Need Your Critique of My Web Hosting Review Site

4 replies
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Hey everyone. I could use your feedback on this website I've been working on:

click here to visit

Please note, the links on the website are active affiliate links.

Let me know your thoughts! Thank you for your time.
#critique #hosting #review #site #web
  • Profile picture of the author Jellypie Software
    It looks pretty good overall. However, your scrolling testimonials are scrolling too fast. It's not possible for a normal human being to read them before they scroll to the next. Try it yourself. See if you can read them out loud in the time they display. This is perhaps the #1 annoyance on the site.
    Easy to use 3D Software for making Marketing Images.
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  • Profile picture of the author JosephI
    You don't want to just hear praises, do you? :-)

    Agreed about testimonials. I was going to suggest you put nav arrows on the slider but then saw they are already there, just get lost in the text.

    I would increase as much as possible the best value banner.
    The best host banner looks hung out to dry. Needs better home
    The storm clouds don't convey happy feeling as well as hide socials and red text a bit hard to read or pop out.
    More emphasis on the 24/7 US phone and chat support.

    The SSDs are a recent addon and only at on the east coat location as far as I know. They were charging an extra premium
    but that may have changed. Maybe worth checking into.

    Not sure about free marketing. A bit confusing. There's better things to highlight.

    I seem to recall some caveats about daily data backup as well.

    Cheers and good luck with sales.
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  • Profile picture of the author karmaD
    It took me a fair bit of time to load the page - was very tempted to abandon it.
    Maybe you can optimize it to load quicker?
    Otherwise it looks very professional
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