Best seller kindle ebook until 1 January 2020

52 replies
After my last business crusade which you can view here I decided that there is only one thing that I can sell which gives me a peace of mind and can make a difference too, that is information in text. I rather follow a b2c route though instead of a b2b one, b2c is harder and riskier but it offers absolute freedom and I like that, also I can't really work in b2b currently, I just don't have what it takes and I may never do in writing at least.

So, my business shot will be an amazon kindle ebook and the subject will be entrepreneurship, the ebook will include all my knowledge, theories, high level advice and so on, everything that I learned during my business crusade will be on it. The goal of the ebook is to solve the problem that I had when I began my journey in business, it will help people set their business path easily and safely. I see many people who ask the same questions again and again, most of them don't know their expectations in business, they are detached from reality and the internet makes matters worse with the amount of scammers that lurk on it. I believe some people will find my ebook useful. It will save them many hours of searching, asking, thinking and most importantly losing lots of money on bad investments. Don't understimate this, the internet is a complete chaos, putting order and usability into its information is not to be taken lightly.

I will probably create a blog too in order to promote the ebook but I don't plan to focus too much on it, I will make as many posts as needed in order to get the job done, I won't push for volume. I believe that blogging will be a powerful promotion tool considering what I have in my disposal. Information blogs are very good. I may mix affiliate offers into it, also I will direct traffic from my ebook to my blog, that's for sure.

As for my funnel, I will follow a model that push continuous promotion, the ebook will help on this. If the user knows that I have an ebook somewhere right from the start then every email after this will promote the ebook, so I have to make it crystal clear that I have an awesome ebook before I start sending emails.

Finally, I have to admit that I'm not the best candidate for a writer due to my english but I will have the time to correct them, that's why I chose this type of business in the first place. My power lies on the information itself and not so much on my novel skills, despite that I aim to make something very watchable and usable with great structure.

I have already finished 24k words for my ebook, I don't have a specific number of words that I want to reach but I estimate than it will end up around 40k words, the hardest part of it is over for now. I plan to do tons of editing and proofreading though. My goal is to finish everything within few months and spend the rest promoting.

This is literally my final business shot, there is nothing else I can do, so I don't plan to give up until the end, I believe that my chances are very low but I want to put my knowledge and strategy to test despite that the odds are against me. I'm curious if I'm capable to make it. I made the title a bit more dramatic in order to draw interest, in reality I will be happy if I manage to sell enough copies.

Happy new year to everyone and good luck achieving your goals.
#2020 #ebook #january #kindle #seller
  • Profile picture of the author Shanks88
    The project goes well for now, I have completed the theoretic part of the ebook and I progressed the technical part which was a pain to solve at the beginning, I have now a very nice way to guide someone through the practical steps.

    In fact I learned things that I didn't even know prior to this, the struggle to solve the technical part improved my web design skills significantly especially in the UX/UI area, I can easily draw inspiration from other web pages to create my own, I can create sales pages or any type of a simple site now and I can apply proper design, I understand much better the web pages I see and the messages they are trying to pass. I have to thank one tool for most of this, elementor pro that is. Best tool ever.

    At first I thought about giving up on the technical part because it looked too much to explain such a thing in a usable and easy way but it is one of the biggest problems for new entrepreneurs and I have to create a best I'm not leaving anything out. I have to be patient and trust my brain, if I give it enough time, it will find solutions.

    It's just a matter of time now, before I finish everything and start the edit/proofread part.
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  • Profile picture of the author Shanks88
    Progress for this week:
    • I decided how my blog will look like and learned how to make it including the popups/responders/freebies etc
    • I finished the last part of my ebook and started the editing/proofreading

    Writing is tough, some days I don't have the power to write while others I may write a lot, I have to get used to this mood. The good news is that I work a lot and kinda enjoy it. The amount of work I have to do is insane though.
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    • Profile picture of the author zenmn
      Writing is tough, some days I don't have the power to write while others I may write a lot, I have to get used to this mood. The good news is that I work a lot and kinda enjoy it. The amount of work I have to do is insane though.

      Been there!

      Keep plowing ahead.

      We each have our own style to stay productive when writing.

      For me ...

      ... it was to see my chapters, titles and subtitles all at once before I even begin to write.

      Each chapter and subchapter designed to move you thru the book.

      When I would lose my way I'd simply go back to my TOC frame work.

      Also ...

      If you can find a similar book/subject and look at their TOC (table of contents) that is helpful.

      My power lies on the information itself and not so much on my novel skills, despite that I aim to make something very watchable and usable with great structure.
      I also discovered I have my own unique/loose way of writing ... matter of fact ... the more formal I made it (usually suggested by others) the more frustrated I became.

      I've resolved to write in my own --simple as it may be--- style ... but double down on ensuring I am always delivering easy, understandable, actionable value.

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  • Profile picture of the author oppyeaunome
    Writing is definitely tough.

    I know how you feel. There are days you can keep cranking out good content and there are days you don't feel like writing anything.

    It's hard but you have to keep thinking about why you're doing this. Once you keep your why in front of you you'll keep pushing in the times you don't feel like it.

    Stick with it.

    Think about where you'd like to be at the end of the year and know that if you keep pushing you'll get to your goals.

    I wish you nothing, but success.
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  • Profile picture of the author Shanks88
    This week is going great, I work a lot and finally have fun with this, so far:

    I completed editing the first three chapters of the book who are the hardest part of it, they are about 10k words.

    I read some books about copywriting that improved my openings and follow ups significantly.

    I decided how my freebie and blog articles will look like.

    My plan is:

    Not obey typical essay writing rules.

    Use strong statements, quotes and scenarios to make powerfull openings with a supportive follow up.

    Use max 3 sentences per paragraph and have lots of empty space.

    Use very few titles (if any) within a chapter since they are so annoying and disruptive.

    Overall, I have so much fun with writing now, I'm doing crazy things with it in my struggle to pass my message in an engaging way. I love watching articles just to see how they opened and transitioned, I could really benefit from a swipe file.

    This project will really be a testament to my copywriting skills because I will have to write soooo much, I will certainly use everything that I do as portfolio after. I'm happy that I found something new in my life that I can obsess with no matter what happens. I have lost many interests over the years, I needed something new.
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    • Profile picture of the author agmccall
      Originally Posted by Shanks88 View Post

      Use max 3 sentences per paragraph and have lots of empty space.
      I read quite a bit. And, I have seen pdf's and books like this and they are really hard to read. It does not flow too well at all. I usually delete them and move on.

      Just my opinion though.


      "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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      • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
        Originally Posted by agmccall View Post

        I read quite a bit. And, I have seen pdf's and books like this and they are really hard to read. It does not flow too well at all. I usually delete them and move on.

        Just my opinion though.


