Can anyone suggest some 3rd party API for Instant Messaging, Video Chat, Group Chat, Screen sharing?

4 replies
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So... I've been doing a bit of research and I currently haven't found the answer so I thought I would ask the warriors.
I want to integrate the 3rd party API into my website so that anyone can use IM, Video Sharing Screen from my website end.
#3rd #api #chat #group #instant #messaging #party #screen #sharing #suggest #video
  • Profile picture of the author Vorpal Blade
    API? Are you sure that's what you need?
    If your site is built with PHP, I'd suggest Cometchat. I used it on a dating website once and it has a lot of features, including IM, video chat and screen sharing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Soumik Saha
    Hi Vorpal,

    Yes, I am working with PHP. I'll go for Cometchat. Thanks for your suggestion.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike DeSouza
    I agree with Vorpal. With CometChat, you get a whole lot of features at a very reasonalble cost which includes audio video chat, one-on-one chat and moreover they do the integration for free.

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  • Profile picture of the author Soumik Saha
    I'm also working with Android App and IOS App. So, as per my requirements, I think Cometchat is good.
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