[ONLY 20 Spots]At Last..A Lazy Mans Way To Make $XXXX Same Day..With No Technical Skills..Or BS!!!
mikeandy01 1 year ago

[ONLY 20 Spots]At Last..A Lazy Mans Way To Make $XXXX Same Day..With No Technical Skills..Or BS!!!

Foolproof way to make XXXX of dollars weekly

At last!..A fullproof way to make XXXX of dollars a week from using a little known secret that can be used to make profits within days without any experience or guesswork!!!

"Most people Think that you need hundreds of dollars to invest..And to spend days scratching your head feeling lost on what to do next..Before you start making money online if any at all...Well they are all WRONG!"

And if you stick around for 5 minutes i'll show you exactly what im talking about and how you can make major bank from what im about to reveal!!!

Firstly we have to rewind back to November 2022..when i was invited to my friend Dan's house for dinner and a few drinks..While there i saw another friend of ours called barry and he had brought a friend along that i had never met before?!..

Now this friend seemed ok..But there was something i didn't really like about him and the way he spoke to and about barry...And to see what i mean you need to be able to understand the type of guy our friend barry is...Picture a 5ft3 chubby guy with an extremely bubbly but gentle nature, to be honest he's an awesome dude and im not just saying that because he's my friend!

But one downside to being a nice guy is sometimes people like to take advantage or push you around because they think they can...Now thats exactly the kind of vibe i got from that friend of barry's..He was very rude several times to not only other guests but especially to barry who he kept making fun of for most of the night!?

He also kept pointing fun at the fact that barry couldn't afford to go on some "boys trip" they had apparently planned some months ago..Now me dan and barry had been friends for years and one thing we all knew is barry didn't have or make alot of money and not because he was lazy or unmotivated..in fact..he worked hard as a gardner from a very young age and still does till today!

But as he would often say "he wasn't exactly the brightest bulb in the box" and didn't do very well at school..Years ago i tried to get him into things online that could help him make some extra money without having to break his back everyday
..But barry isn't very tech savvy and is hopeless at using computers(he can just about use a smart phone lol).

So anyway..i cant stand bullies, So Hearing His arrogant friend continue trying to belittle him about this trip..Out of nowhere, i interrupted him mid-speech then turned to barry and changed the topic of the conversion..So after a few more drinks we all said our farewells and called it a night!

BUT i couldn't stop thinking about barry's big mouthed friend and how upset i know barry was even though he tried to keep a smile throughout the whole ordeal..And i was also determined to help barry to make some money to not only go on that boys trip and shut his friend up..But also so he never had to feel small like that again!

But how exactly was i going to put something together to help barry make money when he...

Don't have any special skills or talents to leverage..can barely use a computer without wanting to smash it..and practically had no money to get started!

Man this was going to be tough!

So after several days..Something hit me!

I remembered a simple method another friend of mine had shown me a couple of years ago..i had used it several times before and made some good money, and it didnt require any special skills and didnt involve any work at all, and best of all could be done multiple times for huge profits!

But would it work for barry?!

I reckon it would!..And so a few weeks since i last saw him at dan;s house..i gave barry a random call one evening to have a chat about my idea and method!

He seemed overjoyed at the idea of having alot more money at his disposal..But somewhat sceptical on how he was going to achieve it using this "method"...

Nevertheless he carefully took notes as i went over every little detail on how to use the system..while also making sure to stress to him that he didnt need to go near a computer to use this and all he would need is...

His phone and around $100 to start making huge profit and ultimately allow him to have more fun and live a bit!

After being on the phone with barry for a few hours..it was getting late so i told him we'll catch up later that week and we said our goodbyes.

I never saw barry that week or the next..But i did remember he had that "boys trip" his friend was banging on about?!

Perhaps barry managed to get the money together to go?

Anyway..about a month after i spoke on the phone with him, Barry randomly gave me a call one afternoon and said we should meet later at one of our favorite pubs with the rest of the boys so we can catch up!