        Admitedly, that jumped out at me too. I read a lot, but I can't even think of a book I've looked at with 3 sentences per paragraph. Perhaps I've been subconsciously selective.

        OP, good luck with your book though nontheless. I wouldn't reveal anything in the works neither unless I was at a critical point of being stuck.
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  • Profile picture of the author Shanks88
    I had to do a very hard edit this week, the book was heading towards the wrong direction and made it harder for me to write as well. I changed the information architecture, style and included new ideas and now the book has improved a lot and has a specific goal and direction.

    I use a very specific style, process and theories in my writing now that I developed this week after lots of thinking. I'm basically on the same part as the last week but the quality has improved significantly. The first chapters look perfect. Now, I can finish the book.

    Also, I had to improve my room's setup in order to work better because it was terrible, now I can work easily.

    Everything going well with the book so far.

    I'm kinda sad that, I haven't managed to sell my xbox and 3rd account of my previous venture, I mean these are 300e right there that I could use for paid marketing after I finish my ebook and blog or for ebook cover design and other stuff regarding the book.

    It's kinda hilarious but I got bored and now use the console to play when I take breaks from writing, seriously, my previous venture made me so much that I was able to spend tons on unprofitable investments and still have enough to make my blog and even promote my ebook. I actually have enough to buy some games too.
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  • Profile picture of the author Shanks88
    I finished a very very tough part of the ebook this week, I'm up to 30k words now, I will soon finish this edit and I will proceed with a 3rd one that will go faster. I have found solutions to many problems, it looks like I will manage to finish this.
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  • Profile picture of the author Shanks88
    I keep pushing, I finished editing another 5 articles.

    The work is extremely tough and requires tremendous patience but I can't lose at this point because I came to the conclusion that business is a terrifying challenge. You have to sacrifice something that will never be easy to do so, this could be: taking a big risk by investing a lot, offering painfully hard skills, branding yourself and pray that your personality and offer will attract people, accomplish heavy responsibility tasks that will require a lot of social proof to be entrusted to you etc. Sometimes is a combination of all these things.

    I thought that poker required much harder work ethic but this isn't so true after all. This is the nature of business and it doesn't end there, I keep watching people who work all day and are plagued in debt and struggle to survive, others are break-even and waste their time but they have no alternative, there is no guarantee that you will succeed even after your sacrifice.

    Sometimes I think that this ebook is so hard that I would never want to do something like this again but then I remember how tough business is and that thought fades.

    Not only it is very hard but also I feel weak about this ebook because I don't know if my audience will indeed want to buy this, I just took a guess by watching comments and questions, I didn't research properly. I literally dive into the unknown with this venture, I love suicidal and romantic adventures like this, some only love the bright side of business, personally I love the dark too, you know trying hard....promising...having faith...and then booom, being obliterated, everything falls apart, It's funny. I probably gained that masochistic trait from poker. I'm just enjoying this because it is an adventure and not because I will win surely.

    Anyway, winning or not, this business will allow me to do a loooot of things that will contribute to my portfolio. I will be able to do everything with the blog and ebook, this includes: email marketing, ppc, social media, seo etc. Even if I fail, the portfolio and experience gathered from these will act as a gateway to the B2B writing world which is a safer world, so not only I don't have a defeatist attidute towards this business but instead I'm taking it very seriously as my only means of making a living online.

    Well, I'm not saying that the B2B is any easier, the challenge is still huge and there is no certainty that my work will be enough to qualify me considering that I also lack in degrees (relative to the subject), English ability and composition, nevertheless in the tough world of business, I don't have an alternative, this is the only thing I can offer so I have to win somehow, no matter how much I lack.

    The ebook I write has been my best teacher so far, it is meant to allow you to succeed in business under any circumstances, all I have to do is following my own advice.
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  • Profile picture of the author Shanks88
    I'm very close to the third and final edit of this ebook. There are still some few challenges left but overall the final edit will be very fast, if I managed to get this far, that means the ebook will become a reality.

    The basic dilemma this week was if I will include the blog or not, I had to re-analyze my marketing plan, so I decided that I will include it, it won't necessarily allow me to attack more marketing channels but I will be able to attack the same ones in a more powerful way. Thanks to the ebook I will be able to create the articles fast.

    I had to choose between several themes and builders for my blog, the best ones being astra, elementor pro and avada, the dilemma was elementor tiled cards vs avada left side image one under other style, I couldn't decide because I liked both, in the end I chose elementor pro because it also offers popups and it's much cheaper, it is an excellent product and one of the few that I will sell through my blog and ebook. Wordpress and making a site seems so easy at this point, I played too much with it because I also had to include some tutorials into my ebook.

    Besides a blog, I even consider to include a YouTube channel into my plan, my marketing plan is what I call a "mass attack" plan, I plan to attack everywhere that is free to do so and be persistent about it.

    When you create an ebook, you have no reason to not include every content creation platform in your marketing plan because at this point it should be easy to create content by stealing from the topics of your ebook.

    This week I felt weaker regarding my writing and I ran into some confidence issues, the writing and content strategy that is required for this project is extreme for someone like me, my english are bad and my composition is even worse, hopefully editing and proofreading will save this project.

    Anyway, my resolve is strong, I will somehow manage to finish this. I have to quit the perfectionist attidute, I don't believe that you need to be perfect to succeed as a writer, it's more about the message rather than the flow.
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  • Profile picture of the author Shanks88
    I started the final edit of the ebook, everything is ready at this point, so I won't have to change much. This edit will include proper formatting too, I will create styles and table of contents etc.

    I'm so exhausted from this but I don't regret it. I have been writing 3k+ words per day, the ebook itself is close to 40k words.
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  • Profile picture of the author Shanks88
    The problem with writing is that while I know what I have to edit, I don't know why I did in the first place and how to repeat for the rest of chapters. I now realize that editing has incredible potential, this is a part that I understimated. Luckily, I don't have to change the message of the book, it looks ok but there are a lot of pointless words, too much theory, too much repetition etc. Some paragraphs and statements are great while others look like I was struggling to write something.

    I need an editing formula and more defitine style, I don't believe in formulas but I have to edit AND proofread 40k words and then I have the articles too. It's an overkill so I need a way to work faster.
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  • Profile picture of the author Shanks88
    I really can't believe what I'm doing, I edited & proofread & rewrited 7200 words several times in 2-3 days, on top of this the chapters were very tough. I had some sick performance this week, I worked A LOT and my first two chapters look insane in terms of quality now.

    Editing has incredible potential and I believe I'm good at it, I feel I slowly become stronger, I detect jargon very easily, I know when to recostruct my IA, when I should recostruct sentences or entire paragraphs or even entire chapters. I notice some of this stuff instinctively.

    I will never write a book again but I'd admit I have become very fit at writing and especially editing which I understimated severely. My previous book was 15k words and I struggling hard and even partnered with a friend for the editing part, now that looks like a joke tbh.

