How can I do SEO for an entertainment eCommerce website?

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my website developed in core php which is emoji based entertainment E-commerce site in which user can create,download and buy emoji images/stickers and also able to share on social networking site.could anyone suggest me how to do seo for this website?
#ecommerce #entertainment #seo #website
  • Profile picture of the author Leadsupply

    Here's a little advice from someone who was in the same position as you are now, some years ago. I started with the Low-Hanging Fruit theory. This means start somewhere "easier".

    Start with backlink research on your biggest keyword/s competitors. Checkout their backlinks and try to get the "average" sites. Don't go for the top initially. Once yo got that list, start your link building there.

    The theory is if those sites already linked up to your competitors, this means that there will be a higher chance that they will like your site/services as well. It will be easier to pitch in your site. I won't go further on how to this coz it's a whole other topic.

    Once some of those sites linked to your site, repeat the process for a better or new list.

    I hope it helps.
    Signature Fresh Web Design and SEO Leads for Sale.
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    • Profile picture of the author jiyathakker
      Thank you for the valuable information
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  • Profile picture of the author jasonthewebmaster
    main keyword for all main pages: 'emoji download' or 'emoji stickers download'

    sub pages should have keywords for 'download ___ emoji' and 'emoji ___ download' where these longer keyword phrases focus on a certain type of emoji such as 'emoji hearts' or 'emoji zebra' etc.

    thats about it, pretty simple and laser targeted you should rank very high over time.
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  • Your backlink profile and other things play into your SEO rankings. I would suggest reading the MOZ SEO beginners guide for starters.
    Premium WooCommerce & WordPress Plugins $10/ea. or FREE With Membership.
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