So later that night me and the rest of the boys met up for a few drinks..the usual stuff..and after several beers and dan banging on about this crazy cat video he saw on tiktok lol...

I realised that me and barry hadn't really had the chance to talk and catch up properly that evening..But he seemed well and was the same old funny barry..apart from one thing i did notice?

Which was an expensive looking watch he was wearing?!

So on the way home from the pub..As we were walking along i asked him how things had been since we last saw eachother and inquired about his shiny new watch i noticed him wearing?!

It was at this point he stopped dead in his tracks..and looked at me with tears in his eyes and a huge goofy grin on his face?!?

And then began to fill me in on the events of the past few weeks..One of those events being the boys trip he was meant to go on...

Yea he didnt go..He went on holiday with his brother instead, and bought himself a nice watch!

You see, after speaking to barry about my method..He was determined to give it a try and within his first week he was gobsmacked from making a couple hundred dollars with extreme ease!

He then got used to the smooth process and how easy the method was and took things to a whole other level, and was able to...

Not only change his own life and have some fun but was able to treat himself and his family to things he never could before!

You see, Barry had taken the method i told him about and gone far beyond what i would have imagined..i just thought he would make a few extra bucks to go on the boys trip and that was that...But he did so much more!!!

After that i decided to take the original method i shared with my friend..and to add even more golden nuggets and finer details..And combined all this into one package...And now im giving you the wheel and the opportunity to potentially make pocket busting profits within days!!!

And thats just scratching the surface of the things this method can do to change your life!

Fortunately you wont find any of the above inside..As this really has the potential to make same day profits with ease and thats not a joke!

This REALLY is the Only system with the potential to make you same day profits in a few simple steps in 2023 and beyond!!!

I've even had some early testers of the method try to pay me to keep it private lol!?!

Ok so lets take a peak inside and see what awesome bonuses are included with Covert Cash!

Exclusive Bonuses

The advanced edition contains super detailed secret sauce as it digs deeper into the method..and shows you how to extract maximum profits!

This explosive cheatsheet will breakdown the method and help get you on track to profit faster!

A visual represention of the forumla and the best way to perform the method for high profit potential!

A Free 1hr coaching call via live chat where we can have a quick chat about any questions you might have and the best way to utilise the method!

Only "20 Spots" available(Updates via comments below)..Dont miss out and lock in yours before doors close!
Enter Coupon Code "warriorvip30" At Checkout To Lock In Your Special WF 30% Discount

Only "20 Spots" available(Updates via comments below)..Dont miss out and lock in yours before doors close!
Enter Coupon Code "warriorvip30" At Checkout To Lock In Your Special WF 30% Discount

Please direct any questions and concerns to support@tiptopreview.com

Wanna pay in crypto and get a $10 discount?!..If so Click HERE and lock in your copy with the discount included!!!

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  • Profile picture of the author fhorns2000
    I just emailed you Mike.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11798655].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author freeabs
    how much additional capital do we need to start?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11771108].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mikeandy01
      $50-100 should be a good starting point mate
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11773176].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author LedgerMedia
    Hi, what do we need to do to participate?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11771056].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mikeandy01
      Atleast $50-100 and 30mins-1hr to get setup..Thats all you need to do this dude!

      NOTE: IF your from the US then you will need to approach this differently due to some restrictions in some US states.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11773175].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author epark732
    Hi Mike. I bought this yesterday and sent you an email. Can you please have a look and reply when you get a chance. Thanks.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11768270].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author boldpunter
    Do you need bookmaker accounts for this to work? If so, does this involve free bet offers or taking advantage of best odds guaranteed? Also, have you had any issues with bookmaker restrictions?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11765991].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mikeandy01
      : You will need to register with certain bookmakers/platforms.

      : this does involve extracting profit via specific legal loopholes..and yes utilising free bets are a part of the system BUT probably not as many have see or heard of.