    I'm a bad writer but inspiration and editing can save the game.
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  • Profile picture of the author Shanks88
    I sold the last account from my previous venture for 100 dollars, I really needed that boost

    I'm better writer now but really, I have a tendecy to dive deep into theory and overcomplicate things, also I want to write everything but I can't. I wrote awesome paragraphs that I have to delete. It's like a strategy.... you can't do everything, you have to delete stuff and actually a lot of it. I need to trust my readers more and make sure that my advice will be as practical as possible even if that leaves out complicated advice.
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  • Profile picture of the author Shanks88
    I'm very close to the end of this project, I have formatted everything, I set the table of contents and I even uploaded it to kindle and test it right now. Luckily I had all the ms word styles from a previous book so I didn't have to create them again.

    I decided that I won't create a blog because the project is such that the benefit will not worth the time spent to it, I just don't have enough knowledge to make an entertaining blog unless I curate content, it's just a starting tutorial after all, there will be no significant value on my blog posts since I don't dive deep into a specific subject. I'm still thinking to create a sales page with very few emails because I think I can create a powerful copy and also that would allow me to include some upsells in my book but I'm not sure if those upsells worth it either. I want to include some affiliate links especially elementor.

    I tried to do some research about the book this week and I received negative feedback because people don't like fancy theories but rather straightforward advice. Entrepreneurs are more pragmatists than realists. I need to remember why I started this project in the first place and that wasn't to write smart stuff and look good but rather to give a solution to those who are starting out in digital business and spend tons of hours searching and googling, also some technical advice regarding each business. None will understand the smart stuff that I write especially the audience I'm targeting since my English are bad and people may lack knowledge in order to grasp my way of thinking, also I don't have enough social proof to force someone reading such theories, they will demotivate him immediately.

    Back in the day, when I was reading poker books, the authors did something similar, they didn't give you an educated explanation about their advice, they didn't dive deep in the roots of theory and math, their books were filled with ignorance, yet they were popular. I have to do something similar no matter how much I hate it.

    Anyway, I give the book one more month and it will be out by then, I'm trying to correct the flaw and the message of the book, I need to stick to the plan and not expand to complex stuff.
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  • Profile picture of the author Shanks88
    The book is complete and I will publish today or tommorow. I'm not going to create a website. I will instead market it through influencers and social media.

    I'd say it's not exactly what I wanted but it's very readable and it kinda send the message that I initially planned for. I had to remove a lot of stuff from it and it's now about 15k words instead of 40k.

    Anyway, I'm done with writing because my English and communication level is just too low. I think I overstimated myself. I'm not messing with such a long project again. I will see what I will do in the future but for now I will take a big break from business because I'm exhausted.

    I'm happy with this challenge because I still had to learn a lot, this book was a school for me but I'm sad because this isn't a business that I can stick with and repeat it. I actually struggled a lot during the end. Nevertheless, I can do a lot now, so I will find a way. My goal now is making the best out of this book and find a business that I can stick with for a long time, no more hustles.

    It will probably take a lot until I update again.
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  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    Good job seeing the project thru to this point. Most people would have given up by now. Hopefully people will like your book and purchase it. What platforms do you plan on selling it on ?

    You can earn 10% average annual returns on your investments -
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I had to remove a lot of stuff from it and it's now about 15k words instead of 40k.
    This is a 'path' thread where you explain what it is you are doing - after posts where you talk about 40k words....WHY is it now only 15k? Nothing wrong with the size but such a big change must have a 'story' behind it - and might educate others here.

    [QUOTE]this isn't a business that I can stick with and repeat it. I actually struggled a lot during the end. /QUOTE]

    Starting a business is a struggle - there's really no way around that. Your writing is quite good judging from the extensive posts in your threads here.

    .Writing, publishing and doing some promotion is a good ending but members would enjoy knowing how it ends - is the book selling, etc.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
    what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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    • Profile picture of the author Shanks88
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      This is a 'path' thread where you explain what it is you are doing - after posts where you talk about 40k words....WHY is it now only 15k? Nothing wrong with the size but such a big change must have a 'story' behind it - and might educate others here.
      I removed some chapters where I overanalyzed theories and turned them into simpler pieces of advice with a brief explanation. Also, I realized that the goal of this book wasn't to dive deep into one type of business or marketing method but rather give a strong advice about them without leaving the surface, so again I removed a lot of stuff where I overanalyzed and kept it simple.

      If I had to explain every business or marketing method in-depth then I would have to write many books and I'm not an expert on any of them to do such a thing. This book is a tutorial to help someone see the choices that he has and get some guidance to reach faster his goal. The advice of the book is simple and practical yet very strong. I hit the core points of each subject and explain everything in few words. What I like the most out of this book is my sales copy, I think it is pretty good but time will tell.

      I have been thinking to create a social media business about entrepreneurship with curate content where I will promote this book too but I'm not sure yet. When your products are not great then a strong marketing method is required like having an audience on social media or your website where you can promote cost efficiently. This is the mistake I did with the previous book too, I created it without having an audience to promote it. I will use influencers now which is the best shortcut (if not the only) you can take when lacking an audience but it's not very cost efficient.

      When you can't compete in value then you have to compete in marketing, you need momentum, reach, brand attachment, cost efficiency etc. Damn this is my own advice in the book too. Most digital ecommerce brands would benefit a lot by strong social media presence, I would say it's almost mandatory.

      I published the book for now but I might do more changes to it in the future. If there is one thing that I learned from this challenge is that editing has an unlimited potential and you will always want something different, it just never ends, so I had to let go and publish it.

      If I make any sales then I will update, I'm thinking right now how I should procceed, I'm considering youtube influencers.
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  • Profile picture of the author Shanks88
    One advice that I can give to writers is to use a lot of dots if you lack the flow to transition well. I would obviously prefer to be an excellent writer and have good flow but I lack the skills so I abused this mechanic. I saw a writer who did the same, lots of dots and new sentences within the same paragraph. Of course you have to talk about the same subject but describe different things about it.
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    • Profile picture of the author agmccall
      Originally Posted by Shanks88 View Post

      One advice that I can give to writers is to use a lot of dots if you lack the flow to transition well. I would obviously prefer to be an excellent writer and have good flow but I lack the skills so I abused this mechanic. I saw a writer who did the same, lots of dots and new sentences within the same paragraph. Of course you have to talk about the same subject but describe different things about it.
      or you could hire a proofreader editor from a site like upwork


      "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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      • Profile picture of the author Shanks88
        Originally Posted by agmccall View Post

        or you could hire a proofreader editor from a site like upwork

        Having an editor is great.

        I had one for my previous book who was a translator and he had finished proficiency with A+. It was great working with him but he offered the service for free because he owned me some stuff.

