strategic cover image, some Calls to Action above the fold of the page, and you find some interesting images and articles to post. Its nice to see the examples and recommendations Mario gives in the videos, which makes the Fanpage setup that much easier.

Getting Your Ads Campaign Started

Next, you fire up the 'Facebook Ads' module inside the training area to learn how to get targeted, low-cost visitors and Likes over to your fanpage...

In this Ads module, you notice that Mario is literally going through the whole setup process over-the-shoulder, covering every last detail and every last click for you to follow. As confusing Facebook advertising seemed to you before, it all seems a lot clearer now.

You decide to run a combination of Sidebar Ads and Newsfeed Ads, using some of the tested headline and Ad image tips that Mario gives. The software shown to you inside the Member's area helps you quickly create attractive Ads designed to maximize clicks.

Targeting With Power

Then, you use the custom audience feature to narrow down and target your audience to just those people that may be suffering from some type of back pain.

To save yourself time and be more efficient, you use the Facebook Power Editor the way Mario demonstrates to create a bunch of different Ads, set your targeting, and get everything setup in your account quickly.

Ok so you main goal with this campaign is to drive visitors to your new fanpage, get Likes and kick-start the engagement. You also put an optin box on your fanpage to build an email list.

Results Come Quickly

Over the next 3 days, you end up generating over 1300 Likes to your page! People are commenting and interacting, sharing your stuff.

On the 3rd day, you sell a Clickbank Back Pain Ebook, and on the 4th day, you sell a Back Arch Device on Amazon...both earning you a total of $48 commission!

Now that you have some activity on your page, you go back and watch Mario's videos on Facebook Insights to learn how to analyze your own data. Immediately, after looking at your own Insights, you come up with a couple of tweaks to improve the engagement on your Fanpage right away.

Boosting Your Conversions

At this point, you feel that its a good time to watch the FB MasterClass videos on 'Mindset', which is basically a mini internet marketing course that covers the core principles of setting up marketing funnels, maximizing profits and increasing the lifetime value of each visitor.

As your head spins with different ideas, you decide that a good way to start is to hold a live webinar with your Facebook fans the exact way that Mario shows you how. Using Google Hangouts, creating the webinar is so easy that you wish you would have started doing webinars sooner.

Applying Mario's strategies, you're able to pack your first webinar up with 79 people, and you just give away some solid tips on reducing backpain on the webinar. At the end of the webinar, you recommend the Clickbank ebook and an arched back stretcher product to your audience.

To your surprise, you see almost a 20% conversion rate, meaning that about 15 people ending up buying one of the products you recommended. Thats another $300+ in commission from one 30 minute webinar! (that was 100% free for you to setup)

Increasing Email Subscribers

Since you're building an email list, you browse over to Mario's videos on setting up a squeezepage and maximizing your email subscribers from Facebook traffic...and you immediately apply some of the principles to build your list even faster.

The Fanpage seems to be going viral now, growing bigger and bigger. You're starting to see daily commissions just from the calls to action you have on the page, and the weekly webinars you're holding are continuing to bring in healthy profits. Your email list is getting larger every day.

In the Big Leagues

And to take things to the next level, you decide to offer 'high end coaching' to your Fans and subscribers. You got inspired by watching Mario's case studies on how he sells high-end coaching on Facebook. But since you're not exactly a back pain expert, you contact a chiropractor in your local area and ask her to become the official 'Coach' for your fanpage.

Keeping 40% of the revenue from this high-end chiropractor coaching, you now have an excellent source of additional income. The chiropractor you brought on board is super happy too! Your fans & subscribers are loving this new service being offered.

Getting Advanced

After seeing how much healthy profit your webinar and coaching offer is bringing into your business, you take the leap as an 'advanced' Facebook marketer...

...and use Mario's detailed blueprint for running retargeting campaigns both on Facebook and the Web. These retargeting campaigns dramatically increase the % of people that are signing up for you webinars and email list. This brings you a higher Return-on-Investment (ROI) than any form of advertising you've ever done.

The main reason why the FB Master Class system works so well is because it gives you LOTS of examples to learn from...real case studies that give you valuable insights. So lets go over a quick summary of the main benefits of this system:
  • Case study format allows for much faster learning (real examples give you a proven model to follow)
  • Driving LOTS of low-cost traffic makes it difficult not to profit (even if your offer/page sucks)
  • Nearly instant, no need to wait weeks or months to get targeted visitors
  • Don't need a website - everything can be done through an easy to create Fanpage
  • Detailed Over-the-shoulder training covers every last click you need to see (avoid big mistakes when you're setting up campaigns)
  • Become an instant Facebook consultant (local businesses will love your expertise, and pay you handsomely for it)
  • Geared to take a complete beginner to an expert level (logical training modules progress from the bare-bone basics to the advanced stuff)
But the BIGGEST benefit of the FB Master Class, by far, is being able to completely dominate a Niche while building your list of fans, followers and subcribers. Having your own list is critical for a stable, long-term income. This system makes list-building easy.