      : no I haven't had any issues..and I teach several ways to avoid/get-around any restrictions.

      Thanks for your questions and hopefully my answers were helpful
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11766492].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tradesol
    time and chance for one more?..!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11764303].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mikeandy01
      Just closed the doors dude..Check your pm's though!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11764314].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mikeandy01
    The doors are now closed!!!

    Thanks to all the warriors&previous customers that showed huge support...

    I got something special cooking that should be dropping this week..So keep an eye out for my emails because you dont want to miss this!!!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11764269].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mikeandy01
    1 spot left before I close the doors on the weekend..last chance to secure your position!!!

    Also I got something special dropping within the next week or so!?..So make sure that if your a previous customer/vip that you have an eye on your email for early bird access and and juicy exclusive discount!!!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11763725].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Artezqr
    Hi bro! I would like to know if this method can be done from Latin America, I could start with only 100$ and scale up? How often will I collect the money earned? Thanks for your help.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11763481].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mikeandy01
      Hey dude! Yes this can be used in most south-anerican countries(depends where your from)..feel free to pm me the country your from and I'll double-check if it's all good just to be sure

      Also you will practically see profit the same day you use the method
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11763724].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author younganddirty
    I bought your other crypto offer about 4 years ago or so.

    Is this similar

    My other question is unique

    I am American citizen, but I live Mexico

    Do I need to submit my ID or anything in order to do this
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11763471].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mikeandy01
      I appreciate your interest and support of my wso's dude!

      Now about what you question..

      You should be fine as from what I know most south American countries dont have any restrictions for using this system Mexico included..and it's not necessarily where your a citizen of..But rather where your located "at the time" of using the system and platforms needed to use it
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11763723].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Bolonto
    Hi mate, I've gotten some of your products in the past as well as upgrades, but got stuck in one way or the other. The last I got was the CPA one, but got stuck with the recommended CPA company not accepting my join request.
    Your new offer looks captivating and I'm interested in getting it.

    Would this work for me in Canada? If no, is there a workaround? I'm eager to get started!

    Also, does this have anything to do with online casino games?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11762749].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mikeandy01
      Thanks for being a long time supporter I appreciate it!..dude if you got stuck you should have reached out and I could have helped..also I provide several cpa networks in that other wso and some are even instant acceptance so I'm not sure what happened with that :/

      Now about your question...

      If your from Canada then this will require that you approach things differently..if your willing to do that then it is possible for you to use this..its just not as straightforward due to restrictions.

      This method will be utilizing gambling platforms to extract profits..BUT let me OVER emphasize that this has NOTHING to do with actually gambling and relying on luck and involves ZERO risk of losing any money if you follow what's taught!!!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11763722].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mikeandy01
    Woooohoooo!..2 Spots Left!!...Have you secured yours yet!?!

    How long until the last 2 spots go?!?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11762699].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ash2611
    I sent you an email on Monday 10th, but I haven't received a response. I'm sending you one now.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11762332].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mikeandy01
      Yep i got you..replied to your emails dude
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11762381].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author heffweizen
    Mike...I'm willing to go outside the box to work this even though I'm in the US. I'm familiar with BH ways of doing things as I make certain ad accounts lol.

    I have a good friend in AU that can assist if that helps.

    pM me about this as 5-7% is too good to pass up.

    Thanks buddy.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11762318].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mikeandy01
      Lol dude your good to go then!..especially if you have a friend in AU as this works quite well there
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11762327].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author heffweizen
        Awesome...I guess the only question I have is since I live here in the states...can I cash out to a US bank account or are there ways to use crypto?

        Also...are both methods US restricted? Not that it would stop me lol
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11762328].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author mikeandy01
          There are ways for you to cash out to US bank account..crypto can also be an option

          Well again both methods are workable in the US with some tweaks..But otherwise are pretty much restricted in the US apart from New jersey residents OR being in New Jersey when using the platforms I recommend.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11762380].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author heffweizen
            My vpn has a Jersey location if that helps.