        The ones in upwork are probably expensive and I'm not sure what I will get for my money. I would rather work with someone who I know and trust. I'm sure that those in literature have the skills to transform this book into a new one. It's a sad fact but some skills can only be learned by studying them properly. I can't learn English just by writing books, although I have learned how to organize information and create new content. I don't think I'm bad creator, researcher or content strategist and also my sales copy ideas are strong. Nevertheless I'm a bad writer and this is the part where I struggled the most. The worst part is that I had to abandon great ideas because I didn't know how to express them properly in paper.

        Anyway the book is readable and I improved it further, so it is up to 17k words now. I can't improve it anymore. I think its message is perfect as it is now.

        The real problem now is that I have to follow up with a social media business or blogging, so that I gather an audience where I will promote this ebook. Blogging just doesn't fit into this plan and my writing is bad anyway, so the only thing that remains is social media. It's possible that I do this next but I have think about the content strategy and how I could use such audience for selling multiple products. Paying influencers for some initial sales will obviously help but it is not enough, it's not a solid long-term plan for this ebook. Now it is where the real fun begins with this project.
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        • Profile picture of the author savidge4
          Originally Posted by Shanks88 View Post

          The real problem now is that I have to follow up with a social media business or blogging, so that I gather an audience where I will promote this ebook. Blogging just doesn't fit into this plan and my writing is bad anyway, so the only thing that remains is social media. It's possible that I do this next but I have think about the content strategy and how I could use such audience for selling multiple products. Paying influencers for some initial sales will obviously help but it is not enough, it's not a solid long-term plan for this ebook. Now it is where the real fun begins with this project.
          go read this:

          PUBLISH THE BOOK!!!!! don't think you have to have everything in place before that happens. THEN start developing traffic to your book.

          Here is something you should try. BUY other books about your same topic on Amazon. then LEAVE reviews. Amazon if played correctly is "Social" as well. people will click your name link to see what you are about. AND those people.. those people are BUYING or have bought and WILL buy again.

          The Pinterest posting is another GREAT idea.

          JUST PUBLISH THE BOOK!! lol
          Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author gdmatthew
    Sounds like a great program that will get you where you want to go!

    I think the most important thing it succeeding is persistence. I have found that to be so in my own case, and recommend that you keep going on your path. You will definitely make it.

    It's also very helpful to have a mentor or someone that can hold you accountable to your commitment to succeed. Feedback and encouragement from a trusted friend is very helpful.

    Good luck!!
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  • Profile picture of the author gdmatthew
    It sounds like you are doing great, Shanks88! I might suggest that you try posting on Pinterest as a social media channel. Just get an account and then line up with a group or topic that relates to your book. Pinterest posts stay up for a long time, so it should be good exposure.
    Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author Shanks88
    I haven't taken action yet. I spent a lot of time thinking what should I do. It was rather tough because I always think about the long-term. Admitelly I did some mistakes, I was right that I will manage to finish this e-book project but I understimated the marketing part. Of course I was less experienced when I started this, I'm a different person now. (the e-book contributed to this)

    Anyway, I came to a conclusion about how I will proceed with this. There are two ways from here. The first is creating a blog and commit while the second is creating few strong ads and then stop. For the first way I will use PPC funneling and social media while for the second way I will buy Amazon reviews and use reddit with upvotes, youtube and maybe pinterest or quora too. I found how to contact influencers, so this part is solved.

    I'm not going to create a social media business without blogging because I can't see any long-term value. I honestly don't think it will work well. If I'm going to commit to such a project until the end then I may as well master my writing and content strategy skills and use them for money. This is the long-term value out of this. I will create a linkedin profile and use my writing work as portfolio for more money.

    I tend to lean towards the second way because I think I'm at my limit with writing and I don't feel I'm very good with content either. I don't think I should push further with this. I will obviously honor this project and I'm experienced enough to make a decent marketing attack but I won't neccesarily commit more time than this. I'm mature enough now, I know perfectly what I can do and what I want.

    I did a horrible mistake this week and spent some money from my paypal to buy some stuff unrelated to business. It's almost impossible to reload in my country so that was pretty bad from my part because I'm not willing to pay influencers or anything for that matter with my real credit card.

    Luckily that mistake didn't ruin me, although made things tougher. I was tilting when I did it, so I wasn't thinking clear. This week was tough in many ways but I can see a way out of this now. I have a plan and I will decide what to do during the next days.
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  • Profile picture of the author Shanks88
    I'm done for now.

    I decided not to promote the e-book yet but I will leave it published. I will promote it once I have enough budget to hire a good editor to rewrite it properly and a good designer for the cover. I will also hire someone to write some emails and the ads of my campaign. I may hire someone to rewrite some blog posts too. All these things won't require a huge budget but I still have to gather it somehow.

    IMO you either can do something or you don't. I could write this ebook on my native language but it's impossible to express the ideas properly in English. Even in my native language I would still have problems despite the fact that my fluency is much better if not perfect. The structure of the e-book is great and same goes for the ideas but it doesn't look good now although it's readable. It would be a waste to promote it like this. After all the goal is to make money with it and if that's not possible then it's pointless to promote it. I'm a very patient guy and know when to pass even after considerable effort in order to benefit further in the future.

    Overall, I don't plan to stick further with the e-book and entrepreneurship business type. I will promote the e-book if I get the chance to do it properly but I'm done with that business since my English are bad and I can't create another content. I miscalculated a lot of things but I won't let it be wasted. I have no reason to hurry.

    One important lesson that I learned from this is that my sales skills are weak because my English are weak. There are few things I can sell that require very simple forms of copy and communication. Nevertheless, I should be able to outsource what's not possible for me to do and that's the part where I failed. I overstimated my English. I could push for more but I think that's enough, this isn't how business works. It would be more efficient for my time to gather the money and simply outsource.

    Well, I may have weak sales skills but they still exist and I'm also specialized on few things, so I can still make money and maybe enough. My goal for now will be to make use of my sales skills in order to make money and promote the book once I have enough to afford.

    I have been thinking for a long time that I need a way to create strong products in order to get marketers and investors or much stronger sales skills in order to resell easier and profitably. Right now I only have enough knowledge to use some simple platforms and resell some gaming stuff. I can't even create a product of my own that is worth anything. I will take some time off and train myself in either programming or English/Communications + a new strong niche. I will be able then to get partners easier and make money on demand when I don't have enough to invest.

    Anyway, If I manage to promote the e-book then I will update but I'm off for now. I haven't failed yet, it's just a tactical retreat. I will return back to my bread and butter. Now I have the power to execute it to a much higher level. When I get the money then I will return back to the e-book. I plan to hire a godly editor and ghost writer.

    Just remember this tip: business is a pragmatist thing. You can't reason with it. You never know until you try it to the end. Don't try anything unless you know that you can complete it 100%. Have enough money or be tested.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11490014].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I decided not to promote the e-book yet but I will leave it published.