And another HUGE benefit is that you'll have the ability to increase the lifetime profit from every visitor you have. With the proven marketing funnels that you can swipe & copy, the amount of profit from each visitor increases many times over.

The Creator of FB MasterClass

Mario has a pretty inspirational story that you've probably heard already...coming over to the United States from Ecuador when he was 27 years old, with no money and no frieds, barely speaking any English.

After working night shifts at a hotel in South Beach, Mario spent his days learning internet marketing on his laptop. This was in December of 2008.

Then he started to share what he learned right here in this very forum, and successfully published a report that went on to make him $2,000 within 7 days...and he never looked back since.

He's now a best-selling author, an in-demand speaker and internet marketing consultant. Mario has released a few products to the IM community that have been very well received for their depth and quality of information, including Webinar Mastery, Consulting Mastery and Internt Marketing Mastery.

Having shared the stage with Frank Kern and other high profile marketers, Mario was recently awarded 'Marketer of the Year' at the JMI conference in 2012.

There's no doubt that he takes the field of internet marketing very seriously, studies it in depth, and shares his results in a way that allows beginners to get to an advanced level very quickly.

What I Don't Like About Facebook MasterClass (Drawbacks)

Even though its a complete system on how to market on Facebook and grow your business...

Its not a 'business-in-a-box' solution. Which means that you're not just gonna be handed a killer niche, a killer product, and be able to just copy & paste your way to profits.

Yes, you'll be an expert at Facebook marketing, but you still have to go out and pick your niche and implement what you've learned. This isn't a 'service' that does the job for you.

Another thing I don't like is that it focuses almost exclusively on using Facebook advertising, but it doesn't really cover the free traffic and viral strategies that can also be extremely lucrative on Facebook!

Free traffic on Facebook has the potential to cut your Ad budget down, which is very important if you're starting out and don't have a lot of money to spend on advertising. Free traffic also allows you test stuff before scaling up.

I feel that the system would be even better if it had a module on how to drive SEO traffic to your Facebook pages. SEO, particularly Google and Bing traffic, can be a life-changing traffic source because of how targeted it can be. Not taking advantage of SEO is leaving money on the table, point blank.

Lastly, FB Masterclass does a great job of teaching you how to build a list of email subscribers, but how do you actually 'convert' those email subscribers into paying customers? Email marketing is a separate course by itself, but it would have been nice to have some case studies and templates that cover the topic of turning 'subscribers into customers'.

So to solve some of these problems, I've created an exclusive bonus, called the 'FB Viral Cash Academy'. Inside this 'FB Viral Domination Academy', I'll personally help you drive traffic from Google, Youtube and through free viral tactics on you can really SCALE up your traffic even more.

My Exclusive FB MasterClass Bonus Will Help You Get More Traffic With This System, and Get It Much Faster

I'll earn a commission if you purchase through my affiliate link. So to add value, I've personally created the 'FB Viral Cash Academy', which is a series of regular short lessons and quick tips, delivered to your email one at a time. Here's how these short lessons and quick tips will benefit you massively:

  • Actionable tips that you can use right away (easy to understand, no waiting)
  • How to get your Fanpages ranked in Google for hot keywords (so you can attract targeted traffic from the world's largest search engine)
  • Confidential SEO tactics that make Google fall in love with your Fanpage (and prevents competing Fanpages from ranking).
  • The 5 most effective FREE traffic strategies on Facebook (these simple, creative strategies can QUICKLY bring floods of targeted traffic to your site, for free!)
  • Virally grow internal Facebook traffic with 3 simple steps (takes no more than an hour or two)
  • How to quickly create KILLER content that your visitors will love to spread around (don't let your content be boring, let it come to life!)
  • Drive traffic from the 3rd largest search engine in the world using simple, silly videos (ranking on Youtube)
  • How to outsource your ENTIRE Video Creation + SEO for about $10-$15 (and rank in the top 3 of Youtube)
  • The Double-Assassin Method - After ranking on Youtube, get the videos ranked in Google with 2 extra tweaks (double the traffic)
  • How to use simple press releases to drive instant visitors to your Facebook pages (and how to get them written for under $10)

Remember, Viral Traffic Means That It Continues to Grow & Multiply By Itself...Without You Needing To Spend Additional Time or Money

SUPRISE BONUS - My Marketing Agency Will Provide The Following 'Done For You' Valuable Services

- 'Done For You' Youtube Video (we'll create a video to promote your Facebook offers)

- My team will optimize your video so it can rank highly on Google AND on Youtube

