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Unread 15th Oct 2012, 06:27 AM   #1
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-->> would you sit on the operating table to get brain surgery from a nurse?? Read On...
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Note: this is an offer for those internet marketers looking for good copy writers - $137 for 2000 words for a copy that really converts!
Would you IGNORANTLY sit on the OPERATING table to get BRAIN SURGERY from a NURSE?

Hell NO you wouldn’t, in fact, no one would! So why let a shitty article writer posing as a copy writer mess you up by giving you a shoddy sales page?

Now I know your sales page, a.k.a your ‘MONEY PAGE’ needs a makeover – am and here to help but before you engage me, here's a little amazing success story...

Hi Warriors!

My name is Patrick and here's a little success story
on how I spent about 10 hours and completely transformed the life of a stressed out British mother of two…am not kidding, read on…

Meet Nicola. She’s 38 and works as an Internet Marketing trainer and coach. She’s based in Liverpool, UK. She’s among the best in the trade in her city, and her name is sort of a big deal.
The design of her website is GREAT, actually exquisite. She gets good traffic on her site too; you would say she gets a few hundred unique visitors per day!

Now so far everything seems perfect for her

BUT Nicola is FRUSTRATED. Even disappointed. She hates her website because it’s not getting her enough business. Unfortunately she even doesn’t know why. She guesses it has something to do with her sales page. So she shops around for a copy writer and was referred to me by a friend – she immediately engages me to look out on her website and diagnose what’s astray...

One look at it and I almost threw up in my mouth – I can could hardly tell what the page was selling. I had to immediately put her on Skype voice chat and make her explain.
Now wait a minute! She has 14 article-long testimonials on her sales page – that’s a little too many! She also had really poorly edited HTML designs with pictures places randomly.

An hour onto the chat and we had a deal; I’d use my expertise to boost the conversions on her sales page – I’d simply bring her more business!


After giving her a fresh sales page, with completely new graphics and a new look, she was able to boost her conversions from a mere two sales per day on her $1 dollar trial offer to about 10. She currently makes at least 20 sales on her $197 product per week!

Now thats a success story right there, and I can do the same for you!

Nicola later explained to me that she had gotten her former SLOPPY copy written by a writer she hired for a few dollars from FIVERR.

Good copy writers don’t come that easy.

Allow me to elaborate, stop and THINK - Just coz a writer can jot shit that gets accepted on Ezine doesnt mean he can write a good sales copy. Passing the Copy scape plagiarism test means NOTHING to your business, buddy!

When you rely on an article writer to jot your sales copy, it’s not any different from hiring a nurse to perform brain surgery!

Now you know I can do it, it’s your turn to let me help you.
You have nothing to lose, email and tell me a little more about your product:

Don’t (NEVER) pay for shit that doesn’t convert.
Engage a 5-star copy writer for just $137

You have nothing to lose, email and tell me about your product:
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Unread 15th Oct 2012, 11:28 AM   #2
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Re: -->> would you sit on the operating table to get brain surgery from a nurse?? Read On...
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I am impressed with your sales copy right here.

Get articles starting at only only .50 cents per 100 words
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Unread 15th Oct 2012, 11:34 AM   #3
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Re: -->> would you sit on the operating table to get brain surgery from a nurse?? Read On...
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Originally Posted by Yamamedia View Post

I am impressed with your sales copy right here.
Thanks mate - Its how we do - Like I said, my copy writing skills are exquisite and I can give you something that will suck in sales big time!
Try me!
Patrick Brown is offline  
Unread 30th Oct 2012, 12:26 PM   #4
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Re: -->> would you sit on the operating table to get brain surgery from a nurse?? Read On...
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Nice and creative sales copy. It kinda stands out from all the others I've seen.
Antonio J. is offline  
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$137, copy, fivestar, hire, madness, monday, professional, today, writer

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