WordPress Ecommerce / Magazine Style Theme

4 replies
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Hello my fellow warriors!

I know most of you don't use WordPress, I thought I'd ask the ones that do however. I'm looking for an ecommerce [WooCommerce] style website that offers a magazine style theme to it. In other words the best way to describe it would be that the homepage isn't just a shopping cart but is actually content driven while around that content there is products listed that allows an individual to purchase.

Does something like this exist? I've searched themeforest but can't seem to find something that offers a good mix without being too attentive towards one or the other.

Here is a Mock-Up (Crappy Picture) but just to illustrate.


Cheers & Thank You!
#ecommerce #magazine #style #theme #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author topnichewebsites
    I would use a pro style theme to get something like that done. You can PM me for a link and more details. Mike
    http://pixelcovers.com/ <- eBook add eCovers

    https://www.unicommercesolutions.com <- WordPress Websites and Maintenance
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    • Profile picture of the author NeshSab
      Most of the themes have a visual editor, so you can achieve your desired look in a matter of few clicks.

      Therefore you can model your homepage however you like. The Enfold theme is a good starting point for this.

      Good Luck!

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  • Profile picture of the author JosephI
    Most major WP theme providers such as Studiopress/Genesis and Woothems and others offer magazine style themes but don't just look at the sample offers.
    The themes can be customized in any way you want to use it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Adelina A
    I have read your question and I would suggest you that if you do not get themes from anywhere then you may design it by yourself according to your requirements. If you have a time then you may design it doing coding else you may design it using Wordpress theme generator, template-toaster, it will provide you a woo commerce plugin in Wordpress for design eCommerce websites.
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