            I'm sure I can tweak it. if I can manage to cash out, I want to give it a go...

            I would love to compound the earnings if possible...that's when it becomes fun.

            Think we can make this happen?
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11762402].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author mikeandy01
              Sounds good..feel free to purchase if you want mate
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11762698].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author roytee68
    Hi Mike,

    Are there any Geo restrictions for Europe and Asia?
    As I live between the Netherlands and Thailand.

    If not, I'd be interested in picking this up before they all go !

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11762297].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mikeandy01
      No restrictions that I'm aware of dude and because your between both continents you should be fine as I've had people purchase this who are from Asia without any issues
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11762316].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author clos80
    Am from the USA so is there gonna be a fix for this issue or are we just out of luck?

    Would a vpn be enough to bypass the restrictions or is KYC involved?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11762289].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mikeandy01
      Yes Theres still ways for US peeps to do the method and a vpn is 1 option..but I have better ways for those from the US to do this..it just requires a different approach.

      So if your determined to do this then fair enough..but again it just makes things simple for me to not accept US customers at this time to avoid headaches lol

      If your from the US/CA and have a creative out-of-the -box mind and still interested in the method..then pm me and maybe we can get you sorted
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11762315].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mikeandy01
    NOTE: I will Not be accepting anymore customers from US/CA as some of the platforms in the method have issues with restrictions..the method can still be used by people from there but it just keeps things simple to stop accepting customers from the USA for now.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11762280].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mikeandy01
    Attention! 4 Seats Left!...Its Almost That Time grab your seat while you can!!!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11762273].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mikeandy01
    For some reason im unable to post replies to comments and keep getting strange errors when i try to post?! :/

    i've replied to all theose who purchased via email&discord and i'll answer/reply-to all posted questions as soon as im able folks. Stay tuned

    BTW 4 Seats Left!..its getting closer to that time!!!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11762228].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mikeandy01
    4 Seats Left!...Have You Secured Your Spot Yet?!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11762171].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Osman Safdar
    The discount code is not working.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11762076].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tradesol
    answers?? Please
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11761988].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mikeandy01
      Lol I been unable to post dude..I keep getting weird errors when I try to post and some posts are only just showing up now after days :/
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11762277].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Sergio Baez
    This looks interesting
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11761959].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tradesol
    No replies for days on end.... not a good sign
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11761809].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tradesol
    No answers for days on end... bit of a red flag, will pass on this
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11761808].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ocean wave
    Hi! I really really really really want to buy this very very very very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    But I cannot afford to risk losing $127 if after going through everything, I decide this is not for me.

    You do not give enough detailed information in your thread for me to make a total unconditional commitment to pursue this.

    $127 is a LOT of money. I DO have something to lose if I decide I don't want to do this. I'd like to think I want to do it, but making a commitment just based on the information you've provided is impossible for me.

    I'm sure there are a LOT of people like me who really NEED more money in their lives but cannot afford to risk losing $127 if they don't want to do this.

    Are you able to be flexible and empathetic by putting yourself in my shoes, in the shoes of other people like me and change your money-back guarantee to unconditional, no strings attached, no questions asked?

    Please try to understand where I'm coming from. Please seriously consider what I'm sharing with you. Some people can easily afford to risk losing $127 if they're not interested in pursuing your course, but a LOT of people cannot.

