Need help creating school management site with 3 levels of account restriction. Pls help

2 replies
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I am building a website on wordpress for a early childhood education center. They want to create account for 3 types of users on their site-Admin, teacher and Parent login.
1. Admin who will access all of the documents and edit anything, create students account, add new students, send messages to either staff or parents etc.
2.Teacher who can login to the account and can upload report against each student and can post comment under each student profile or answer if any parent ask something.
3. Parent can login to see their child report, photos, read any comment and also there will be a comment box where parent can post comment or ask any question if needed.
Can anybody tell me if there is any plugin or any online management system which can be used for this? My site is on wordpress.
I am also interested to know if anyone can do this for me and how much? I have set up the initial site without the account login or account creation.
Any help is highly appreciated. Thank you for reading this.
#account #creating #levels #management #pls #restriction #school #site
  • Profile picture of the author Denise Patton
    If you're using WordPress there are plugins that can be used to change user role functionality. Here's an example:

    I have not looked into this deeply, but I'm sure the user role names can be changed either through the plugin interface or database.

    You can PM and we can discuss further what I can do to help you with this job.
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    • Profile picture of the author Dr Rani
      Thank you for your reply. I will be checking the link and let u know by PM. Thanks
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