I feel like I'm stabbing in the dark: driving my business forward.
The website is ok, probably needs a new theme, but I'll wait until after this winter.
Facebook has 1100 followers, which is reasonable, more would be good.
My Twitter account has 1000 followers, ditto.
The domain name does reasonably well on Google, but would like to move it up for various search terms.
Bookings for this winter (peak season) seem to be slow, whereas I know that some of my main competitors are doing better.
I'm ok technically, but not brilliant. I have a vague grasp of SEO, but again, far from brilliant.
I'm not sure where to invest my time and small budget when it comes to marketing and advertising, and so as a result end up feeling a bit overwhelmed, and so not achieving much at all.
Any advice would be great!
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