Building my Online Store - Physical Products

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Hi all, Bit of a long one

I have a food brand (peanut butter) that has run well for the past few years since start up. I sell both online and to retail but I want to develop the business

To do this I would like to raise brand awareness and increase web sales. In doing this I have a bit of a plan which includes

VIDEO - I have plans to use content marketing and aim to use video to so this giving value to watchers. In addition my site will have help videos to aid the buying process.

FACEBOOK ADVERTISING - I have watched lots of videos about this and will jump in soon. However, are there any tips from you guys that will help me avoid any pitfalls?

GOOGLE SHOPPING - I have an account but really have little clue how to do this and time is scarce to learn

SOCIAL MEDIA - I am doing ok with this on both Twitter/Instagram and FB. All natural followers but I would like to grow this and was thinking of using a tool like Followliker to help and maybe having other accounts set up that would lead to my brand pages. Is this worth it and if so, what is the best way?

AMAZON - I have an account but don't use it

One of the things I struggle with is time.. I manufacture, sell etc etc. I was thinking of getting in some outside help or employing someone that could take on the above. Maybe me learning is just not practicable when there are skilled people out there while I do what I am better at... But, If I did this I have no idea what I should be paying or even if 1 person could do these things.

Any help will be good

#website design #building #online #physical #physical goods #products #store
  • Facebook = Power Editor ... learn it. Its great for certain things, but its always OK because its very cheap.

    Every business is its own Enigma. So its hard for me to say as I have no experience with your product.
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