Plz honest review my web

4 replies
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Can u tell me what more i should do
#honest #plz #review #web
  • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
    I think you need to ask yourself what value do you offer that Amazon and the free article directory doesn't?

    There isn't any unique content that I saw and so that means that a visitor might as well just go to the article directory or Amazon (and probably will since there is no reason for a search engine to favor your site over theirs).

    Or maybe I'm missing something. What is your plan for getting traffic, adding value, etc.?

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  • Profile picture of the author RHCalvin
    You can minimize the blank space at the bottom of the homepage by more articles. This will look more informative and attractive for visitors.

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  • Profile picture of the author raresmp
    This... This... Is this 1996 again? (joke here)

    Sorry I don't want to be rude or something like that but I don't really believe that a design like that has its place in today's web landscape so to speak.

    Here is my advice. Delete it. The entire website.. Go and make or purchase a more modern design. It doesn't need to be fancy or full of sliders and such things but trust me, it can be traditional and modern in the same time if this is the vibe you are looking for.

    Have a look at the websites around you, have a look at the websites you are regularly visiting or reading and let them inspire you.

    Hope this will help you,

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