    I'm actually pleading with you because I really really really really want very very very very much to buy your course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11761788].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mikeandy01
      Mate relax lol..there's no need to rush to buy this especially if money's tight right now..besides I have more juicy methods cooking and dropping soon
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11762278].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author moon50370861
    Hello just wanted to know also for every 100 dollars we invest we make 40 in profit correct? And is this something that we can do multiple times a day or just once daily? And is there a possibility we are not able to profit or lose our investment?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11761751].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mikeandy01
      Basically yes..and no the only way to lose money or not profit is human error by you not following the method and making a mistake..other than that it's all pretty straightforward

      Dm'd you dude
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11762279].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author moon50370861
    And I know you said with the first method you can get a 60 tp 70% profit so if we invest 100 dollars we get 50 dollars profit back correct and 200 will give you 100 dollars profit? Or 50 dollars will give us 25 dollars in profit? And Are you able to do this multiple times a day or is this just once a day? And is there a chance you will lose money from these investments? And what the smallest amount you can start with to test? I hope you see the email and messages in time.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11761750].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author moon50370861
    And I know you said with the first method you can get a 60 tp 70% profit so if we invest 100 dollars we get 50 dollars profit back correct and 200 will give you 100 dollars profit? Or 50 dollars will give us 25 dollars in profit? And Are you able to do this multiple times a day or is this just once a day? And is there a chance you will lose money from these investments? And what the smallest amount you can start with to test? I hope you see the email and messages in time.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11761749].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author heffweizen

    Magic Mike...We're all waiting on your answers! Let's go...lolol
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    • Profile picture of the author mikeandy01
      Lol sorry dude(and everyone else posting)..Been busy with family stuff all week!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11762159].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mikeandy01
      Sorry dude(and everyone else) lol, i been trying to post replies and update the thread for the last couple days but keep getting strange errors when i do?!..I thought it was something to do with my account but it might be my old laptop thats the issue(using my new one as i write this)
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11762226].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mikeandy01
      Sorry dude(and everyone else) lol, i been trying to post replies and update the thread for the last couple days but keep getting strange errors when i do?!..I thought it was something to do with my account but it might be my old laptop thats the issue(using my new one as i write this)
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11762227].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mikeandy01
      Sorry dude I been trying to reply to posts and update the thread for a few days now but i keep getting weird errors..posting this from my phone instead of my laptop and hoping it posts lol
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11762266].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author heffweizen
    Waiting on you
    Magic Mike....WE NEED ANSWERS! Lolol
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11761714].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author moon50370861
    Hello just wondering did you get the email and message I sent? I hope you don't close this because this seems great. But please get back soon.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11761662].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author clos80
    Can you cash out at any time?

    On the method 5% to 7% profit, can you compound your earnings everyday?
    If so that would mean as an example starting with a $100 in 3 months you'll profit over $8,000
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11761598].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mikeandy01
      Yes you can..And you can use the method as much as you want and will see daily opportunites to profit
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11762157].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mikeandy01
      Yes you can..and yea this method can easily be scale-up over time to some really sweet profit!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11762268].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author clos80
    Can you cash out at any time?

    On the method 5% to 7% profit, can you compound your earnings everyday?
    If so that would mean as an example starting with a $100 in 3 months you'll profit over $8,000
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11761597].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tonces
    Mike just bought it. I send you a friend request on discord, please accept me.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11761065].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author pinkthree159

    I would like to thank Mike for giving me a review copy!

    It is appreciated!


    Let's get to the review.


    I you might be wondering,would I have been happy with my purchase--if I did not get the review copy.

    Yes, very happy.

    While the first, method will give you more a bigger profit up-front--the second method really caught my eye because you are locking in a 5-7% return--with no risk!

    Now, this does not sound like much, but, for example, to get to that magical 100 a day mark that all beginner marketers dream about--simply start with a 100 dollar investment--to learn the system--and then keep re-investing your profits into this method until you are using 2,000--that will get you to the 100-140 per day mark.

    Sure, you might be thinking--hey that is a lot of money--and that is a fair point--but, if you are honest, how many 7-17 dollar--or more--courses have you purchased here--or on other places online that are just sitting on your hard drive--gathering electronic dust.

    But, I want to be upfront--this is not IM or anything to do with building websites, funnels--solo ads--nothing like that at all.

