Can't reply even though I am logged in?

1 replies
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Hi, I'm new here and I've been having this issue.

I've posted a few questions and received replies on threads I began but every time I try to "reply" to them I am prompted to "sign in" when I'm already signed in to my account.

I registered through my google account if that matters. And every time I log in and try to click "reply" I get prompted to "sign in" again every time without the message actually getting posted. (This only happens on already existing thread "replies", I can reply to the original post but not to the people having a discussion below).

Does anyone else have the same issue? Or do I have to complete a set of requirements before I can actually respond to "replies" on my threads?
#logged #reply
  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    I moved this to the Help section. There was a similar issue raised last year which was resolved by the member switching to "classic" view - you can do that by hovering over your user name in the top black toolbar and selecting "View Classic". Maybe that will help.

    Here's a link to that other thread:

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11744605].message }}

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