Need a fresh pair of eyes

by idb
7 replies
  • |
EziSell | Everything You Need To Sell Online

Hi All

I have been working on this for a very long time - the whole system has taken around 18+ months of work and is now basically finished.

The site itself has been tweaked a lot and in pre release tests performed pretty good - however there is always room for improvements.

So hopefully a fresh pair of eyes from someone who actually know about increasing sales can make this better.

The site is

EziSell | Everything You Need To Sell Online

Please have a look and let me know if you have any great ideas.


To say thanks I can offer a discounted small shop for anyone interested who can help out with this (just let me know and I will send over details)

(as everything is through ClickBank the discount is the minimum they process --> $5 mth)

Thanks and hope you can help out

#eyes #fresh #pair
  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    First off the site is excellent in design. I liked it but this question came to mind.

    What are you selling a web design service ? or are you providing a site like Shopify ? or selling custom themes ... Your site did not convey exactly what you are providing. Make it clear to some one looking at your site for the first time. Hopefully others can provide you with more help. It looks great otherwise.
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    • Profile picture of the author idb
      great to hear you like the design - it took a while to bring it all together.

      Yes is is an instant shop setup service (like Shopify, Bigcommerce etc)

      Thanks for the tip - added a bit of text to the top logo and will see if I can think of a few other ways to display this a bit more on the landing page
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  • Profile picture of the author RogozRazvan
    The same objection as above - what exactly are you selling? OK, I understand the benefit but I don't understand the feature.

    Plus ...
    - who is this for?
    - why it is superior to the competition?
    - how easy is this for a beginner to use?
    - what results other people achieved with your platform?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9692796].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Wrenn
    Hi idb, here is the my experience after clicking on the link.

    1. I try reading the top text on the banner but it changed to something else too fast for me to finish.

    2. Scrolled down and thought it looked pretty snazzy.

    3. Saw the headline "Professional Designs to Help Generate More Sales" and thought, "Okay, I've got an idea about what this is all about now."

    4. Thought to myself "Why would I choose this over Wordpress or other, cheaper alternatives?"

    5. Couldn't find a concrete answer.

    6. Came here to write about it

    My experience makes me conclude that it might not hurt to add more about what makes these themes so great. Including something like a success story of someone using one of your themes as well as slowing the banner down a bit might be worth consideration.

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  • Profile picture of the author idb
    Thanks guys for the comments, have further tweaked a couple of areas

    Also curious if you clicked off the home page

    Sounds like I may need to make it longer to add in a few more details)

    Thanks for the pointers so far

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  • Profile picture of the author JakeStatler
    The website looks clean! Very, very nice. I like how you included the "contact" "about us" "blog" etc.. and similar pages all under one menu tab. This makes the site look really professional. And the responsive aspects of the site glide really smoothly keep up the great work!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9694071].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author idb
      Originally Posted by JakeStatler View Post

      The website looks clean! Very, very nice. I like how you included the "contact" "about us" "blog" etc.. and similar pages all under one menu tab. This makes the site look really professional. And the responsive aspects of the site glide really smoothly keep up the great work!
      Thanks Jake - yes decided to make the site a bit bulkier in terms of overall site content.
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