    It is not amazon--and you are not buying a re-selling items.

    This something I would have never thought of.

    Can it get over crowded?

    In my opinion, and I am not an expert in this, there really is no way that I can see that happening.

    The last thing I will say is this--if you have an open mind--because this might not be what some of you expect--go for it--if not--I would pass on this.

    I am going to be using this--yes.

    I am going to start with 100--do this, say 30 times, to master it.

    Then, work my way up to using some nice money so that I can make good money weekly doing this.

    Great job on this one Mike.

    Keep up the fantastic work on these WSO's

    And I cannot wait to see what you have for us next!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11761060].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mikeandy01
      Thank you for leaving a very detailed review mate, coming from a veteran warrior like yourself it means alot!

      im glad you see how profitable this method can be and hope you enjoy using it..And im sure many warriors will also find your feedback very insightful
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11762161].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mikeandy01
      Amazing feedback mate!..im glad you like the method and I'm sure many warriors will find this review very insightful. Much appreciated
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11762270].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author empireambition
    Hey, sent you an email yesterday. Please get back to me, thanks.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11761050].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ocean wave
    This sounds intriguing! That said, I have a question about your money-back guarantee.

    It sounds like your guarantee is conditional on my actually doing the work.

    But suppose I spend $127, which is a lot of money, and after going through everything, I decide I don't want to do it because it doesn't interest me.

    Will you refund my $127 with no strings attached, no questions asked, so that your guarantee is actually unconditional?

    I ask this because your ad is basically blind: some details but not enough to make a serious commitment to do this.

    I'm frightened that if I buy this and discover it's not something I want to do, I'll lose my $127.

    I'm not willing to take this risk.

    Thank you very much!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11761041].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mikeandy01
      I appreciate your question mate..But my money back gaurantee is conditional being that you actually have to use the method..But in many ways my gaurantee has a dash of sarcasm as theres no way the method wont work if you actually use it..Period

      As for you being nervous or worried that you will waste $127..Or simply dont like the method and want a refund...Then i would recommend passing on this offer as i ONLY want action takers and those willing to invest into something that actually works.

      With that being said i dont want you feeling pressured or worried about buying this mate..take your time as your peace of mind is more important than buying my products...Plus i'll have some more awesome stuff dropping soon!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11762168].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mikeandy01
      I appreciate your concern and question..but my money back guarantee requires you to actually use the method and is somewhat meant in sarcasm..as if you actually use it there's no way it wont work...period

      BUT if your worried about spending your money on this I would recommend passing this up as I only want action takers and those comfortable buying to get access to this..I dont want you worrying as your peace of mind is more important than buying my products..health is wealth dude
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11762272].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mikeandy01
    ONLY 8 copies left folks..Dont miss the train and lock in your seat NOW!!!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11760887].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author empireambition
    Just purchased and sent you a few emails. Please get back to me, thanks.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11760766].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mikeandy01
      Thanks for purchasing dude! and sorry for the delay..i only just saw your emails as theres an issue with my support email redirecting emails to my main...I replied to your emails(check spam folder) and added you on discord
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11760883].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mikeandy01
      Thanks for purchasing dude! and sorry for the delay..i only just saw your emails as theres an issue with my support email redirecting emails to my main...I replied to your emails(check spam folder) and added you on discord
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11760884].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author heffweizen
    Hey Mike...

    Does this have anything to do with YouTube, fB, tik tok ads etc...or is this just getting a passsive return on your investment?

    Can this be scaled in any way or just more money in equals more money out?

    So you can calculate profit before you go in...and that's based on an average return of 60-70%(which is insane if true). I have a us bank account and venmo but I hate PayPal.

    The 5-7% daily is seperate from the first method and can be used exclusively with less risk?

    What would an investment of say $3k usd return in a week in your opinion?

    Can we do a sidebar as far as any results as I have bought from you in the past...just never had Time
    To implement. This seems less time consuming...

