7 replies
Hello All,

Really looking forward to building some great relationships with you all! Wanted to just briefly introduce myself. My name is Jamie Kochan I live in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada (There's a mouthful for you!) I got introduced to internet marketing back on October 26, 2006 and it has really become a huge part of my life ever since.

As most of this in the industry I have had my up's and down's as all of us had, but the biggest thing that I have gained so far is the knowledge I have been able to accumulate over the years. Money is something that will always come and go, but knowledge is the one thing that can't be taken away!

That being said I look forward to building some great relationships with as many of you as possible, and learning a lot more as well as passing what I have learned on to others


Jamie Kochan

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