My Blog doesn't display correctly in IE7

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Can someone please tell me exactly (techie challenged) how to fix my blog in IE7? It is missing all the links on the right sidebar. My blog is at: Blog


#blog #correctly #display #ie7
  • Profile picture of the author cma01
    It's hard to tell without digging into the theme.

    If you switch themes does the same thing happen?

    If you disable the widgets and then reenable them one by one do they display?

    Here are a couple of links on that discuss the same problem.

    I ran your stylesheet through the validator and there were 17 errors. They weren't major, but sometimes the smallest errors will cause massive problems.

    There were 10 errors in the HTML itself. There are tags with a "role" definition?

    Was it working and then it stopped or did it never work? That's a stock Wordpress theme, so it's odd you would be having a problem with it.
    "Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something."
    ~ Plato
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  • Profile picture of the author KirkMcD
    Are you copying your posts from Word documents?
    There is a lot of extra code being added to each post that seems to be screwing up the display in IE. Firefox is ignoring it because it doesn't understand "IE Conditionals."
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  • Profile picture of the author GoldenRule
    Yes I am copying post from Word. How can I fix this?

    Ken Schumacher
    Golden Rule Enterprises
    Experience the supreme muscle car
    Do Remember, Expect Abundance & Miracles

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    • Profile picture of the author HomeComputerGames
      Originally Posted by GoldenRule View Post

      Yes I am copying post from Word. How can I fix this?
      If you are just using the "text" and not the formatting you can copy the text to notepad and then copy it again from there. It will leave out all of the silly extras word adds to it.

      yes, I am....

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      • Profile picture of the author GoldenRule
        Originally Posted by HomeComputerGames View Post

        If you are just using the "text" and not the formatting you can copy the text to notepad and then copy it again from there. It will leave out all of the silly extras word adds to it.
        That's good to know going forward, but now that I have already copied and pasted from Word and have the silly extras, how do I correct my blog currently so that it shows the sidebars again?

        To reply to cma01's post, I think this started to happen when I tried to switch themes, so I kinda don't think it is necessarily even related to pasting text from Word but I'm not sure. What's the best way to correct those html errors you found? I know some, but am not completely html savy. Does that program you used to find the errors help?

        Ken Schumacher
        Golden Rule Enterprises
        Experience the supreme muscle car
        Do Remember, Expect Abundance & Miracles

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        • Profile picture of the author olivier2371

          It could be because the new theme you are trying to use doesn't have a code fix for IE7, meaning it hasn't been optmizeed for IE7. You could try to upgrade to IE8.

          Does this helps?

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  • Profile picture of the author NowIstheTime
    Hmm... GoldenRule's upgrading to IE8, still won't change the theme issue for all his IE7 based visitors. Also, I was not able to see the sidebar in IE8 either.

    And I don't believe it is a theme issue, as the site is using the default theme.
    If you look at the source, you will see a lot of MS Word gunk, so it seems the copying from Word directly is the most likely cause.

    Can you try this GoldenRule? Create a new post in wordpress with basic text and let us know the URL.

    Let's see if the sidebar becomes visible in IE7/8 when viewing THAT particular post's page.

    At the same time.. please create another post in wordpress using text COPIED from WORD, but 'pasted into wordpress' using the "Paste From Word" Button in the post editor. Its on the right hand side.. Let us know the URL of this as well, there is a good chance this post's page will display the sidebar in IE7/8 as well.
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    • Profile picture of the author olivier2371
      hello NowIstheTime,

      Your correct, I have tried with IE8 and the right column doesn't show. But it does work with Firefox. I did'nt know that WordPress had problems with "MS Word gunk". That's another reason for me not use WordPress.

      Sorry I can't be more helpful.

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  • Profile picture of the author NowIstheTime
    Oliver... this is no reason to avoid Wordpress Wordpress has a nice solution to this problem.

    Copy the text from word.. and PASTE into Wordpress using the Post Page's "paste from word" button. This button removes all the gunk for you.

    Another option is to copy from Word into Notepad, and then into the Post Textbox. Notepad will also remove all the formatting and gunk for you.

    So what do you say GoldenRule? Got a non-Word-gunkified post for us to check out and confirm?
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    • Profile picture of the author olivier2371

      I do not avoid WordPress, but I more of a joomla fan.
      personally I would recommend WordPress for beginner, as it is easy to learn.