    Thanks mike
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11760334].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author heffweizen
      Mike...can you answer these please? Thanks
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11760861].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mikeandy01
      Hey mate

      : This has nothing to do with tiktok, youtube, fb or ANY social media or spending on ads.

      : yes theres ways to scale the method and the advanced edition covers a few creative ways..But ultimately its the more money you invest, the more you make.

      :yes you can calculate your potential profits before you invest a penny and the profit can be quite insane especially once you understand the method and get a swing of things..And yea average return is around 50-70% profit...

      So for example..you invest $100 and typically you'll be looking at getting on average around $40 in profit when everythings said and done(so $140 total returned with $40 being profit).

      And US bank/credit card will be fine when using this.

      : The second part of the method(or 2nd method) that nets on average 5-7% profit each time, also has NO risk involved and you will also be able to calculate potential profits just the same as the first method.

      : It depends how you choose to use the $3k..for example if you used ther $3k with just the 2nd method then calculate 5-7% of that and theres your profit for the day

      : This method isnt very time comsuming at all..Especially once you understand how it works, its incredibly straighforward and practically copy&paste simple.

      Hope that answers your questions dude
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11760886].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author heffweizen
        Wow...it sounds incredible...

        It's not crypto based where you have to invest in a HYIP and run the risk of a rug or some BS explanation of why you can't withdraw funds?

        I'm done with those scams lol...
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11760902].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author mikeandy01
          Lol no those things are scams mate..This has NOTHING do to with anything like that
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11761002].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author heffweizen
    Looks good...

    This isn't YouTube, fB, tik tok or anything right?

    Also...what's the risk on method 2 where you can profit daily from 5-7%?

    Thanks Mike
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11760332].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author clos80
    Very interesting,
    Is this related to trading, exchanging or arbitraging?

    On average What is the percentage rate of return?

    Also what's the form of investing and the form of payout? Ex. PayPal, bank transfers, crypto etc.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11760106].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mikeandy01
      Hey clos80!

      This isnt something you usually see..Its one system but basically consists of 2 methods in 1..The fist isnt anything you mentioned and the second is something similar to arbitrage.

      on average you will be looking at 60-70% profit on whatever you invest using the 1st method..The second arbitrage type method you can get opportunities for easy 5-7% profit practically on a daily basis.

      You will typically need a bank Or paypal account to invest(crypto can be used in some cases).

      Hope that helps
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11760215].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author clos80
        Thank you for answering my questions.
        How easy is the first method and how long until I profit after implementing?

        There's no buying and selling involved correct?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11760223].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author clos80
        Thank you for answering my questions.
        How easy is the first method and how long until I profit after implementing?

        There's no buying and selling involved correct?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11760226].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author clos80
        Thank you for answering my questions.
        How easy is the first method and how long until I profit after implementing?

        There's no buying and selling involved correct?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11760227].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author clos80
    Very interesting,
    Is this related to trading, exchanging or arbitraging?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11760100].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author rozzski999
    Any review copies?
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  • Profile picture of the author mikeandy01
    OK 11 copies left folks...Lock in your exclusive wf discount Now while you can!!!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11759618].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mikeandy01
    OK 11 copies left folks...Lock in your exclusive wf discount Now while you can!!!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11759617].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mikeandy01
    OK 11 copies left folks...Lock in your exclusive wf discount Now while you can!!!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11759616].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author roytee68
    Just a couple of questions,

    Can this be done from any location? (I'm in Asia)
    Is it social media based?
    Are there any OTO's?

    Many Thanks
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11759476].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mikeandy01
      Hey roytee!
      - Yep from what i know it works fine in india and should work fine in most of asia too(Plus the advanced edition includes some super cool ways to monetise the method without needing to even use it while still profiting big).

      - Nope, No social media or long processes involved whatsoever...Simply calculate your potential profit and make bank..it really is that simple.

