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Unread 22nd Jan 2014, 03:49 PM   #1
marketing online since 99
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Invitation Only. Off-liners. IM'ers. New high-paying Affiliate program. NEW. Untapped. 100% FREE.
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If you are an online or off-line marketer of any sort, this is truly the most important - and potentially the most profitable post in the Warrior Forum you’ll read all year.

Dear Warriors,

I know that I’ve been very quiet on the Warrior Forum for a long time. The reason is because I’ve been working my tail off on several businesses, clients, and enjoying my time with wife and son. So most of you don’t know me - but for those who do, you know I’m a straight-shooter, hard worker, and fairly well connected in the business world...

… Especially when it comes to new companies and opportunities. (My background is company and product launches - over 2 dozen of them, SEO, Internet marketing, etc.)

What you are about to read is 100% REAL.

At 10:38 AM CST on January 21, 2014 I received a phone call that not only changed the course of my day, but it also changed the course of each and every single plan I had for 2014 - and beyond.

A long-time marketing friend (or 13 years) called me and asked if I was sitting down. I laughed and said I was and he proceeded to tell me about a new business that is preparing to launch. My jaw hit the floor as he told me the details. The rest of that day is a blur. I registered 30+ domain names. I started several websites. I made a list of over 300 of my contacts I’ll soon be reaching out to. I pre-wrote the emails I’ll be sending out to all of my lists.

Here’s the deal...

I have insider information about a new, extremely well-funded (think Silicon Valley) company that is preparing to launch soon. It's been about 3 years in the making. And it’s going to be big. VERY big amongst countless circles of small business owners and Entrepreneurs.

This company is going to have a direct impact on ALL Entrepreneurs, ALL Internet Marketers and hundreds of types of small business owners - impacting millions globally. Fast.

Within the next few months it’s going to be all over the Warrior Forum and each and every single marketing and business forum you can think of. Facebook will be covered. LinkedIn. Goolgle+. It’ll be all over Twitter. I know this sounds like hype, but you’ll soon understand as we all watch it happen.

And for some of you - you can participate in making it happen and be paid VERY well for it.

This is not a network marketing, MLM, or direct sales, or party plan company. This company a new type of Internet business that adds incredible value to business owners and Entrepreneurs.

---> What small business doesn’t want the absolute highest quality leads they could ever ask for?

---> What Internet Marketer wouldn’t want to have access to top training, industry contacts. leads, and many new money-making opportunities?

I feel extremely fortunate to be one of the very few people in the world to provide you access to this company. This is exclusive. For the next several months (or more) it is invitation-only to become an Affiliate for the company.

The income potential is immense. For those of you who are well-connected in the business world, five and six-figure paydays are possible. And unlike many affiliate programs, this is residual income. Meaning you get paid month after month for the life of every customer you refer. (And what business owner would ever leave one of - if not their best source of highly qualified leads for their business?)

I’m Offering Private Invitations To Warriors - 100% Free

Because this is an affiliate program, there is no cost. Not now. Not ever - unless you decide to use the service for your own business down the road. (You’ll be able to try it out for yourself for a couple of months for free so you can check it out as an added bonus receiving a private invite from me.)

And I can tell you, the moment that this new company launches, I’m jumping all over the service for my own businesses. It’s a complete no-brainer.

How To Receive A Private Invitation
(Open In Every Country In The World)

Simply click the link above and enter your name and email address. From there, here’s what is going to happen:

1. You will receive an automated email asking you to confirm your email address.
2. You’ll receive an automated email from me sharing additional information.
3. On January 25th or 26th I’ll send you the personal invite

NOTICE: The invite I send to you is only valid for 24 hours. If you do not enroll for the affiliate program for free within 24 hours of me sending you the link, your opportunity will expire and the available slot will go to the next person.

I know this all seems strict - and it is. The process for enrolling as an affiliate will change in a few months after the initial launch. Right now invitations are limited so the market isn’t flooded immediately. Why? Three reasons. One, it makes marketing the business exclusive and allows a handful of people to really run with this over the next few months. Two, provides ample ramp-up time for the company. And three, of course, it’s just smart marketing they are doing. Let’s be honest.

NOTICE: My time is EXTREMELY limited. This has turned my business world upside-down (in a good way) and I’m going 1,000 miles an hour ramping up and getting ready for the launch. For many of you, I’m sure that this will be the case for you as well. With that said, I will not be playing question and answer game below that happens in WSO’s.

For one, this is 100% free. And this is not some scheme to gather email addresses. If that is a concern, do not use your primary email address. But be sure you use an email you’d have access to this weekend. If you use Gmail, check your promotions folder in case my emails go in there.

This is a one-time opportunity to get in FIRST. Right now Facebook, Google, Bing, Yahoo, YouTube, Twitter, PPC, this, that, and everything else is WIDE OPEN. Not one single ad. Not one single mention. But all of that is about to change after this weekend.

It will be a RACE to get this in front of all of your contacts as fast as possible over the next several days. If you do not reach out to them - I can 100% assure you that someone else will between LinkedIn, Facebook, Google, YouTube, email, Twitter, PPC, Pinterest, phone, or face-to-face.

If one already owns a business or ever had the desire to start one (traditional, work from home, brick and mortar, franchise, etc.) they absolutely need this service. It truly solves multiple problems that we as business owners have faced for many years. Including getting funded. (Last part was a bit of a slip.... hint.)

Once you enroll (again, for free) you too will have the opportunity to send your contacts to your own personal site. These people can either be interested in the affiliate program, the service offered by the website launching in a couple of months, or both. Either way, it's a win-win because of what this will do for business owners and those who want to become business owners.

You will be provided 30-60 days to enroll as many potential customers (and affiliates if you wish to do so) into the company as possible. (Zero spamming. The company is very strict about spam. You'll soon learn exactly who is behind this company and you'll understand why they know their #&%$ when it comes to building multi-billion dollar internet businesses.)

Do you want to watch all of this happen - or do you want to be in at the very beginning of a new Internet business that has the potential to disrupt multiple billion-dollar markets… quickly?

The choice is yours, Warrior.

PS... If you work with any type of Entrepreneur and certain types of businesses (who you will soon learn about), this new business is a golden ticket for you. For example, if you have a list of coaches, accountants, business opportunity seekers, franchise seekers, CPA's, graphic designers, attorney's, investors, inventors, business consultants, or hundreds of other niches... you're sitting on a goldmine here.

PPS... The company is launching globally on day one. It doesn't matter what country you are located in. Multiple language support is already available - with more being added within the next 30-60 days depending on how many affiliates and those interested in the new service enroll during this initial launch phase.

PPPS... If any of you have a Meet Up account and belong to (or run) any business networking groups, I would go here first and reach out to everyone the moment to enroll. This is a laser-targeted market for this new service. Everyone is always looking for leads, new business ideas, contacts, services, funding, and more. Now you can give them access to all of the above - and so much more.

Last edited on 23rd Jan 2014 at 08:38 AM. Reason: fixed links
Texas_Guns is offline   Reply With Quote


100%, affiliate, affiliate program, free, highpaying, imers, invitation, off-line, offliners, opportunity, program, untapped, wso

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