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Unread 10th Sep 2013, 04:31 PM   #1
War Room Member
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SEO Service for offliners,resellers,multiple website owners...
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If you own multiple websites you want to use this service for,or your a reseller or offliner lets partner together to make a profitable experience for both of us PM ME

NO big sales letter here,ill simply give you everything youll get with my BIG BOY SEO SERVICE.......

What you get:

$ 2 unique and well written SEO articles(i will personally write them) with up to 4 of your keywords/anchors, these articles are meant to help build your websites credibility and funnel long term targeted traffic to your website

$ 4920+ High Page Rank and Authority Backlinks from article directories. Google will always love content and article directories, this will help your website improve its rankings. PING all the LlNKs.

$ Like that wasnt enough, 14999+ edu backlinks(7000+ are PR 4+) with the article, I dont even need to tell you how much search engines looove .edu backlinks

$ I will give you 87+ high pr backlinks from web 2.0 profiles, wiki, web property and forum profiles. Google and other search engines will love how natural these backlinks are and these are PR2+ links.

$ As if all that werent enough I will submit your website to the best 8 social bookmarking and networking websites like Twitter PR10,Facebook PR9, LinkedIn PR9 and Google+ PR9. Backlinks from these popular websites will
give your websites massive and magical social signals

$ As a gift ill give you a full 30 page or more report on how to better optimize your website... this alone is worth its weight in gold as it can help you attain high rankings(top 10)on search engines

Why you need this

*can be sold for big profits

*the whole process is handled by me so it will be thorough and as described

*I will guide you through the whole process

*simple and highly effective

*everything that you need for successful search engine optimization in one package

*Penguin 2.0 & Panda Safe

*found nowhere else on the internet,this is not outsourced is done entirely by me

*I am a hard worker,fresh out of university and I can handle any amount of orders you throw at me

After order PM or email me at so I can get started on your oder

One time BIG BOY $89/month


Monthly BIG BOY $69/month


You can always reach me via PM here on WarriorForum or via email
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multiple, offliners, owners, resellers, seo, service, website

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