- 'Done For You' Viral Facebook Fanpage (we'll create a Fanpage and install some of the most viral growth features & apps on it. These viral features & apps can cost hundreds of dollars to do yourself)

- 'Done For You' Facebook Fanpage SEO - We will perform highly confidential SEO tactics on your Fanpages so they can rank highly on Google (to drive lots more traffic)

- My team will get you your first 100 Facebook fans (for instant social proof on your fanpages)

- 'Done For You' Press Release (we'll write and submit a press release to paid networks)

- My team will SEO optimize these Press Releases and perform link-building to help them rank highly on Google (for instant visitors to your Fanpages)

Now You Can Let My Team Drive Targeted Buyer Traffic from the Highest Trafficked Sites in the World, Helping You Take Your Facebook Profits To Impressive Levels

But You Gotta Act Fast...the 'Done For You' Services Are Strictly Limited to the First 15 Buyers Who Purchase Through My Link. These Spots Are Expected to Go Fast!

Why Should You TRUST What I Have to Say?

I'm glad you're asking asked, so here's the answer...I have 6+ years experience as a full-time internet marketer and here are some of my accomplishments:
  • Sold over $3 Million worth of physical products, digital products and CPA offers.
  • Sold $350,000+ of my OWN infoproducts (ebooks & video tutorials)
  • Built email subscriber lists of 70,000+ subscribers
  • Successfully ranked over 150+ websites in the major search engines.
  • Accrued 1.5 million views across my dozens of Youtube channels
The bottomline? I can help you be much more successful with internet marketing :-)

Here’s How to Get My 'Done for You' FB Viral Cash Bonus:

Step 1: Click the Link Below to Secure Your FB MasterClass Membership (make sure to clear out your cookies)

>> Click Here to Invest in the FB MasterClass System <<

Step 2: Click the Link Below and Enter Your Name & Email:

>> Click Here and Enter Your Name & Email <<

Thats it! Once I verify that you purchased using my link, I'll set you up with the bonuses...

So lets do a quick summary of what you're getting:

- Mario's FB Masterclass Coaching (Modules + Case Studies)
- Mario's Facebook Ads Software (to create winning Ads quickly)
- My 'FB Viral Cash' Bonus Training (drive massive targeted traffic from Google, Youtube and free viral Facebook strategies)
- 60 Day 1-on-1 Email & Skype Consulting with Me!
- 'Done For You' Services from my Marketing Agency (get 1 Youtube video, 1 viral Fanpage and 1 Press Release created for you, complete with SEO link-building to drive traffic)
- My personal $500 'Out of Pocket' Guarantee (if strangely you fail to make money)

I want to help you achieve a full-time income using this system ($3000+ per month), or if you're already successful, to help you DOUBLE your income.

Unfortunately, I can't offer this exclusive 'done for you' bonus for too long, because there's a limit on the time I can devote. There's a limit on the prizes as well.

So if you want to take full advantage of this lucrative Facebook marketing system and my viral traffic bonuses, invest now while its still open (it'll be closing in a few days).

Get started by picking up Facebook Master Class here. Then enter your name & email on this form to get my unique 'done for you' bonuses.

Any questions or comments, don't hesitate to post on this thread or PM me.

I'm excited to help you really SCALE up your Facebook profits...FASTER!

Hanif 'Your Right Hand Man' Quentino


After my first 2 years of losing over 10K in internet marketing SCAMS, I am now a 6+ year IM veteran with lots of experience building Niche Sites, Ecomm Stores & running PPC campaigns. I've made most of my money through Affiliate Marketing, Adsense & Infoproducts. I promise to provide lots of FREE VALUE from all my experience over the past decade!

Last edited on 5th Dec 2013 at 11:08 PM. Reason: added image
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Unread 5th Dec 2013, 10:31 PM   #2
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Re: UNCUT 'FB Master Class Review' and Bonus [Fast Fbook Cash] Strategies
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Originally Posted by Sajid Nasir View Post

Hi Hanif

Thanks for taking the time to review Facebook Master Class. I was wondering how much insights and tips are given regarding niche research within Facebook?
Coming up with niche topics isn't covered in-depth in the course, but my bonus lessons go into quite a bit of detail with that.

Originally Posted by Sajid Nasir View Post

One more thing... do you recommend a "volume" approach where one should launch 5+ different fan pages across different niches, or should I just focus on 1-2 niches max and try to hit those hard?
Definitely focus on 1-2 niches and hit them hard. Thats what this training is all about...dominating a niche.

After my first 2 years of losing over 10K in internet marketing SCAMS, I am now a 6+ year IM veteran with lots of experience building Niche Sites, Ecomm Stores & running PPC campaigns. I've made most of my money through Affiliate Marketing, Adsense & Infoproducts. I promise to provide lots of FREE VALUE from all my experience over the past decade!
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