Apache permissions question...

2 replies
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it has been a while since I worked with Apache servers and I need to know something. I have a zip file uploaded to the server and it has the permissions of 644. Is that the correct settings to allow for downloading the file? If not, what should I set them to so I can have multiple people be able to download the file?

Thanks in advance for your help.

#apache #permissions #question
  • Profile picture of the author Karen Blundell
    you don't have to change permissions for them to download a file usually. If you find there is a problem (rare) change the permissions to 666
    and you should be good to go
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    • Profile picture of the author CmdrStidd
      The problem was not with the permissions, it was with my script that embeds a serial number into the downloaded software. I had it set up to handle the file with the name in all lower case but when I uploaded the actual file, its name was all in caps so the script did not recognize it as the same software and so it was throwing the errors. I got it straightened out and she runs fine now.

      Thank you for taking the time, though, to answer this. I do appreciate it.
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