      - Nope everything is included in the main product and the exclusive bonuses are the perfect icing on the cake.

      Hope that answers your questions mate
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11759615].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author roytee68
        Thanks for the answers, I was also just wondering why you have limited the sales to only 20? Is this something that is easily saturated? That's the last question!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11759699].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author roytee68
        Thanks for the answers Mike, I was also just wondering why you have limited the sales to only 20? Is this something that is easily saturated? That's the last question!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11759700].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author mikeandy01
          No worries mate!

          The method has NO chance of becoming saturated simply due to how profitable the industry is to all parties involved so there more than enough for everyone to get a piece of thr cake ...

          To be honest the reain to limit to 20 sales..is really just so I can manage customers more easily as I offer 1hour coaching included so it makes things easier when I keep numbers small.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11759717].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author roytee68
    Hi, just a couple of questions

    Can this be done from any location? (I'm in Asia)
    Is it social media based?
    Are there any OTO's?

    Many Thanks
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11759475].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tradesol
    hi very interested, but need to be sure it is not about crypto trading, clickbank, paid ads, facebook groups, the usual suspects? thanks!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11759304].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mikeandy01
      Hey mate

      Nope! this isnt about anything you mentioned or the "usual suspects" lol ..Theres basically no risk involved with this method as profits can be calculated before having to invest anything and can be easily scaled up for bigger profits especially when used along side the advanced version you get as a bonus!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11759324].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author tradesol
        ok just don't want it ot be the same as a trading loophole strategy I bought on Ebay? ok
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11759415].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mikeandy01
    ONLY 14 copies left..Dont miss out on this incredible method!!!!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11759301].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author John Marshall
    Hi Andy,

    Your offer looks enticing! I've bought from you before so I know that you produce good stuff. Is this offer in the Make Money niche? I'd be grateful to know.


    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11759131].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mikeandy01
      Hey john! i cant forget you mate and always appreciate your support

      This wso isnt in the make money niche specifically..And is very straightforward&profitable as you will be able to calculate your profits before you ever invest a penny in using the method..So theres no way you cant profit with this if you use it as explained!

      Hope that helps dude
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11759299].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mikeandy01
      Hey john! i cant forget you mate and always appreciate your support

      This wso isnt in the make money niche specifically..And is very straightforward&profitable as you will be able to calculate your profits before you ever invest a penny in using the method..So theres no way you cant profit with this if you use it as explained!

      Hope that helps dude
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11759300].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mikeandy01
    Dont miss an opportunity to grab a spot before they go!!!

    Copies remaining: 4/20


    Q: Does this method involve cpa, affiliate marketing, having to talk to people, Or having to sell anything?

    A: Nope! This isnt your typical stuff you see out there..This is DEAD SIMPLE to use and has insane profit potential compared to most methods and systems.

    Q: Will this method work for me even if ive never made any money online before?

    A: Yes this method is extremely easy..anyone can do this no matter your skills or how smart you are!

    Q: Im not tech savvy at all and not good at using computers, will this effect me being able to use this method?

    A: Yep..This method is phone friendly so its so simple you can do everything from your phone if you wanted to!

    Q: How much would i need to invest to use this?

    A: Well really you could start for free...But personally i recommend you start with around $100 to see good results fast!

    Q: So am i gauranteed to make money using this?

    A: Unfortunately its illegl for me to make any gaurantee's..However, you saw the money back gaurantee from earlier so ask yourself..who offers to pay you if a method dont work?!..Unless!

    Q: How long does it take to see profit?

    A: Well as stated earlier i cant make gaurantees of any profit..However, You can potentially profit the same day you use the method!

    Q: What happens if i feel kinda lost after purchasing the method?

    A: Well Remember you get a free 1hr coaching call with me so you wont feel lost..But you can also always reach out to me via my support email "support@elitewealth.club" and i'll get back to you within 24-48hrs and help wherever possible.
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