    Did you publish it...or not? Sounds like it above but doesn't sound like it int he rest of the post.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
    what it is instead of what you think it should be.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11490021].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Shanks88
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      Did you publish it...or not? Sounds like it above but doesn't sound like it int he rest of the post.
      Yes, it is published.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11490032].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Shanks88
    I'm beginning soon the plan that will make me money for the e-book promotion. I will spend the next 4-5 months just making money the only way I can. I will redo the gaming account plan and this time I will try to resell gaming services too although I feel this won't work because recruiting will be hard as it is now. The last time I tried the account plan I made about 500e in 2 months but looking back at it, I made sooo many mistakes. This time it will be refined. I'm not expecting to make any crazy amount but it may be enough to promote properly my e-book and do other stuff too.

    I kinda feel happy because I love games, I get a warm feeling when I return to them. You know colors.... fantasy... I love this stuff. The money amount might be small but I don't get exhausted doing it so there is a benefit to it. One thing I have realized in my business journey is the importance of niche. This word is being used a lot in business but it's not understood properly by many. Every type of business needs a niche and a free niche platform that connects buyers with the niche sellers, this is the only way to build a budget from zero.

    I slowly start to think as a businessman, I get business ideas out of nowhere, I believe my e-book contributed to this, e.g. I was thinking to sell web design for gaming boost sites with elementor or sell copy for such sites. Well I actually don't even have the skills for this (graphic design ones) but this is how you make good use of a niche. After I thought these ideas then I realized then that there were others who were doing it on the same platforms, it was kinda funny. Besides business ideas, I think I have become an expert at getting information from competitors or consumers and using it for my business. It all happens automatically now, every time I see prices or any kind of consumer comment then I get notes. I interacted a lot with the community for the plan I will execute now, I got tons of information both from asking and searching.

    Overall, I feel like a different person and my view to the world has changed. Even when I talk my mother, I'm trying to train my communication skills and convince her for something like it is some form of business. I always think about ideas, prices, information etc. I see someone asking for something and then I think "oh he is doing market research, you are not fooling me!" kinda paranoid...

    I was thinking about the e-book this week too and what I can tell is that while it is a good read and will help someone in business, it actually lacks the focus that will make it sell well. The execution stuff of the e-book might be too general for some and will force many to think for themselves. As it is now, it would make a great report but I don't think the concept is attractive enough for a paid e-book. I will leave it published for now but when the day comes to rewrite it, I will probably turn it into a niche business e-book that will include a lot of execution stuff, probably the one that I gather from the business I'm doing now. It would make sense to use a business that I did myself successfully and it will make it easier to promote too since the audience will be very specific. General entrepreneurship is probably too much for me. I can offer ideas and guidance but I can't offer very specific business related patterns and I lack the social proof to compete for such a general niche. Something will have to change there too. Changing it to a niche e-book that makes guaranteed money for the buyer with specific patterns will probably make it sell better.

    Anyway, I have done so many mistakes both with the e-book and the budget that I gathered from my previous project but it's ok. I spent no time that didn't give me any value. This is what matters in the end. I have some internet powers now and I can make money on demand from the web. This is progress. The big money will come from scaling the businesses I do now or by training to a new skill + niche which is something that I have considered for a long time now but I'm not ready for this yet and will take years to complete. My focus is on scaling for now and I believe I can do it this time if I get better with recruiting & outsourcing remotely. Overall, I have to respect the skills that I have and make them work for my survival.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11492032].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Shanks88
    Actually, the plan I will do now it's still a gaming service plan. It's just that I sell the services as a product instead of individually, you can do the same with web design or some other services too. I could call this a gaming account plan if I flipped accounts only. Selling the services individually doesn't guarantee that I will manage to sell enough within the month especially with bad promotion. On the other hand creating a strong account with multiple services incorporated to it that most need would make the plan faster I believe.

    This time I plan to make the most efficient time to money management ever. Last time I overdid it and I missed so much value because I used services that didn't target the masses and they were so tedious too, hell I didn't even research. Generally, the money is not a problem assuming that the time and stress management are analogical to it. In fact if you do it well then it's not that different from other freelance gigs. It's like a virtual assistant with a gaming niche.

    I'm still facing some problems with recruiting. Efficient recruiting and outsourcing is clearly the key to a superior business because you win time but it scares me to do it remotely. I have to think about a recruitment plan.

    When I think about recruitment, I still recall the first plan that I ever did on this forum which was to resell blogging gigs. Oh man my logic wasn't that bad and I even managed to recruit one blogger back then but honestly, the free platforms where I promoted were bad and I didn't even promote as an agency but rather as a third person with a terrible non-promising copy. The niche of my blogger was totally unknown to me (bitcoin) so I didn't know what platforms work well with it, neither I knew much about blogging so I couldn't judge the quality of his work which is important on the recruitment process. Considering how inexperienced I was, it is funny that I wasn't on the wrong path. I have to succeed on recruitment and promotion this time. I know the platforms, niche, gigs and everything.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11492412].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author amuro
    Great job!

    Keep it up.

    I for one will love to learn how to publish my own Kindle books in near future.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11493035].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Shanks88
    I started my plans this week and I have already advanced a lot. I think I can already sell my account for a markup up to 100-150e. It only took me 2 days to build it but I was lucky too. My progress was delayed due to pc problems, my HDD died and caused me a lot of issues but luckily I had an SSD which saved me. I'm still getting a lot of errors and the game had a lot of updates this week nevertheless the situation is manageable now. I think I won't sell my account yet, I will probably wait 1-2 weeks in order to sell for a higher markup, this is a tough decision tbh.

    I started a gaming service reselling business too which I mix with my account plan but it doesn't go well. I haven't been able to sell a gig yet. I don't expect to sell a gig anytime soon because the marketing I use is weak, although it's too early to judge that. If I'm not capable to sell a lot of gigs then the ones I will sell have to be very expensive otherwise the business is pointless. It's impossible to sell expensive gigs if you don't complete the gigs yourself and even then the gigs must worth hundreds. I use the same promotion method for the gigs as the one I did for my accounts. The difference is that my accounts worthed a lot so even if It took a lot of time to sell them, I would still make a decent amount of money. The account plan mixes a lot of services in one which raises a lot the price. It's not like the account's promotion is any better, I would still wait a lot but I have won a lot of time and price by mixing many services in one lifeless product.

    Sadly, I'm not capable to sell any expensive individual gigs on my own neither I can recruit players who can that would also give me a decent margin. This makes me less optimistic about the service plan. The players that I recruited feel the same, they tend to avoid cheap orders of a few or one gig and they prefer getting a lot of gigs at once which will give them more money even if it cost them more time. It looks like everyone is chasing after work in this business because it's so hard to find.

