How do I include a disclaimer in my website?

4 replies
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I know Disclaimers are important for websites. How should I add one? What are the guidelines?

Please advise. Thanks in advance
#disclaimer #include #website
  • Profile picture of the author artemis360
    Originally Posted by HyperVyper View Post

    I know Disclaimers are important for websites. How should I add one? What are the guidelines?

    Please advise. Thanks in advance
    Having a disclaimer is basically legal verbiage to cover your ass. In the IM niche it's usually used to say that you don't guarantee results and will not be held responsible.

    Click on my signature link for or and look at the bottom of my website disclaimer as an example.


    A r t e m i s

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    • Profile picture of the author kindsvater
      It depends on the issue.

      Some disclaimers may need to be made within your content next to a claim being made.

      Other disclaimers are fine being located in the legal terms.

      The more important the disclaimer is, the more important it is to make sure it is noticeable and closer to the claim being made. Example: if you are promoting a medical / health product that should not be taken by someone who is pregnant, you want that pregnancy disclaimer front and center.

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  • Profile picture of the author Himanshu1988
    There are people on fiverr who will do this for you for 1 gig ($5 USD). Better hire someone who is expert in this.

    Web Design | SEO | WordPress | Mobile App @ ZOTO Solutions

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  • Profile picture of the author MKarp
    1) Google this: "Website disclaimer template"

    2) Find one that looks legit.

    3) Download/Copy Paste it into a word doc

    4) Go through and customize it how you want. Typically, all you need to do is type in your name or your company name, where applicable.

    5) Create a page for it on your website.

    6) Link to it in your footer.

    Interesting side note: When I started my latest blog, I procrastinated adding the disclaimer, terms and conditions, etc.

    When I shared one of my posts on Google+, it would upload, but it would disappear after a couple hours.

    At first, I had no idea why. Then I thought that it was possible Google had followed the link and realized the site didn't have a disclaimer page, so they automatically took my post off Google+.

    It turns out I was right. As soon as I added my disclaimer and all that, my posts stayed up there.

    Just some evidence that Google pays attention to that stuff. And if they deem it important, it probably is.

    Disclaimer: I am not an expert in disclaimers, and should not be trusted as such. As always, it is advised that you seek the help of a professional.

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