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  • Profile picture of the author GoldenRule
    Here is the post w/o using Word. I actually copied the quote from an email and pasted it into notepad first and then copied. The link is Another fine quote Blog

    As for the second part, sorry I don't see a 'paste from Word' button in my Wordpress admin.

    Ken Schumacher
    Golden Rule Enterprises
    Experience the supreme muscle car
    Do Remember, Expect Abundance & Miracles

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  • Profile picture of the author GoldenRule
    Sorry, I guess just that individual post to the blog doesn't show the sidebar in Firefox either, but once again if you view the whole blog in Firefox it does show. Blog

    Ken Schumacher
    Golden Rule Enterprises
    Experience the supreme muscle car
    Do Remember, Expect Abundance & Miracles

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  • Profile picture of the author cma01

    Yes, if you to and run your url through the validator, you can set it to display the code with the error.

    Sometimes that's the fastest way to find errors. There have been times I have been banging my head against a wall trying to figure out what is wrong with my stylesheet, then when I run it through the validator I find I had missed a semicolon off a definition or copied an extra character in a color code. So now I do that first when I run into an issue.
    "Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something."
    ~ Plato
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  • Profile picture of the author GoldenRule

    Which page of code does this affect? Are these errors in one of the .css files?

    Ken Schumacher
    Golden Rule Enterprises
    Experience the supreme muscle car
    Do Remember, Expect Abundance & Miracles

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  • Profile picture of the author NowIstheTime
    CMA1 & Golden... its not a code error
    It's a paste from word error.

    First things first... Golden.. you are running wordpress 2.8.4... you will definitely have a "Paste-From-Word" Option

    1. In any post edit page... you will see two options.. Visual and HTML.
    2. Click on "Visual"
    3. Then on the Right side of the menu above the text box you will see an option for: "Show/Hide Kitchen Sink"
    4. Click on that and a second row of text editing icons will show up.
    5. Right in the middle of the bottom row will be your Button for "Pasting from Word"

    Let me know if you see it.


    Also, in most likelihood, we will need to go through your 10-15 posts and remove the word code... but for now... would you be able to make all of the posts 'private' (other than the last one you created.

    Go to the posts page... Select all of the posts... Click on Bulk Actions... Edit...
    Then you will see an Pulldown menu called status. ... click on that box and select "Private"& ok.

    Let's see what the blog looks like without any "Word Code infested posts"
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    • Profile picture of the author GoldenRule
      I do now see the paste from word button. Also I now made all posts private except for a recent post where I just typed in a post. I still don't see the sidebar.

      Ken Schumacher
      Golden Rule Enterprises
      Experience the supreme muscle car
      Do Remember, Expect Abundance & Miracles

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  • Profile picture of the author NowIstheTime
    Hey... looks like we got the site working even with this theme now that the word code posts were removed... At least I'm able to see it in IE8 (can anyone else with IE7 and IE8 confirm?). Try refreshing your page by pressing "Shift" and "F5" at the same time.

    Judging by your source code... you may not need to update all of the posts... seems like the offending post is either the june 18, 09 post.. (where the page abruptly stops) or the post before that one...

    So please edit these two posts (the june 18th and the one prior) by copying the contents of the text box into notepad and back into it and make these public again and let's see it.
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  • Profile picture of the author GoldenRule
    Can you look at it now, I think that did the trick as far as I can see.

    Ken Schumacher
    Golden Rule Enterprises
    Experience the supreme muscle car
    Do Remember, Expect Abundance & Miracles

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  • Profile picture of the author NowIstheTime
    Yup! The sidebar is visible in firefox and IE ... I think that's the only Word-code goobledy-gook in your posts... Try making all your posts public again.
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  • Profile picture of the author GoldenRule
    That did the trick! Thanks so much!

    Ken Schumacher
    Golden Rule Enterprises
    Experience the supreme muscle car
    Do Remember, Expect Abundance & Miracles

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    • Profile picture of the author rajuguru
      Very interesting site.
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      • Profile picture of the author GoldenRule
        Originally Posted by rajuguru View Post

        Very interesting site.
        Thank you.

        Ken Schumacher
        Golden Rule Enterprises
        Experience the supreme muscle car
        Do Remember, Expect Abundance & Miracles

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  • Profile picture of the author NowIstheTime
    So the only thing left for you is to add back any formatting (bold, italics, etc.) that were lost when you copied from notepad.

    Good luck!
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