    When you can't sell a lot then you have to create more expensive products. People do not buy based on prices but based on their needs, it doesn't matter if a product is cheap or not, so selling something expensive is better. I think I will scale this plan differently. I will hire people and outsource work for my accounts very cheaply instead of promoting their services to others, I will make money from the account's markup instead of the service margin, I still win time so it's scalable, I'm not sure if the markup will be enough though, at very least I will be able to avoid account related scams like recalls because the accounts will be mine and I won't have to find suppliers either. The recruits won't be disappointed too because they would constantly get work without having to wait. Right now, I can't offer them what I promise and they would think of me as a joker when they have to wait so long to get a job. I don't know why I didn't think about this from the beginning. I really lacked a business mind back then.

    Generally, there are other problems too with prolonged waiting, e.g. the recruits might not be available when I will need them which will hurt my reputation to a customer and cost me money too (assuming I can't outsource to another company for a decent profit). Selling human time is more problematic than selling a lifeless product that is always available and doesn't waste your days. Finally, if I offer to my recruits immediate work then I might be able to get much better prices from them since there are always those who need money fast for many reasons even if under another circumstances they would never work for such prices.

    Overall, it's a troublesome situation but I have evolved this plan a lot. I have to take into account that my marketing is weak and think of a way to exploit the platforms that I promote to as much as possible because I can't sell anything else elsewhere for now. I want to advance into my personal website with display ads and Google AdWords but it will take a lot until I reach that level. It's fine though, I have to learn the business better.

    I really want to succeed in this because it will be a great testimonial for my book and will give me a lot of targeted content too.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11494471].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I'm beginning soon the plan that will make me money for the e-book promotion.

    This thread - like the last one - is turning into a diary or blog of your activities.

    If you are promoting your book -stick to what you are doing to promote it. If you are doing something else - don't post about it in this particular thread.

    "Warrior paths' that drift off into one new idea after another will be closed. They are to stay on topic and focus on the title and the 'path' you outlined initially.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
    what it is instead of what you think it should be.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11494476].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Shanks88
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      This thread - like the last one - is turning into a diary or blog of your activities.

      If you are promoting your book -stick to what you are doing to promote it. If you are doing something else - don't post about it in this particular thread.

      "Warrior paths' that drift off into one new idea after another will be closed. They are to stay on topic and focus on the title and the 'path' you outlined initially.
      Ok, sorry.

      I thought they are related because I plan to make the money in order to promote the e-book and improve its content too but ok I will only post *if* I promote my e-book which I currently cannot. Consider my path complete for now, after all I published the e-book. It will take a lot until I post an update again.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11494485].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author agmccall
        Originally Posted by Shanks88 View Post

        I will only post *if* I promote my e-book which I currently cannot..
        Why can't you


        "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11494732].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    You say you have uploaded your book - but no link to it - no one here can buy it because they can't find it.

    That would be a good final post in this thread - a link to where members here can access your ebook. Free advertising!
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
    what it is instead of what you think it should be.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11494815].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Shanks88
      Originally Posted by agmccall View Post

      Why can't you

      It needs editing by a professional writer and a better cover by a designer. I also plan to add some more content to it and change some parts. I want to make it more specific.

      My advertising budget is currently too low, I made mistakes on my calculations. There aren't any free places to promote it.

      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      You say you have uploaded your book - but no link to it - no one here can buy it because they can't find it.

      That would be a good final post in this thread - a link to where members here can access your ebook. Free advertising!
      This forum would be a good place to promote it and it's good to know that I have one post where I can advertise for free but I will reserve this post for the future when the book is properly edited.

      I said it before, I don't hurry. I won't post any updates about what I will do until I promote it, I will make use of the final post for when I decide that my e-book is ready for promotion.

      I have faith in the book, I really believe it will sell. I miscalculated a lot of things but it's ok, I didn't miss any value. I have one year ahead of me and I have no reason to rush this. It's a business book so I'm applying its concepts myself and I gather practical experience and testimonials, also money for the editing and promotion.

      Everything I do now affects the book indirectly but it is not related to it so I have nothing to post. The book that is published now is the one I was capable to make. It's just that I'm not satisfied with it.

      I could post a link and be done with it but that's NOT how I work.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11494841].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
        Originally Posted by Shanks88 View Post

        There aren't any free places to promote it.
        Yes you can. Please read the rules by Gabe for this section. It allows you to add a link only if you do not blast it in every post. The rules are different in certain sections. Stop being so defensive you have help from moderators above ! One has even gone way out of the way to help you.

        If anything maybe someone may stumble on your current ebook in this thread and give you a few solid pointers. Or maybe some one will click your link and buy your e-book. Which give you a little boost in income. So post it.

        You can earn 10% average annual returns on your investments -
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11494868].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author agmccall
        Originally Posted by Shanks88 View Post

        My advertising budget is currently too low, I made mistakes on my calculations. There aren't any free places to promote it.



        "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11494998].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Shanks88
          Originally Posted by DWolfe View Post

          Yes you can. Please read the rules by Gabe for this section. It allows you to add a link only if you do not blast it in every post. The rules are different in certain sections. Stop being so defensive you have help from moderators above ! One has even gone way out of the way to help you.

          If anything maybe someone may stumble on your current ebook in this thread and give you a few solid pointers. Or maybe some one will click your link and buy your e-book. Which give you a little boost in income. So post it.
          I will link the updated version. It will not take long until I update it. It will be good getting some feedback from the members here. I may give it for free here. Amazon has an option to do that.

          Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

          Support comes in many forms on this forum.. it can be words of experience, it can be words of encouragement, and it can be support physically manifested. we can only support to the level you allow us to.. I get it, you don't think its "ready" BUT.. one of the biggest under-toned pieces of advice given by more experienced marketers here on this forum, is perfection is a tool for procrastination. If you have the book uploaded just leave the link or don't. Just understand you may be holding back "Support" how ever it manifests.
          I don't believe in perfection. Writing is sharing an opinion and that opinion could work for some but not so much for others. The book needs a rework on its content and selling point. I don't like it the way it is now.

          Originally Posted by Daniel Evans View Post

          I can't even think of a book I've looked at with 3 sentences per paragraph.
          That's impossible for a kindle book anyway. I'm using long paragraphs now but they are readable anyway.

          Free influencers? not bad... I will check this up when the book is ready.

          There is work to be done with the book. Even though the book is a business on its own, the subject I sell is business so what I'm doing now is applying some of its concepts on a hustle that I know in order to get some practical experience and see if there is something more I can add to its content. It will also make it easier to explain some concepts by using examples of my own business. You can't really write a business book as a theory person only. The basic problem of this book is the book itself. Promotion can be solved one way or the other, even if it costs some money to be done properly.

