New site

by 9 replies
Hi,i'm building my first website and would like you guys to review it.
#website design #new website #site
  • where is your website?
    • [1] reply
  • I am guessing it is the site in your sig?

    If so I think it looks okay. Looks like the run of the mill blog. Sorry it just doesn't really stand out to me. But that is my opinion.

    The top menu, below your site tagline looks messed up and clunky. I think because the menu item text is so long for most of them. Kind of throws the layout off and doesn't look very pretty.

    The content text could using some formatting and sprucing up, just blah. Like sparingly using bold and breaking up the text makes it easier and more pleasant to read.

    I checked out the most recent post and only the twitter button is loading and there is a big gap between the title and the start of the post content. Just looks odd.

    Your opt-in box is probably not going to get you many optins as you've given no compelling reasons for any one to sign up. Probably going to be terrible conversions.

    Why the simple submission section? That doesn't even make sense, what it is and why it's there. Out of place for sure.

    There is a huge gap between the end of the content section and the comments form.

    There are two search boxes, one in the header and one in the sidebar. Think one is plenty, no?

    In the recent comments area in the sidebar, there is one comment and it's spam.

    You should set up permalinks, so you can get some SEO value out of your pages.

    Just my opinions
    • [1] reply
    • Hi
      Thanks i know it looks like a mess but i'm learning all these website building stuff.
      Thank you very much for your opinion.
  • It's definitely not terrible, especially for your first site! I agree with Ron's points, and mighty echo them a bit in my suggestions. Here's what stood out to me right off the bat:

    Your header/logo is way too large, I would recommend removing "Welcome to " and simply going with your website title. Maybe lower the font size by a couple px/em to keep it on a single line.

    The menu is a bit of a mess, no menu should span 3 lines. My suggestion would be to add an "Articles" option to the menu that drops down and lists your articles, or article categories as you expand your site. This will leave you some room on your menu for links to an about me / contact page / anything else you may wish to include on your site.

    On my laptop ( 1366 x 768 resolution ) - I see no actual content when first visiting the site, I have to scroll down to get start reading. This won't be a problem on higher resolutions and will be fixed to an extent if you make the above mentioned changes. That said I would recommend you lessen the gap between your article title and the content, there is a lot of unnecessary white space. Also you might want to consider wrapping your text around the ibotizen card rather than have it sit bellow it.

    The overall look is clean and nice, but it is a bit bland, which isn't necessarily a bad things. This will make it really easy for you to make things that you want your readers eyes drawn to "pop", such as a colourful optin.

    I do like the subtle share popup as you reach the end of the page .

    These are just my opinions and observations though, so take them with a grain of salt - hope they help !
    • [1] reply
    • Thank you very much for the help,appreciate it.
  • Some quick observations:

    - SIte loads extremely slowly
    - You are approving spam comments
    - Would remove the calendar from the side
    - ALso you have tons of weird widgets in your posts, just capturing their email address would do.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply
    • Agreed with all points you mention here also i am not satisfied with site url
  • Banned
  • Site looks a little better & I see you made some changes from before. How are you planning on making money though? Looks like you need to add adsense & you may do alright with alot more content.

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