Look for Warriors that use PLR Articles and Profit from them.

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I want warriors that profit from plrs to partner with me...

I have built a system to house every plr article I get my hands on. I want to start testing this system with people that will benefit the most from having access to it - the people currently using and profiting from plr content.

What I want to give you:
- free access to my new plr service which currently has over 109,000 PLR articles completely indexed and ready to use. Not chopped lines or strange characters.
- lifetime exclusive benefits in the system
- Deeply discount or free membership once the service is live

What I need from you:
- for you to use the service and (hopefully) directly profit from it
- for you to give suggestions on how to improve the system for your usage
- for you to give me comments on what features would make it more valuable

This isn't for anyone... you must be actively using and profiting from plr content.

Please contact me if you are interested of post any questions you have,
#articles #plr #profit #warriors

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