          I will mess with the account hustle I'm doing now for a month or so in order to get a break from the book which will give some time to my brain to process the information and create new ideas, then I will return back to the book and complete what I started by having more money and some practice in my hands, also more clear mind.

          I'm thinking to make some changes on the way I work with the book. I have seen a lot of writers who emphasize in conversational writing and "speak like you talk" style. I have the flow to do this on my mother language and I can even do more than this. I don't think I'm bad writer, it's just that the language limits me severely. The funny thing is that there are some words in English that I don't know them in my language but that's about it.

          I will use a new word processor because I dislike ms word. I'm thinking scrivener for now. I will rewrite the updated book on my mother language and then hire a high quality translator to convert it all in English. I had enough stucking and not knowing how to express stuff. Only ideas should hold me back, nothing else, otherwise I shouldn't even write a book in the first place.

          I asked on a writing forum once about what should I do to write as a native English person and they told me that I should speak English daily which is hard obviously if not impossible.

          Generally, there are times where I can write English on a very good level but these times are random and I tend to be inconsistent. I underestimated this part when I started the book and I had many moments where I didn't know how to move forward. If you read my book now you will see some great paragraphs while others are poorly made. I wonder now if something like this can happen to my mother language as well. I really don't think I will hit a spot where I feel weak and incapable to talk, neither I will have to edit like a maniac.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11495751].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Support comes in many forms on this forum.. it can be words of experience, it can be words of encouragement, and it can be support physically manifested. we can only support to the level you allow us to.. I get it, you don't think its "ready" BUT.. one of the biggest under-toned pieces of advice given by more experienced marketers here on this forum, is perfection is a tool for procrastination. If you have the book uploaded just leave the link or don't. Just understand you may be holding back "Support" how ever it manifests.
    Success is an ACT not an idea
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11494892].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Shanks88
    I will return back to the book from the following week (after next Tuesday). The lack of social proof and writing skills may ruin this project. I realize now that I wasn't ready to write a book but I will finish what I started. I have gathered a lot of ideas and tested lots of the book's concepts in practice during this break which will be a plus for the book's content.

    I'm not going to create a blog or social media for the book because I don't want to commit more to this. I will only use free sources and reddit (if I can), I'm done with e-books after this one especially general purpose ones. The lack of social proof will really be a challenge for my copy because from my experience, social proof is what makes all the difference. Your copy could really bad but if you have some real info about your value there, you can save it. I could fake it of course but I'm not willing to win like this. It's ok I guess, I will find a way to make this happen. I will have to change a lot.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11497156].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Shanks88
    I haven't started working with the book yet but I prepared the ground and I decided how I will improve it. I will rewrite it in Scrivener and will use ms word for formatting only. I will edit it in my mother language and then I will translate it myself by using a combination of tools unless I can find a really cheap translator. This will make it easier to express my thoughts I believe especially some of the toughest ones. I don't plan to change a lot but I will certainly restructure it and add new stuff into it.

    It will be easier working with it now because I had a major problem with my computer when I started it and it caused a lot of frustration. My break (and hustle) will finish in the coming Wednesday so I will return to the ebook by then.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11499190].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    In the past 6 weeks you have said the book is done - is published - have been asked to provide the link to the book and then said you are rewriting it.

    There is no point in continuing this thread if we are returning to the 'I'm writing (or rewriting) a book'. You could have asked for feedback to help you and you haven't done that.

    Several times you have said the book is finished- you say it's published - now it's being rewritten again.... You have not provided any examples/samples - no niche details - no link to the published ebook.

    Without a link to the book being provided, this thread will be closed at the end of the month.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
    what it is instead of what you think it should be.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11499194].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Shanks88
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      In the past 6 weeks you have said the book is done - is published - have been asked to provide the link to the book and then said you are rewriting it.

      There is no point in continuing this thread if we are returning to the 'I'm writing (or rewriting) a book'. You could have asked for feedback to help you and you haven't done that.

      Several times you have said the book is finished- you say it's published - now it's being rewritten again.... You have not provided any examples/samples - no niche details - no link to the published ebook.

      Without a link to the book being provided, this thread will be closed at the end of the month.
      I published it but then I changed my mind about some stuff and decided to do some changes into it which also required some money, I was also tired so I took a break and made some money during this break which will help me with the book.

      It was a mistake on my part to publish it so early but this is part of the game, miscalculations can happen. I have done this before, I republished a book. I'm not rewritting it but I will do a hard edit and add new things into it.

      Honestly, I don't think I have broke any of the forum rules. I update about my progress with the ebook and the challenge is a one year and not a three month challenge. If you want to close the thread then so be it but I think you are overdoing it this time. I'm not going to provide a link to the ebook until the changes are made.

      I may provide a link until the end of the month assuming that you mean the end of april? The book could be updated by then or maybe earlier. If you mean the end of march then no. That's a bit too much.

      The niche is making money online from complete zero and scaling into something bigger. Its a general purpose business and marketing ebook. I have been thinking to make it more specific and closer to my businesses but I don't think that would sell well in Amazon. I'm not sure yet.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11499211].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
        Just a FYI. The Warrior Forum updated the rules for the Path section this week. Please read the new sticky. Read the part of why threads can now be closed by Moderators.

        You can earn 10% average annual returns on your investments -
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11499260].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Shanks88
          Originally Posted by DWolfe View Post

          Just a FYI. The Warrior Forum updated the rules for the Path section this week. Please read the new sticky. Read the part of why threads can now be closed by Moderators.
          I wasn't aware of this, the rules were different when I started. Anyway if you want to close it then it's fine with me. I completed the ebook anyway, I have no reason to lie, I'm not someone who likes to waste his time neither I find thrill in saying lies. I don't know if I will promote without making more changes to it but if I don't make any changes then I won't share a link here because I have stuff inside the book that it would be better if I kept it hidden from here. (don't ask why)

          After the changes then I will share a link here. I'm not going to negotiate this. When I started, I wasn't aware that I can promote for free here or that I have to offer proof with a link, neither that I have to finish in few months or making very tight updates. None of this was part of my plan. The least that I need is the time that I initially said on my thread title. I can adjust for the rest. If not then I'm done. No hard feelings, I had fun.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11499306].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Jeffery
    Originally Posted by DWolfe View Post

    Good job seeing the project thru to this point. Most people would have given up by now. Hopefully people will like your book and purchase it. What platforms do you plan on selling it on ?
    Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

    This is a 'path' thread where you explain what it is you are doing - after posts where you talk about 40k words....WHY is it now only 15k? Nothing wrong with the size but such a big change must have a 'story' behind it - and might educate others here.
    this isn't a business that I can stick with and repeat it. I actually struggled a lot during the end. /QUOTE]

    Starting a business is a struggle - there's really no way around that. Your writing is quite good judging from the extensive posts in your threads here.

    .Writing, publishing and doing some promotion is a good ending but members would enjoy knowing how it ends - is the book selling, etc.
    Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

    go read this:

    PUBLISH THE BOOK!!!!! don't think you have to have everything in place before that happens. THEN start developing traffic to your book.

    Here is something you should try. BUY other books about your same topic on Amazon. then LEAVE reviews. Amazon if played correctly is "Social" as well. people will click your name link to see what you are about. AND those people.. those people are BUYING or have bought and WILL buy again.

    The Pinterest posting is another GREAT idea.

    Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

    Did you publish it...or not? Sounds like it above but doesn't sound like it int he rest of the post.
    Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

    This thread - like the last one - is turning into a diary or blog of your activities.

    If you are promoting your book -stick to what you are doing to promote it. If you are doing something else - don't post about it in this particular thread.

    "Warrior paths' that drift off into one new idea after another will be closed. They are to stay on topic and focus on the title and the 'path' you outlined initially.
    Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

    You say you have uploaded your book - but no link to it - no one here can buy it because they can't find it.

    That would be a good final post in this thread - a link to where members here can access your ebook. Free advertising!
    Originally Posted by DWolfe View Post

    Yes you can. Please read the rules by Gabe for this section. It allows you to add a link only if you do not blast it in every post. The rules are different in certain sections. Stop being so defensive you have help from moderators above ! One has even gone way out of the way to help you.

    If anything maybe someone may stumble on your current ebook in this thread and give you a few solid pointers. Or maybe some one will click your link and buy your e-book. Which give you a little boost in income. So post it.
    Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

    Support comes in many forms on this forum.. it can be words of experience, it can be words of encouragement, and it can be support physically manifested. we can only support to the level you allow us to.. I get it, you don't think its "ready" BUT.. one of the biggest under-toned pieces of advice given by more experienced marketers here on this forum, is perfection is a tool for procrastination. If you have the book uploaded just leave the link or don't. Just understand you may be holding back "Support" how ever it manifests.
    Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

    In the past 6 weeks you have said the book is done - is published - have been asked to provide the link to the book and then said you are rewriting it.

    There is no point in continuing this thread if we are returning to the 'I'm writing (or rewriting) a book'. You could have asked for feedback to help you and you haven't done that.

    Several times you have said the book is finished- you say it's published - now it's being rewritten again.... You have not provided any examples/samples - no niche details - no link to the published ebook.

    Without a link to the book being provided, this thread will be closed at the end of the month.
    Originally Posted by DWolfe View Post

    Just a FYI. The Warrior Forum updated the rules for the Path section this week. Please read the new sticky. Read the part of why threads can now be closed by Moderators.
    Originally Posted by Shanks88 View Post

    I wasn't aware of this, the rules were different when I started. Anyway if you want to close it then it's fine with me. I completed the ebook anyway, I have no reason to lie, I'm not someone who likes to waste his time neither I find thrill in saying lies. I don't know if I will promote without making more changes to it but if I don't make any changes then I won't share a link here because I have stuff inside the book that it would be better if I kept it hidden from here. (don't ask why)

    After the changes then I will share a link here. I'm not going to negotiate this. When I started, I wasn't aware that I can promote for free here or that I have to offer proof with a link, neither that I have to finish in few months or making very tight updates. None of this was part of my plan. The least that I need is the time that I initially said on my thread title. I can adjust for the rest. If not then I'm done. No hard feelings, I had fun.

    WOW, all of that good advise from successful members and some of them do it for for a living.

    Personally, I refrained from commenting in this thread because I knew it would end this way.

    Shanks88 you show all of the signs of Procrastination Illness. That is not a bad thing and a large majority of the population experience it. When I say it is not a bad thing I say it because with help from the right people it is easily resolved.

    Until you at least seek help with it I politely suggest that you do not spend any money on any project of this nature.

    Jeffery 100%
    In the minute it took me to write this post.. someone died of Covid 19. RIP.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11499513].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Shanks88
      Originally Posted by Jeffery View Post

      WOW, all of that good advise from successful members and some of them do it for for a living.

      Personally, I refrained from commenting in this thread because I knew it would end this way.

      Shanks88 you show all of the signs of Procrastination Illness. That is not a bad thing and a large majority of the population experience it. When I say it is not a bad thing I say it because with help from the right people it is easily resolved.

      Until you at least seek help with it I politely suggest that you do not spend any money on any project of this nature.

      Jeffery 100%
      This is a personal opinion. I don't procrastinate at all, I work very hard with a very specific plan and schedule. Not rushing this project is part of my plan and not part of an illness. If I don't play with the book today it means that I do something else that could contribute to it. If I thought that I could rush this project and be successful with it then my thread title would say until March and not until 2020.

      You can call me timid and very calculative but not that I procrastinate. I'm not saying that being timid is necessarily good for me since spending so much time on a project that might fail could be disastrous but that's the way I am. I have a very cold mentality when I carry out projects. I have no feelings at all and I would do unorthodox things if I think that would make me more successful in the future, although I could still be wrong. I always think in 2nd order and I don't care so much for suffering a price in the present.

      I published the book but then people believe that I stall this and that I have to share the link when I told them several times that I made mistakes and I have to change some stuff first which might not take long at all, one month could be enough. In fact, I think I will start working with it again starting from tomorrow. I may provide a link from the "demo" fixed version before the final one to get some opinions. I will provide it for free here.

      The funny part is that I think people are curious to see the book which means I have done a good job affecting their emotions and build some suspense. Have some patience and you will get the link. Respect my thread title.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11499537].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Jeffery
        Originally Posted by Shanks88 View Post

        This is a personal opinion. I don't procrastinate at all, I work very hard with a very specific plan and schedule. Not rushing this project is part of my plan and not part of an illness. If I don't play with the book today it means that I do something else that could contribute to it. If I thought that I could rush this project and be successful with it then my thread title would say until March and not until 2020.

        You can call me timid and very calculative but not that I procrastinate. I'm not saying that being timid is necessarily good for me since spending so much time on a project that might fail could be disastrous but that's the way I am. I have a very cold mentality when I carry out projects. I have no feelings at all and I would do unorthodox things if I think that would make me more successful in the future, although I could still be wrong. I always think in 2nd order and I don't care so much for suffering a price in the present.

        I published the book but then people believe that I stall this and that I have to share the link when I told them several times that I made mistakes and I have to change some stuff first which might not take long at all, one month could be enough. In fact, I think I will start working with it again starting from tomorrow. I may provide a link from the "demo" fixed version before the final one to get some opinions. I will provide it for free here.

        The funny part is that I think people are curious to see the book which means I have done a good job affecting their emotions and build some suspense. Have some patience and you will get the link. Respect my thread title.
        Fair enough. Best of luck in 2020.
        In the minute it took me to write this post.. someone died of Covid 19. RIP.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11499538].message }}

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